:PROPERTIES: :ID: a0164681-10a3-4634-8fc9-5bcbdd0b4da4 :END: #+TITLE: Correl's Personal Knowledge Base Index These are my notes, taken using the [[https://www.orgroam.com/][Org Roam]] tool. As such, they are a collection of text files written in the Emacs [[https://orgmode.org/][Org]] syntax with heavy use of hyperlinking to form an interconnected wiki. This means there is no filesystem hierarchy, with the sole exception of the daily journal entries. Instead, it is best navigated as a graph. The graph below is interactive, and double-clicking on a node will browse to that document. #+begin_src emacs-lisp :results silent :exports results (let ((filename "graph.json") (nodes (org-roam-db-query [:select [nodes:id nodes:title nodes:file (funcall count links:dest)] :from nodes :left-join links :on (= nodes:id links:dest) :group-by [nodes:id nodes:title nodes:file]])) (edges (org-roam-db-query [:select :distinct [source dest] :from links :where (= type "id")]))) (with-temp-buffer (insert (json-encode (list (cons 'nodes (mapcar (lambda (row) `((id . ,(nth 0 row)) (label . ,(nth 1 row)) (title . ,(nth 1 row)) (value . ,(nth 3 row)))) nodes)) (cons 'edges (mapcar (lambda (row) `((from . ,(nth 0 row)) (to . ,(nth 1 row)))) edges)) (cons 'urls (mapcar (lambda (row) (cons (nth 0 row) (concat (string-remove-suffix ".org" (string-remove-prefix org-roam-directory (nth 2 row))) ".html"))) nodes))))) (write-file filename)) filename) #+end_src #+begin_export html
#+end_export A collection of entry points to various interests and ideas. - [[id:df5b2861-3838-409d-b4e4-fce7f302f778][How I Work]] - [[id:9e68d422-cced-4177-96d1-90f777b9a493][Software Development]] - [[id:4d9e7aa6-1212-4487-84e7-5f9ac8205585][Digital Audio Processing]] - [[id:3dc8df7d-0050-4afb-9c93-5d0c50d324d0][Taking better notes]] - [[id:a54fc4a6-4496-4f99-9c9d-c85481b65452][The Phoenix Inquisitor]] - [[id:5dddbae0-ddc1-4fa8-b824-113731ca9d64][Being transgender]] - [[id:ca88b99d-cc12-4595-ba14-c567db34d3b6][OpenAPI Core]]