#+title: Audio Input and Volume Control [[file:pcb.png]] * Features - Switches between three external inputs, outputting through the 3.5mm LINE OUT jack. - Volume control and input switching can be done using the pressable dial on the front - Current status is displayed on a 128x32 OLED display - Can be fully controlled via Home Assistant as an [[https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/mqtt/][MQTT-discoverable]] device. * Firmware ** Configuration Create a file named =settings.json= in the project directory with WiFi and MQTT connection information. #+begin_src js { "wifi": { "ssid": "MY-SSID", "password": "my-wifi-password" }, "mqtt": { "broker": "", "prefix": "digital-audio-switch" } } #+end_src ** Deploying Connect the ESP32 to your computer. If you haven't already, [[https://micropython.org/download/esp32/][flash it with the latest version of MicroPython]], and ensure you have [[https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/reference/mpremote.html][mpremote installed]]. Running =make= will install dependencies and copy the code and configuration to the ESP32, resetting it when done. * Circuit Design The schematic and board layout can be found in the [[file:kicad/][kicad]] folder. * Case The 3D-printable case is built using FreeCAD and can be found in the [[file:freecad/][freecad]] folder. It is divided into a top and bottom piece. The PCB is affixed using four M3 threaded inserts and 6mm M3 bolts, the case is assembled using 2 M3 threaded inserts and 2 10mm M3 bolts.