:PROPERTIES: :ID: d3c18b58-db42-4c5f-a1e4-12382a900f4b :ROAM_ALIASES: Slip-box :END: #+title: Zettelkasten A style of [[id:3dc8df7d-0050-4afb-9c93-5d0c50d324d0][Taking better notes]] by connecting small, narrowly-focused, interrelated notes developed by Niklas Luhmann. Zettelkasten translates literally to a slip-box, or a box of notes. * Core concepts - Notes should be concise and constrained to a single concept. Multiple concepts should be described separately and related via links. - Notes should be taken in your own words to facilitate understanding, and be written in such a way that no additional context is necessary to understand them. - Notes should be discoverable not through a hierarchy of categories, but through notes on related concepts chosen by how you'll want to come across the note in the future. * References - [[https://www.youtube.com/user/shu12081995][Videos by Shu Omi]] - [[id:0cf298df-4f53-45b5-acb4-0b3ce2d00faa][The Zettelkasten Method - LessWrong 2.0]] - [[id:cd8821fe-f770-480c-baad-ec1e8463f0a2][How to Take Smart Notes: One Simple Technique to Boost Writing, Learning and Thinking – for Students, Academics and Nonfiction Book Writers]]