:PROPERTIES: :ID: c47f2faa-09f9-4307-8a5b-5a130ecacb76 :END: #+title: 2021-09-24 * Reviewing dashboard prototype https://xd.adobe.com/view/d5897e51-82ed-4a17-9d7e-57412a391c03-80da/ A discussion about potential future updates to the [[id:57ee2f00-9bcd-4e0f-8a77-ae1f2d4cda89][Control Panel]] [[id:0d24c57a-fd56-43b0-8209-497320bf79f7][Dashboard]]. There is a desire to display the most recent subscribers added. I don't believe we have a way to fetch those from our current public APIs, but the planned [[id:11edd6c9-b976-403b-a419-b5542ddedaae][Subscriber Search Service]] should provide that functionality once it's ready. How would we define subscriber engagement? Recent sales would have to be provided by the [[id:3ddc4e32-932f-4748-bfe9-7025d4d6b352][Report API Controller]] or the future [[id:c45881de-46f2-4f76-9579-063626c5956c][Analytics View Service]]. Recent edits?