:ID:       7a19b34d-c4bb-462b-8fae-581bf06dfdc4
#+title: Functor

In [[id:9e68d422-cced-4177-96d1-90f777b9a493][Software Development]], this refers to a parameterized data type that wraps a
value in a context and provides a method for applying a function to the wrapped
value, independent of the container type.

In [[id:9ac78677-2602-4a06-af0a-4ed82e98a9b6][Haskell]], the function for applying a function to a value in a functor is
=fmap=, also available as the infix operator =<$>=.

#+caption: =fmap= in Haskell
#+begin_src haskell :exports code
  fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b

* Examples
** Maybe
#+caption: Implementation of Functor for Maybe in Haskell
#+begin_src haskell :exports code
  instance Functor Maybe where
    fmap func (Just n) = Just (func n)
    fmap func Nothing = Nothing