:PROPERTIES: :ID: f94cbbe7-8a99-47ee-8a11-51e4f1295b81 :ROAM_REFS: cite:MatsHolmberg1970 :ROAM_ALIASES: "Holmberg et al., 2018" :END: #+TITLE: Supporting sexuality and improving sexual function in transgender persons * Excerpts #+begin_quote For some transgender women, low sexual desire can lead to personal or relational distress, fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for hypoactive sexual desire disorder (HSDD). #+end_quote #+begin_quote For transgender women who wish to maintain erectile ability, occurrence of nocturnal and spontaneous erections might, therefore, be important, and can be supported by low-​dose testosterone and/or the use of phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitors. ([[id:c5a7e1c9-04e6-4f3c-a5bb-7443fce82fd7][Isidori et al., 2013]]) #+end_quote