:PROPERTIES: :ID: df5b2861-3838-409d-b4e4-fce7f302f778 :END: #+title: How I Work I work primarily within [[id:edc0533a-9097-4f5e-a2af-6caeae2f426b][Emacs]], typically with a Chromium web browser and/or a terminal emulator alongside it, and Slack and/or other messaging apps on another screen. * Organizing my space - Using a tiling window manager ([[https://github.com/koekeishiya/yabai][yabai]] in OSX ) to keep windows I need to see where I need to see them, and avoid getting jumbled with things getting hidden behind each other. - Splitting my ultrawide so I can provide a desktop for sharing my workspace remotely - Keeping a dedicated monitor for Slack communication #+begin_src ditaa :cmdline -T :file monitor-layout.png /----------------+---------------+----------------------+------------\ /-------------------------------\ | | | | | | | | Documentation | Video Call | | App in | | | | |cAFA | | Browser | | | | +---------------+ Emacs |cAFF | | Slack | | | | +------------+ | | | | Misc. | | | | | | | | | Terminal | | | |cAFF |cFAF |cFAA |cAAA | |cAAF | \----------------+---------------+----------------------+------------/ \-------------------------------/ #+end_src #+RESULTS: [[file:monitor-layout.png]] * Coding - Navigating projects and source files using Projectile. - Staging and committing changes with Magit. + Submitting MRs with Forge - Running integrated code formatters, linters, and test runners. * Writing ** Keeping a work journal - Maintaining a work journal with [[id:4d7dffe3-4af4-41d0-85a2-270a20593c8d][Org Mode]], taking meeting notes and keeping a record of how I accomplish non-coding work like troubleshooting issues. ** Organizing notes :ATTACH: - Documenting things as I go in [[id:0567a35c-3afb-4ed5-a9ec-47425c5d6f06][Org-roam]] and exporting them to Confluence when appropriate. [[attachment:_20211217_170445image.png]] ** Including shell commands, http calls, sql queries, and their results in my notes ** Including graphs and diagrams ** Publishing documents * Tracking things to do - Capturing /and scheduling/ tasks - Using the [[id:4d7dffe3-4af4-41d0-85a2-270a20593c8d][Org Mode]] agenda view to plan my day - [[id:038c58e9-2fe9-495a-8dfb-bc3c1c538ad1][Managing projects]]