"""MicroPython MCP413X/415X/423X/425X SPI driver Driver for the 7/8-Bit Single/Dual SPI Digital POT with Volatile Memory from Microchip. (https://ww1.microchip.com/downloads/en/DeviceDoc/22060b.pdf) Copyright 2023 Correl Roush Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the “Software”), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED “AS IS”, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. """ from machine import Pin, SPI class NetworkControl: def __init__(self, hw=True, a=True, w=True, b=True) -> None: self.forced_hardware_shutdown = hw self.terminal_a_connected = a self.wiper_connected = w self.terminal_b_connected = b @staticmethod def from_bin(data: int) -> "NetworkControl": return NetworkControl( hw=bool(data & 0b1000), a=bool(data & 0b0100), w=bool(data & 0b0010), b=bool(data & 0b0001), ) def __repr__(self): return " None: self.resistor_0 = resistor_0 self.resistor_1 = resistor_1 @staticmethod def from_bin(data: int) -> "TerminalControl": return TerminalControl( resistor_0=NetworkControl.from_bin(data), resistor_1=NetworkControl.from_bin(data >> 4), ) def __repr__(self): return "".format( r0=self.resistor_0, r1=self.resistor_1, ) def command_bytes(address: int, command: int, data: int = 0x0) -> bytearray: """Translate an address, command, and data into bytes to send. - Address is a 4-bit memory address. - Command is a 2-bit command code. - Data is 2 bits for increment and decrement operations (ignored), and 10 bits for read and write operations. """ command_byte = address << 4 & 0b11110000 | command << 2 & 0b00001100 if command in (0b00, 0b11): # Include data byte for 10 total bits of data return bytearray([command_byte | (0b11 & data >> 8), data & 0xFF]) return bytearray([command_byte]) class MCP4: """MicroPython MCP413X/415X/423X/425X SPI driver""" ADDRESS_WIPER_0 = 0x00 ADDRESS_WIPER_1 = 0x01 ADDRESS_TCON = 0x04 ADDRESS_STATUS = 0x05 CMD_WRITE = 0b00 CMD_INCREMENT = 0b01 CMD_DECREMENT = 0b10 CMD_READ = 0b11 def __init__(self, spi: SPI, cs: Pin) -> None: self.spi = spi self.cs = cs def _write(self, data: bytearray) -> bytearray: """Write data to the SPI interface, returning its output.""" output = bytearray(len(data)) self.spi.write_readinto(data, output) return output def do(self, address: int, command: int, data: int = 0x0) -> int: """Execute a command on the MCP4, returning its integer result.""" self.cs(0) output = self._write(command_bytes(address, command, data)) self.cs(1) OK = 0b11111110 if OK != output[0] & OK: self.cs(0) raise ValueError("Invalid command") result = output[0] & 0b01 if len(output) > 1: result <<= 8 result |= output[1] return result def increment(self, wiper: int = 0) -> int: """Increment a wiper.""" return self.do( address=self.ADDRESS_WIPER_1 if wiper == 1 else self.ADDRESS_WIPER_0, command=self.CMD_INCREMENT, ) def decrement(self, wiper: int = 0) -> int: """Decrement a wiper.""" return self.do( address=self.ADDRESS_WIPER_1 if wiper == 1 else self.ADDRESS_WIPER_0, command=self.CMD_DECREMENT, ) def read(self, wiper: int = 0) -> int: """Read the current value of a wiper.""" return self.do( address=self.ADDRESS_WIPER_1 if wiper == 1 else self.ADDRESS_WIPER_0, command=self.CMD_READ, ) def write(self, wiper: int = 0, data: int = 0x00) -> int: """Set a value for a wiper.""" return self.do( address=self.ADDRESS_WIPER_1 if wiper == 1 else self.ADDRESS_WIPER_0, command=self.CMD_WRITE, data=data, ) def is_shutdown(self) -> bool: status = self.do(address=self.ADDRESS_STATUS, command=self.CMD_READ) return status & 0b10 == 0b10 @property def control(self) -> TerminalControl: data = self.do(address=self.ADDRESS_TCON, command=self.CMD_READ) return TerminalControl.from_bin(data)