:PROPERTIES: :ID: 01734a72-e074-4240-ba46-9e062d7a694a :END: #+title: The Fractal Phoenix A poem I wrote on [2016-05-05 Thu] (?), using the metaphor of [[id:c3ef9323-5108-4fc1-a9a4-0899369d0c44][The Phoenix]]. I had a lot of emotions raging at once that day, in a lot of different ways, in a lot of different stages. I recall putting it together during a drive to work, and scrambling to get it down at a red light. #+begin_verse A tumultuous existence Parts dead and silent Parts bolstered by the flames Parts in agony as the white hot fire overwhelms and consumes simultaneously hopeful, numb, determined, enraged, despondent, mischievous, strong, and shattered. #+end_verse