:PROPERTIES: :ID: 1babafcd-e2e4-4e6c-990d-50f99ca7916d :END: #+title: 2023-10-25 * FastAPI and Typer - [[https://fastapi.tiangolo.com/][FastAPI]] is a [[id:cda9c620-fec5-4549-b979-22fc06819d77][Python]] web framework library that makes use of [[id:5cb1f706-0162-4e6d-9cd8-dc6af3ae68cc][Python Typing]] to quickly construct HTTP APIs with OpenAPI and JSONSchema documentation. - [[https://typer.tiangolo.com/][Typer]] is a [[id:cda9c620-fec5-4549-b979-22fc06819d77][Python]] CLI application framework that makes use of [[id:5cb1f706-0162-4e6d-9cd8-dc6af3ae68cc][Python Typing]] to build command line tools with auto-generated argument interfaces with included help and shell completion.