
25 lines
932 B
Executable File

from django.conf.urls.defaults import *
from django.views.generic import list_detail
from mtgweb.analyzer.models import Card
# Uncomment the next two lines to enable the admin:
from django.contrib import admin
urlpatterns = patterns('',
# Example:
# (r'^mtgweb/', include('')),
(r'^$', 'mtgweb.analyzer.views.index'),
(r'^cards/$', list_detail.object_list, {'queryset': Card.objects.all(), 'paginate_by': 20}),
(r'^cards/(?P<name>.*?)/$', ''),
(r'^decks/$', 'mtgweb.decks.views.index'),
(r'^decks/(?P<id>\d+)/$', 'mtgweb.decks.views.detail'),
# Uncomment the admin/doc line below and add 'django.contrib.admindocs'
# to INSTALLED_APPS to enable admin documentation:
# (r'^admin/doc/', include('django.contrib.admindocs.urls')),
# Uncomment the next line to enable the admin:
(r'^admin/', include(,