:PROPERTIES: :ID: d26bf0a5-990c-48e6-9259-b2689a16a0a8 :END: #+title: 2021-10-11 * [[id:bdea0611-e377-4378-a118-aef6d4a70bdf][CREASE]] pilot kickoff meeting https://confluence.aweber.io/pages/viewpage.action?spaceKey=~robm&title=Welcome+to+CREASE+-+Pilot Signup: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bbuRFQd53rKPsBXm8Gvr0YwCVyL-8YCj1VYgBeYMD8c/edit?usp=sharing * Discussing tagging with Ryan - Redis is used to search for rule sets by the rule engine for any event coming in (by list, account, and rule set id) - Can't find any timing metrics around rule service search - Item count in Redis is continuing to grow - Campaign tag consumer appears to be one of the worst performers in campaign engine