:PROPERTIES: :ID: e83c1ece-35f6-414d-986f-59533fb3d6a9 :END: #+title: Sailmaker Network The network topology for [[id:2059634f-422e-4be2-8812-22f5f0dc2626][Our house]]. Service is provided via Verizon FIOS. The coax connection from Verizon is disconnected to avoid interference from our local MoCA network. * Diagram #+begin_notes 1: Somehow reaches Josh's room (unbroken?) 2: 3: b splitter to living room 3.1: kitchen island 3.2: living room 4.1: office 4.2: router (media room) ?: Directly up outside wall by main splitter corner. Attic, maybe? ?: Up beside splitter facing edge of basement stair entrance. Bare panel exists at that point behind bookshelf in media room. Possibly terminates at Stephanie's upstairs desk (runs over door frame from back wall. Faulty, may be chewed too much to work. Will need to be cut. ?: up duct along stairs facing dining room wall. #+end_notes #+begin_src dot :file sailmaker-network-connections.svg digraph { internet [label="FIOS",shape="doublecircle"] subgraph cluster_splitter_main { label="Main Splitter" node[shape="circle"] s1[label="IN"] s1_1[label="1"] s1_2[label="2"] s1_3[label="3"] s1_4[label="4"] } subgraph cluster_splitter_aux { label="Aux Splitter" node[shape="circle"] s4[label="IN"] s4_1[label="1"] s4_2[label="2"] } subgraph cluster_basement { label="Basement" subgraph cluster_ont { label="ONT" node[shape="circle"] ont_in[label="IN"] node[shape="square"] ont_ethernet[label="OUT"] } subgraph cluster_splitter_basement { label="Splitter" node[shape="circle"] s3[label="IN"] s3_1[label="1"] s3_2[label="2"] } } subgraph cluster_first_floor { label="First Floor" subgraph cluster_living_room { label="Living Room" subgraph cluster_living_room_adapter { label="MoCA Adapter" node[shape="circle"] la_in[label="IN"] node[shape="square"] la_out[label="OUT"] } subgraph cluster_living_room_switch { label="Switch" ls_1[label="1"] ls_2[label="2"] ls_3[label="3"] ls_4[label="4"] ls_5[label="5"] } } subgraph cluster_media_room { label="Media Room" subgraph cluster_router { label="Router" node[shape="square"] router_in[label="IN"] router_1[label="1"] router_2[label="2"] router_3[label="3"] router_4[label="4"] } subgraph cluster_router_adapter { label="MoCA Adapter" node[shape="square"] router_adapter_in[label="IN"] node[shape="circle"] router_adapter_out[label="OUT"] } } subgraph cluster_kitchen { label="Kitchen Island" node[shape="circle"] kitchen_in[label=""] } } subgraph cluster_second_floor { label="Second Floor" subgraph cluster_office { label="Office" subgraph cluster_office_adapter { label="MoCA Adapter" node[shape="circle"] office_in[label="IN"] } } subgraph cluster_josh{ label="Josh's Room" subgraph cluster_josh_splitter { label="Splitter" node[shape="circle"] josh_in[label="IN"] josh_1[label="1"] josh_2[label="2"] } subgraph cluster_josh_adapter { label="MoCA Adapter" node[shape="circle"] josh_adapter_in[label="IN"] node[shape="square"] josh_adapter_out[label="OUT"] } } subgraph cluster_cat{ label="Cat's Room" subgraph cluster_cat_adapter { label="MoCA Adapter" node[shape="circle"] cat_in[label="IN"] } } } internet -> ont_in ont_ethernet -> router_in router_1 -> router_adapter_in router_adapter_out -> s1 s1_1 -> josh_in josh_1 -> josh_adapter_in josh_2 -> cat_in s1_3 -> s3 s1_4 -> s4 s3_1 -> kitchen_in s3_2 -> la_in la_out -> ls_1 s4_1 -> office_in } #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:sailmaker-network-connections.svg]] * Diagram (old) :ARCHIVE: #+name: network #+begin_src plantuml :file sailmaker-network.svg skinparam linetype ortho frame Outside { component ONT component "Outside 4-Way Splitter\n(5-1000Mhz)" { port os4_in port os4_1 port os4_2 port os4_3 port os4_4 } component "Outside 3-Way Splitter\n(5-1670Mhz)" { port os3_in port os3_1 port os3_2 } } frame Basement { component BasementSplitter { port bs_in port bs_1 port bs_2 } } frame FirstFloor { frame MediaRoom { component Router component Reason component MoCA1 } frame LivingRoom { component MoCA2 component SwitchTV { port tvs1 port tvs2 port tvs3 } component SonyBravia4K component PS4W component PS4R component SwitchW1 } } frame SecondFloor { frame Office { component Zephyrus component MoCA3 component SwitchOffice { port ofs1 port ofs2 port ofs3 } component RokuTV component SwitchR } } SecondFloor -[hidden]down- FirstFloor FirstFloor -[hidden]down- Basement FirstFloor -[hidden]right- Outside LivingRoom -[hidden]left- MediaRoom ONT -[#blue,thickness=5]up- Router : Ethernet (1000) Router -[#blue,thickness=5] Reason : Ethernet (1000) Router -[#blue,thickness=5] MoCA1 : Ethernet (1000) os3_in -[#black,thickness=6]up- MoCA1 : Coax os3_2 -[#black,thickness=6]up- MoCA3 : Coax os3_1 -[#black,thickness=6] os4_in : Coax bs_in -[#black,thickness=6]up- os4_1 : Coax bs_1 -[#black,thickness=6]up- MoCA2 : Coax tvs1 -[#gold,thickness=5] MoCA2 tvs2 -[#gold,thickness=5] SonyBravia4K tvs3 -[#gold,thickness=5] PS4R ofs1 -[#gold,thickness=5] MoCA3 : Ethernet(100) ofs2 -[#gold,thickness=5] Zephyrus : Ethernet (100) ofs3 -[#gold,thickness=5] RokuTV : Ethernet (100) #+end_src #+RESULTS: network [[file:sailmaker-network.svg]]