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2021-09-01 16:57:39 -04:00
:ID: 33e47957-b3d0-41c9-8977-7243b42a76dd
#+title: Control Panel HTTP Requests
#+PROPERTY: header-args :exports both :eval no-export
#+PROPERTY: header-args:http :cookie .cookies :cookie-jar .cookies
* Cookies
| Name | Description |
| AUTORESPSID | Session ID |
Cookies for requests in this document are stored in cookie file by curl in
=~/.cookies= (
* AJAX Requests
Control Panel controller actions that expect to be called as AJAX endpoints
expect the =X-Requested-With= header to be present and set to =XMLHttpRequest=.
* Logging In
** Fetching a CSRF Token
#+name: login-csrf
#+begin_src http :pretty
GET localhost:8080/users/pub/csrf
#+RESULTS: login-csrf
: 63116e764c5d31cdd3e4f230ee3740527f6eb1c76aea1cb04e30da5d68e24d78
** Sending credentials
#+begin_src http :pretty :var csrf=login-csrf
POST localhost:8080/users/account/loginAjax
X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest${csrf}
: {"submitStatus":{"code":200,"message":"\/users\/","category":"status_success"},"validationErrors":[]}