:PROPERTIES: :ID: 7b2c0d3c-df1e-4389-9398-86607b613e2d :END: #+title: Is cis a slur Cis is literally just the antonym of [[id:52380883-51c6-4736-8dfb-794ce19d54e2][Trans]]. It is not a [[id:d4035c81-6be0-412c-855a-1c7973ed62c8][Slur]] any more than [[id:1be7c81d-9398-4f77-9888-3cbad6e4a557][trans is a slur]]. Oftentimes I see it used dismissively in the face of cis folks describing how they think a trans person feels or ought to feel / behave, in which case that intent is quite warranted. Other times it's a means of expressing exhaustion at folks who simply don't "get it", and don't particularly need to. That is to say, cisgenderedness is a form of [[id:15a18226-dc73-4a2a-aa88-5f9b92a06471][Privilege]]. Gender-criticals or [[id:b08fb6b0-aedf-4066-ba3c-ca03aa323d33][TERFs]] tend to avoid the adjective "cis", preferring to other transgender men and women as "transmen" and "transwomen", separate from the (assumed cis) categories "men" and "women" ([[file:RuthPearceSonjaErikainen1978.org::*Terminology][Terf wars: an introduction]]).