2021-09-01 16:57:39 -04:00
:ID: db322997-ff5e-416a-8dc8-f29e6a4928c8
#+title: Technical Initiative
2022-01-31 20:55:25 -05:00
- [[https://confluence.aweber.io/display/~scottm/CP+Technical+Work+Brainstorming][2022 Brainstorming Document]]
- [[https://confluence.aweber.io/display/TCP/2022+Q1+CP+Priorities][2022 Q1 CP Priorities]]
- [[id:193f7c04-0a03-4870-90c8-2b5e3c4c92ce][Moving pages out of Sites]]
* Big
** Analytics View
- Coordinate on public URL structure with Dave S.
- Update dashboard and reports to use new endpoints as they're made available.
** [[id:11edd6c9-b976-403b-a419-b5542ddedaae][Subscriber Search Service]]
*** Store and paginate search results
*** Rebuild Subscriber Management in React
** Verifications
*** Updating the existing verification flow to use email-verifications
*** Decommission Verifications
** Domain Validator
** [[id:619b6c78-7be9-4ee4-a0b7-9d1a4d7536e2][Migrating services to use the new List service]]
*** Audit remaining services
*** Rebuild List Management in React
*** Rebuild List Settings in React
*** Remove dependency on AWLists from Subscriber Import
** Retire AWSubscribers in favor of Recipient
*** Back Recipient with AppDB
*** Retire sync consumers
*** Identify gaps between AWSubs and Recipient
Determine which endpoints need to have analogs in Recipient or could be replaced
with calls to other, more appropriate services.
*** Look into folding in edeliv's bulk subscriber service
** [[id:03e00c18-99c0-477c-b7fb-95ddc538755e][Addlead]] Python rewrite
- Find / Build a test suite that can be run against old and new addlead?
- WHAT DOES IT DO?! https://jira.aweber.io/browse/CCPANEL-7614
- ACP? https://jira.aweber.io/browse/CCPANEL-7613
** Enlightener rewrite
- Investigate how to rebuild this
** Sites login / session management
- Should advocate users be migrated to user management?
*** Separate from the rest of the CP
** Advocate CP
*** Python service + react application
** Verify Opt-in Python rewrite
** Unsubscribe Python rewrite
** [[id:b4f579f7-f848-4a7b-b7bc-f34fec36346a][Cleaning up public endpoints in proxy services]]
* Small
** [[id:af4ae6ee-5201-49ee-aa01-6cf6a0801908][Migrating AWS services]]
** [[id:96d1d218-60cd-41d9-91ba-48359137d239][Decommission the mail-relay service]]
- User Management
- Stripe Payments
- Commissions Processor