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2021-09-01 16:57:39 -04:00
:ID: e06b26c8-9227-4fcc-8f0a-9b83c64693b4
#+title: Deploying projects
* Environments
- Testing :: Newly merged code is automatically deployed to this environment to
be tested.
- Staging :: Tagged releases are automatically deployed to this environment for
spot-checking prior to production release.
- Production :: Tagged releases are manually deployed to the live production
* Deployment methods
** Gitlab CI
Projects define pipelines in a =.gitlab-ci.yml= file to automate running tests,
building the project, and deploying it to our three platform environments.
** Jenkins :deprecated:
Pipelines are defined in Jenkins to react to pushed and tagged code in source
control to run tests and deploy projects to our platform environments.
** Chef / Puppet :deprecated:
* Deployment targets
** Buzzops (Local Kubernetes)
** Amazon Web Services
When appropriate, dockerized applications may be deployed to Amazon ECS
** Chef and Puppet managed virtual machines :deprecated:
* Further information
** Front-End Applications
** Control Panel (Sites)