:PROPERTIES: :ID: 9cfd85fd-998e-4f21-b82e-c7963576c202 :END: #+title: Deploying S4 to Kubernetes Tasks for deploying [[id:c7322400-c6e6-4595-87e2-7db6e57b6a2b][S4]] to Kubernetes. * DONE Deploying the service * Migrating the Redis database * Deploying the workers ** DONE Use environment variables for configuration rather than consul https://gitlab.aweber.io/CP/Rundeck/s4-utils/-/commit/8d4dd3b8196bcd716a70e1c751b4743fdaa62646 ** DONE Set up all the rundeck jobs in testing - Configure the rundeck jobs - Ensure all ACL tokens are accounted for ** TODO Update the appdb credentials - [ ] Testing - [ ] Staging - [ ] Production ** TODO Set up all the rundeck jobs in staging ** TODO Set up all the rundeck jobs in production ** TODO Add missing config values - IP ranges =lock_key= and =lock_minutes=