Add keyboard usb-c connector housing

For a Ducky Shine 6 keyboard, replaces the housing used for the factory
USB Micro-B connector. Accommodates a 9mm x 14mm JRC-B008 USB-C breakout
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Correl Roush 2023-03-18 00:52:39 -04:00
parent 9be72f43c4
commit 7b3ccb9365
1 changed files with 105 additions and 0 deletions

ducky-shine-6-usbc.scad Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,105 @@
/* Ducky Shine 6 USB-C Connector Housing
For a Ducky Shine 6 keyboard, replaces the housing used for the factory USB
Micro-B connector. Accommodates a 9mm x 14mm JRC-B008 USB-C breakout board.
$fn = 50;
mode = "bottom"; // ["top", "bottom", "both"]
fit_tolerance = 0.4;
housing_width = 14;
housing_depth = 14;
housing_height = 6;
exposed_connector = 4;
cable_insert_length = 7.3;
module top() {
translate([0,0,housing_height / 2])
cube([housing_width, housing_depth, housing_height / 2]);
module bottom() {
lip_width = 1.5;
tab_depth = 6;
left_tab_width = 5.5;
right_tab_width = 7.3;
screw_diameter = 3;
// Left lip + tab
cube([housing_width, housing_depth, housing_height / 2]);
translate([-lip_width, 0, 0]) {
cube([lip_width + fit_tolerance, housing_depth, housing_height / 4]);
translate([-left_tab_width, housing_depth - 2 - tab_depth, 0]) {
difference() {
cube([1.5 + fit_tolerance + left_tab_width, tab_depth, housing_height / 4]);
translate([3, 3, -1])
cylinder(h=housing_height + 2, r=screw_diameter / 2);
// Right tab
translate([housing_width - fit_tolerance,0,0]) {
difference() {
cube([fit_tolerance + right_tab_width, tab_depth, housing_height / 4]);
translate([right_tab_width - 3, 3, -1])
cylinder(h=housing_height + 2, r=screw_diameter / 2);
module cable_port() {
cylinder(h=cable_insert_length, r=2.75);
module usb_cutout() {
cutout_height = 3.2 + (2 * fit_tolerance);
cutout_width = 9 + (2 * fit_tolerance);
cutout_depth = 14 + (2 * fit_tolerance);
connector_depth = 10.6;
connector_lip_offset = connector_depth - exposed_connector - fit_tolerance;
translate([(housing_width - cutout_width) / 2, 0, (housing_height - cutout_height) / 2]) {
difference() {
cube([cutout_width, cutout_depth, cutout_height]);
translate([-fit_tolerance, connector_lip_offset, -fit_tolerance])
cube([cutout_width + (fit_tolerance * 2), cutout_depth - connector_lip_offset + fit_tolerance, 0.8]);
module cable_port_cutout() {
usb_cutout_width = 9 + (2 * fit_tolerance);
usb_cutout_offset = (housing_width - usb_cutout_width) / 2;
cutout_length = usb_cutout_width + usb_cutout_offset;
translate([-cutout_length + fit_tolerance, 2.75, 2.75])
cylinder(h=cutout_length + cable_insert_length, r=2);
difference() {
union() {
if (mode == "top" || mode == "both")
if (mode == "bottom" || mode == "both") {
translate([housing_width - fit_tolerance,housing_depth - 5.5,0])
union () {
translate([0, -(2 + fit_tolerance), 0])
translate([housing_width - fit_tolerance, housing_depth - 5.5, 0])