:PROPERTIES: :ID: 230deeda-1710-4fe6-9f15-d2920812a68f :END: #+title: 2022-06-03 * [[id:d06d3ab4-c2d0-47c3-aae1-4395567fc3d2][Normalizing tags]] in production :PROPERTIES: :header-args:sql: :engine postgresql :cmdline "-U postgres postgres" :dir /docker:postgres: :exports both :cache yes :eval no-export :END: #+CAPTION: Find the next set of least affected accounts #+begin_src sql SELECT COUNT(*) FROM accounts WHERE NOT normalized #+end_src #+RESULTS[ba37582203de3bc2f2032b77542766039971dbcd]: | count | |-------| | 27 | #+CAPTION: Find the next set of least affected accounts #+NAME: 12-top-accounts #+begin_src sql :results silent SELECT account_id FROM accounts WHERE NOT normalized ORDER BY total #+end_src #+begin_src emacs-lisp :var accounts=12-top-accounts :results file :eval no-export (let ((filename "~/git/normalize_account_tags/production/12-top-accounts")) (with-temp-file filename (insert (s-join "\n" (-map #'car accounts)))) filename) #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:~/git/normalize_account_tags/production/12-top-accounts]]