2020-07-11 11:42:12 -04:00

1023 lines
35 KiB
Org Mode

#+TITLE: Strange Loop 2018
#+STARTUP: indent
#+PROPERTY: header-args:ledger :exports none
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#+LATEX_COMPILER: pdflatex
#+LATEX_HEADER: \usepackage[final]{pdfpages}
#+LATEX_CLASS: tufte-book-chapters
#+LINK: github
#+LINK: gitlab
#+LINK: elm
%% Notes
%% Code Blocks
%% Quotes
* Travel
** Flight
- Record Locator :: WHIBQL
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/08/06 American Airlines
Expenses:Travel:Flights 334.88 USD
Expenses:Travel:Flights:Taxes 53.52 USD
2018/09/25 American Airlines -- Checked bag
Expenses:Travel:Flights:Luggage 25.00 USD
2018/09/25 Taxi to hotel
Expenses:Travel:Taxis 42.14 USD
2018/09/28 Taxi from hotel
Expenses:Travel:Taxis 46.64 USD
2018/09/28 American Airlines -- Checked bag
Expenses:Travel:Flights:Luggage 25.00 USD
2018/09/28 Philadelphia Parking Authority
Expenses:Travel:Parking 44.00 USD
*** Departing
<2018-09-25 Tue 14:31>--<2018-09-25 Tue 15:53>
- Carrier :: American Airlines operated by PSA Airlines as American Eagle
- Flight Number :: 5644
- Seat :: 20C (Economy)
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/09/25 Philly Pretzel Factory
Expenses:Food:Lunch 8.49 USD
*** Returning
<2018-09-28 Fri 13:25>--<2018-09-28 Fri 16:39>
- Carrier :: American Airlines
- Flight Number :: 1777
- Seat :: 13D (Economy)
** Hotel
:ADDRESS: 1820 Market St., St Louis, MO 63103
<2018-09-25 Tue 16:00>--<2018-09-28 Fri 11:00>
- Hotel :: St. Louis Union Station Hotel
- Confirmation Number :: 3469659829
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/07/16 Union Station Hotel Confirmation
Expenses:Travel:Hotel 600.00 USD ; 3 nights @ 200.00/night
Expenses:Travel:Hotel:Taxes 113.58 USD
* Ticket :ATTACH:
:Attachments: strange-loop-2018-ticket-6DTV-1.pdf
:ID: 44AAE8B1-99BF-4F20-A1DE-8BB031861A13
- Customer :: Heather Geiger
- Company Name :: AWeber
- Registration Reference :: 6DTV
- Invoice Number :: A20180687
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/06/14 Strange Loop 2018
Expenses:Conference:Strange Loop 725.00 USD
Expenses:Conference:elm-conf 125.00 USD
* Itinerary
** Tuesday
*** elm dinner
:ADDRESS: Small Batch - Whiskey and Fare
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/07/25 Small Batch Whiskey and Fare
Expenses:Food:Lunch 34.91 USD
**** Company :noexport:
- Jim Carlson
- Jeremy Fairbank
- Jason Dew
*** Evening LGBTQ gathering
:ADDRESS: Union Station Hotel
**** Company :noexport:
- Greg Walker
- Noah Gordon
- Richard Feldman (briefly)
** Wednesday
*** Richard Feldman :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 09:00-09:30>
- Dictionaries as tables
*** Grant Maki: Facilitating Technology Change Through Cultural Change :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 09:40-10:10>
- Trying things in teams
- Tech lead impostor syndrome
- Empathizing with fear, skepticism, and choice overload
Very interesting talk from a tech lead position. Grant emphasized
building /shared/ experiences, and approaching adoption of new tools
and ideas with empathy for the feelings of each team member.
*** Morning Break
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 10:10-10:40>
*** Ravi Chugh: Structured Editing for Elm in Elm :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 10:40-11:10>
- "Sketch-n-Sketch"
- Structured code editor "Deuce"
- Shows AST on code
- Apply context-aware transformations to the AST
- Type inspector mode
- Supports holes
- Live feedback for incomplete programs
- - Holes for incomplete code (Cyrus Omar)
- Friday Strangeloop talk
*** Anthony Deschamps: Programming Robots with Elm :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 11:30-12:00>
- [[][EV3DEV]] :: Debian distribution for LEGO Mindstorms
- Robotics is about perception, behavior, and control
- =PLatform.Worker= :: Application sans view function
*** Lunch
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 12:00-13:00>
Food trucks!
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/09/26 The Cheese Shac
Expenses:Food:Lunch 10.20 USD
**** Company :noexport:
- Alex Koppel
- Rain
- Noah Gordon
- Michael Donatz
*** Matthew Griffith: Building a Toolkit for Design :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 13:00-13:30>
- Legos
- Everything fits together
- Easy to build
- Easy to change
- Dependent on lots of external factors
- Lots of gotchas
- [[elm:mdgriffith/elm-ui][mdgriffith/elm-ui]] ([[][Website]])
- Palettes
- Consists of
- Colors
- Spacing
- Typography
- A concise set of style rules (~50 max)
- Each property defines its own tests, which can be run in arbitrary
- eightshapes :: Design systems
I'm eager to discuss the material in this talk with UI folks when I
get back. There are likely many parallels with the design team's
styleguide CSS framework and the ideas presented here and in the
related materials.
*** Dillon Kearns: Extending Type Safety Beyond Elm's Borders :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 13:40-14:10>
- Addressing "avoidable uncertainty"
- GraphQL :: [[github:dillonkearns/elm-graphql][dillonkearns/elm-graphql]]
- Generates code from a specification
- TypeScript :: [[github:dillonkearns/elm-typescript-interop][dillonkearns/elm-typescript-interop]]
- Generates TypeScript type declarations for elm ports and flags
- Slides & Resources ::
*** Afternoon Break
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 14:10-14:40>
*** Sam Row: Complex Animations Done Well :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 14:40-15:10>
- Easings
- Tracks starting and target state
- Animation updates will be jarring if the target state changes
- Springs
- Tracks current position and velocity, and target state
- Decoupling animation logic from business logic
- Separate models for application state and visual state
*** Alley Kelly McKnight: Naming Things in Elm :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 15:20-15:50>
- Categories for naming rules
- Naming conventions
- Guiding lights
- What makes a name good?
- Does the name keep us in the process flow?
- Does the name help the reader build an accurate mental model of
the code?
- Does the reader know accurately what the thing you're naming is?
- The Mental Model: Our Human Narrative
The idea of using names to allow functions to flow as a narrative is
an interesting one, as is maintaining a consistent metaphor
*** Tereza Sokol: Demystifying Parsers :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Centene
<2018-09-26 Wed 16:00-16:30>
- [[elm:elm/parser][elm/parser]]
- Includes support for building useful error messages
- =problem : String -> Parser a=
I've enjoyed using Haskell's Parsec library in the past, as well as
=boost::spirit= in C++ back when I first dipped my toes into EBNF
grammars. This will be interesting to play with when I can come up
with a reason to 😊.
*** Food Trucks
:ADDRESS: Union Station - 20th St
<2018-09-26 Wed 17:00-19:00>
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/09/26 Union Station Restaurant & Lounge
Expenses:Food:Dinner 23.60 USD
*** Strange Loop Party
:ADDRESS: City Museum
<2018-09-26 Wed 19:00-21:30>
** Thursday
*** Thursday Breakfast
<2018-09-27 Thu 08:30-09:00>
*** Shaping our children's education in computing :session:keynote:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre
<2018-09-27 Thu 09:10-10:00>
- Project quantum (questions)
- Teals (high schools)
- Csteachers org
- Raspberry Pi foundation
- Education is rife with unintended consequences - be humble,
I'm curious how the resources mentioned in this talk could be applied
to AWeber's school outreach programs.
*** Zero Downtime Migrations of Stateful Systems :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Pepsi Encore
<2018-09-27 Thu 10:20-11:00>
- Three different types of migrations
- perceived zero Downtime
- actually zero Downtime
- no migration of state
- Perceived Zero Downtime
- Migrating existing records
- constant syncing
- incremental
- Building confidence
- automated reconciliation and checks
- row counts
- test environment
- Decouple interactions
- allow reads
- replay writes
- Migration
- switch writes to queue
- wait for sync to complete
- switch database
- replay queue
- Actual zero Downtime
- load snapshot
- dual writes
- metrics on any issues
- No migration
- new service built aware of legacy system
- older data expires
- run in tandem
- delegate to legacy system when needed
- test with dual writes
- monitoring
- unexpected behaviors
- absent expected state
- slow roll-out
These are excellent bullet-points to consider with all of our
migrations. It'll be good to have this sort of plan prepared for any
project that requires one.
*** Chasing the Stream Processing Utopia :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Pepsi Encore
<2018-09-27 Thu 11:20-12:00>
- Architecture
- Ingestion (various sources)
- Processing (using Apache Samza)
- Complexity
- Stateless processing (filtering, /data enrichment/)
- Stateful processing (aggregation)
- Windowing
- Beam processing model
- Accuracy
- Exactly once processing
- Ingestion (de-dupe)
- Pipelined processing (Chandy Lamport)
- Storing results (idempotent writes / de-dupe)
- Scale
- Scaling ingestion
- Managed by cloud services, or yourself when self-hosting
- Scaling processing
- Challenges
- horizontal scaling
- limited to least performant component
- Typical bottlenecks
- data access
- accessing adjunct data (databases, services)
- managing temporary state
- Any source (including batch sources, HDFS)
- Any language
- Anywhere
- Stream processing as a service
- Awesome tools
- Schema management
- Schema evolution
- ACL management
- Topic management
- Stream Processing Job Management
- Data Lineage (e.g. Apache Atlas)
- Monitoring
- Ingestion (e.g. Kafka Monitor)
- Job Progress (e.g. Burrow)
While a good deal of the content was technology-specific, mapping out
the data flow of some of our services and seeing how they may fit in a
stream processing environment would be interesting.
*** Thursday Lunch
<2018-09-27 Thu 12:00-13:30>
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/09/27 Lyft to Pappy's
Expenses:Travel:Taxis 6.46 USD
Expenses:Travel:Taxis:Tip 2.00 USD
2018/09/27 Lyft from Pappy's
Expenses:Travel:Taxis 6.48 USD
Expenses:Travel:Taxis:Tip 2.00 USD
Really good BBQ. Enjoyed some ribs, brisket, and burnt ends.
**** Company :noexport:
- Sophie Smithburg
- Danny Burrow
*** Rosie Pattern Language :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre - Peabody Lounge
<2018-09-27 Thu 13:30-14:10>
- Reasoning
- Regular expressions do not scale
- Combing through data to get devops insights
- libraries of named and namespaced expressions
- RPL syntax looks like a programming language
- reads/diffs like code
- executable unit tests
- macros
- RPL expressions compose
- RPL is based on parsing expression crammers, which are greedy and possessive
- makes it difficult to be accidentally inefficient
- Allows parsing recursive grammars
- Logstash (Grok) uses pattern libraries
- Can your 'grep' do this?
- =curl -s | rosie grep -o subs net.url_common=
- Prints all matching URL sub-expressions
- =sed -n 46,49p /var/log/system.log | rosie match all.things=
- =all.things= represents a disjunction of a variety of things,
different pattern matches will be color-coded
- =head -n 1 /var/log/system.log | rosie grep -o jsonpp num.denoted_hex=
- JSON-structured output
- Formal basis
- Chomsky hierarchy
- regular - context-free - context-sensitive - recursively enumerable
- RPL (and all PEG grammars) are context-sensitive
- Shares /some/ similarities with regular expressions
- repetition (same syntax, greedy and possessive)
- character sets (simplified syntax, one name or list or range at a
- Operations (look-ahead, negation, etc.) (simplified syntax)
- "choice" differs, =/= is ordered choice, possessive)
- Ships with a standard library
- Debugging
- Trace a mismatch
- =echo '17:30:4' | rosie trace time.rfc3339=
- Uses
- IBM uses rosie in a big-data pipeline
- Mining source code repositories
- NCSU students wrote RPL patterns to extract language features from
different languages (including bash!)
- White-listing valid input (protecting against injection attacks
per OWASP)
- Python bindings! (also, c, go), more coming
- Not very "pythonic", currently
- Resources
- [[gitlab:rosie-pattern-language/rosie][rosie-pattern-language/rosie]]
I really like the idea of pattern libraries and reuse (doing it with
regular expressions is /really/ hard), and the ability to specify full
grammars is very nice. I'm curious whether this could be integrated
into our validation to avoid unnecessary duplication.
*** Architecting for Active-Active Resiliency in the Cloud :session:
:ADDRESS: Union Station - Grand D
<2018-09-27 Thu 14:30-15:10>
- Data and Service resiliency and durability
- Basics (Ingredients)
- Availability (normal operation time / total time)
- mean time between failure (MTBF) / mean time to repair (MTTR)
- Multiple components in series (=x= and =y=) (A = Ax * Ay)
- Availability decreases
- Multiple components in parallel (multiple services =x=) (A = 1 - (1 - Ax)^2
- Availability increases
- Basic Active Architecture
- Web -> App -> DB
- cheap, simple, fast to market
- manual intervention, low resiliency, high potential rework
- Basic Active-Passive Architecture
- Load balanced app with fail-over nodes / read-replica db
- Hot or cold standby
- decreased downtime, - backup services & data, good balance
- increased costs, complexity, potential for data loss
- Basic Active-Active Architecture #1
- Multiple instances taking traffic simultaneously
- always on, minimum data loss, zero intervention
- limited tools, most complex, most expensive
- Considerations & trade-offs (Appetizers)
- Data Replication
- Active-Active (avoid this)
- multiple master databases synchronizing
- collisions
- latency
- Active-Passive
- Multiple instances writing to a single data store
- promote a read replica on failure
- Active-Active at the service level, Active-Passive at the
data level
- Easy data replication databases (managed)
- Cloud Spanner
- Cosmos
- Aurora
- Easy data replication databases (not managed)
- Apache Cassandra
- Considering tenants - what are we failing over?
- /Similar to considering restart strategies in OTP supervision
- As availability and durability increases, so does complexity and cost
- Resiliency patterns (The Entrees)
- Circuit breaker (stop retrying)
- Exponential back-off (slow down retries)
- Fallback (error response or cache)
- Multiple instances in different availability zones within a
- Worker queues and streams decouple components
- Patterns can be combined
- Tools and services (The Desserts)
- Chaos Monkey
- Serverless
It's important to prepare for failure, and balancing availability and
consistency is always a balancing act.
For failure, I like to map out services and their dependency as I
would an Erlang supervision tree, drawing boundaries around tightly
coupled components, and defining the failure strategy for each group.
*** Towards Language Support for Distributed Systems :session:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre
<2018-09-27 Thu 15:30-16:10>
Research is very animated! (doesn't look like it from the outside)
- Language support for distributed system = ways that the programming
language/compiler can aid in the development of a distributed application
- Some areas of research
- Consistency & Programming Models
- Consistency?
- Specifically programming models that provide some kind of
consistency guarantee (e.g, what guarantees do I have for a
replica of an object/datum?)
- Sometimes weak consistency is good enough
- Conflict-free replicated data types (CRDTs)
- Lasp: A Language for Distributed, Coordination-Free
- Spry is a programming model for building applications that want
to trade-off availability and consistency at varying points in
application code to support application requirements (CA in CAP)
- Mixed consistency via "Correctables" (Incremental Consistency
Guarantees for Replicated Objects)
- Give the user different APIs depending on the sort of
consistency they're after
- =invokeWeak(operation)=
- =invokeStrong(operation)=
- =invoke(operation[, levels])=
- Mixed consistency via "MixT" ([[][MixT: A Language for Mixing
Consistency in Geodistributed Transactions]])
- Answers the question of what if we want to choice from
multiple consistency options in one application
- Session Types
- Can be though of as types for communication protocols
- Many variants of session types
- Binary & Multiparty (# of parties)
- Static & Dynamic
- [[][Introduction to session types by Simon Fowler]]
- Prototypes of session types are implemented for many languages
- Erlang :: monitored-session-erlang
- Python :: [[][SPY]]
- Haskell :: effect-sessions
- Scala :: Ichannels
- Java :: Scribble
- Static Analysis & Verification
- Others
- Whip ([[][Higher-Order Contracts for Microservices]])
- [[][Unison]]
- Haskell-like language for moving computations around
- Syndicate ([[][Conversational Concurrency]])
- ML5 ([[][Modal Types for Mobile Code]])
- Function-Passing ([[][A Programming Model and Foundation for
Lineage-Based Distributed Computation]])
- Birds-eye view of fringe projects
- [[][Verifying Interfaces Between Container-Based Components (Or... A
Type System By Any Other Name)]]
- Rejected 😅
- Statically ensuring that microservices satisfy invariants -
Adelbert Chang
- Statically ensuring that functions on replicated data are
monotone - Kevin Clancy
- Fault-Tolerant Functional Reactive Programming (Functional
- Resources
*** Keynote: Erica Joy Baker - Changing the World :session:keynote:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre
<2018-09-27 Thu 16:30-17:20>
- Passionate about talking about diversity and inclusion
- It seems that everyone wants to "change the world"
- "We did it! ... Mission accomplished, in the words of George Bush.
We changed the world"
- "We got so focused on disruption that we didn't stop to think about
who or what we were disrupting"
- Recommends watching "Halt and Catch Fire"
- "Silicon Valley is Venture Capital"
- Story of "The Scorpion and the Frog"
- The VCs are the scorpions "in case that wasn't clear".
- Steps to change the world
1. Have an idea
2. Grow your ideas slowly.
3. Get customers
4. Get some more of them
5. Keep going
6. Build what you want to build on your own terms.
- Mailchimp is a sponsor (bleh), has no VC funding
- We have to ask ourselves, "I can do this, but should I do this?"
- "How we're going to change the world is by the legacy we leave
- "We must build companies that represent everyone, and all
- Call to action: If you work in a company that you know is doing
something harmful, that you have averted your eyes from, now is the
time to speak up and do something.
- Change the world, just make sure you're changing it for the better.
*** Dinner
:ADDRESS: Schlafly
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/09/27 Schlafly Tap Room
Expenses:Food:Dinner 19.06 USD
**** Company :noexport:
- Brooke
- Joanna Solmon
- Sophie Smithburg
- Aisha Blake
- Evelyn Ting
- Sarah Fowler
- Katherine Cox-Buday
- Paula Gearon
- Anna Liao
*** Evening
:ADDRESS: Union Station Hotel
#+NAME: ledger
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger
2018/09/27 Union Station Restaurant & Lounge
Expenses:Food:Drinks 11.17 USD
2018/09/27 Union Station Restaurant & Lounge
Expenses:Food:Drinks 12.78 USD
**** Company :noexport:
- Brooke
Had a great talk about everything from anime to video games to tv
shows (and animated tv shows), to software architecture and
organization / team dynamics!
** Friday
*** Friday Breakfast
<2018-09-28 Fri 08:30-09:00>
*** All the Languages Together :session:keynote:
:ADDRESS: Stifel Theatre
<2018-09-28 Fri 09:10-10:00>
- Different languages have different strengths
- Multi-Language software is hard
- microservices
- Can we allow reasoning about interop at the source level?
- As opposed to running code and encountering errors / debugging
- Language specifications are incomplete - don't account for linking
- 'escape hatches' (ML/C FFI, Rust/unsafe, Java/JNI)
- We tell programmers to "be careful"
- Rethink PL Design: Principled FFIs
- Design *linking types* extensions that support safe
interoperability with other languages
- linear types (similar to rust ownership)
- pure (terminating) functions
- Only need linking type extensions to interact with
*behavior/features inexpressible* in your language
- [[][Linking Types for Multi-Language Software: Have Your Cake and Eat It Too]]
- Reasoning about refactoring
- Let the programmer specify, do I want to only link with pure
code? Allow linking with stateful code?
- Minimal annotation burden
- Provide a default translation (e.g, a pure language defaults to
linking pure code, not stateful)
- Catching cross-language type errors
- What happens if the linked code doesn't have linking type
- Type-preserving compilation
- Provide specifications of code invariants that can be checked at
link time
- [[][From System F to Typed Assembly Language]]
- Cross-language type errors
- Fail linking if target (compiled) types don't match
- Refactoring-Preserving Compilation
- Also known as /equivalence-preserving compilation/, /fully
abstract compilation/, and /secure compilation/
- Specifying a non-default linking type means giving up some
refactoring patterns
- Programmer gets to decide what refactorings matter to them; LT
annotations tell the compiler what linking to allow/disallow
- Linking types are the escape hatch
- Ongoing work
- Mulberry Project
- Building linking types to interop ML with Rust
- Building linking types for a pure language
- Building on top of web assembly (generating a richly typed Wasm
with state/effect encapsulation)
- What about untyped languages (Scheme, C)?
- /Untyped/ Wasm (gradual typing)
- *control* linking type
- [[][SILC - Secure Interoperability, Languages & Compilers]]
*** Leverage vs. Autonomy in a Large Software System :session:
:ADDRESS: Union Station - Grand ABC
<2018-09-28 Fri 10:20-11:00>
- Big company problems
- How do you make good use of hundreds of software engineers to
build a large system?
- How do you organize a large software system so hundreds of
engineers working on it can avoid wasting their time?
- Andy grove on org structure (High Output Management)
- functional team - increased leverage
- mission-oriented team - increased speed
- speed is the only advantage
- Conway's Law
- Software tends to look like the organization that built it
- Coplein's Law
- If your software doesn't look like your organization, you've got
- Leverage vs Autonomy
- centralized systems - increased leverage
- decentralized systems - increased autonomy
- poor leverage - waste time reinventing wheels
- poor autonomy - waste time waiting on other teams
- Costs of autonomy/decentralization
- difficult to make global improvements
- difficult to make cross-cutting changes
- uncontrolled system complexity (little consistency)
- Costs of leverage/centralization
- single points of failure / monoculture risk
- arcade knowledge (downside of knowledge specialization)
- uncontrolled system complexity (poor modularity)
- sweet spot: cluster scheduling
- increased leverage, removed repetitive operational work
- most customers want roughly the same thing
- no important loss of autonomy
- global system improvement (upgrades)
- bugs (very rarely) bring down multiple services
- sweet spot: finagle as theft service framework
- high leverage
- most customers want roughly the same thing
- no important loss of autonomy
- difficult to debug
- sour patch: monolithic service
- lots of autonomy problems (major development choke-point)
- poor sense of ownership
- very easy to cause cross-cutting bugs
- single ci/deploy pipeline
- easy to make cross-cutting changes
- good leverage
- sweet spot: service oriented architecture
- autonomy is really good
- every project needs its own ci/deployment pipeline
- difficult to cause cross-cutting bugs
- good ownership
- code is very modularized
- leverage is low
- difficult to make cross-cutting changes
- sour patch: cross-service application logic library
- where to put cross-cutting logic? attempted a shared library,
embedded in a variety of separate services
- low autonomy (lots of services to deploy with changes)
- bad ownership (which team owns this?)
- sour patch: unowned services
- consequence of autonomy
- services get lost in the shuffle between teams
- sour patch: ad-hoc service platform
- building stuff into existing services, rather than creating a new
- caused by an aversion to build a whole new service
- "What's the fastest way I can get this piece of work done?"
- owners of the code get a lot of leverage, but lose a lot of
- Strato: platform for microservices
- monolithic service that hosts services inside of it
- captures some common patterns (e.g., a data store with a cache in
front of it, etc.)
- Goal is to split the systems concerns from the applications
themselves (e.g., timeouts, retries, etc.)
- Microservices within are isolated, allows modularity
- a lot easier for the code structure to match the organization
- Thrift RPC
- communication between services is structurally typed
- "compatibility" relation between types makes upgrades easier
- StratoQL: a DSL for microservices
- structurally typed
- native support for thrift data
- transparent concurrency (cf. Haxl (previous Sl talk))
- large gain in leverage over separate microservices
- captures common infrastructure patterns in configuration
- autonomy for application logic owners
- many customers want roughly the same thing
- complicated interface
- centralized team a bottleneck
- difficult to debug
- downtime affects many microservices
* Friends and Acquaintances :noexport:
** Jeremy Fairbank :elm:
** Jesse Tomchak :elm:
** Jason Dew :elm:
** Jim Carlson :elm:
:twitter: epsilon2718
- Met at Tuesday elm dinner
- [[][miniLatex]]
** Noah Gordon :lgbtq:elm:
** Rain :lgbtq:
** Alex Koppel :elm:lgbtq:
:twitter: arsduo
- Met at Wednesday lunch with LGBTQ folks
** Michael Donatz :lgbtq:
** Pernille Wangsholm :lgbtq:elm:
** Sophie Smithburg :lgbtq:
:twitter: tehgeekmeister
** Danny Burrow :lgbtq:
** Sara Farquharson
Awesome outfit!
** Brooke
:twitter: codegirlbrooke
Software engineer @ Alchemy (Cincinnati, OH)
* Ledger :noexport:
** Expenses
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger :noweb yes :cmdline register expenses --sort date --format "| %(justify(date, 20)) | %(justify(truncated(payee, 50), 50)) | %(justify(truncated(account, 40), 40)) | %(amount) |\n" :exports results :results drawer
| 2018/06/14 | Strange Loop 2018 | Expenses:Conference:Strange Loop | 725.00 USD |
| 2018/06/14 | Strange Loop 2018 | Expenses:Conference:elm-conf | 125.00 USD |
| 2018/07/16 | Union Station Hotel Confirmation | Expenses:Travel:Hotel | 600.00 USD |
| 2018/07/16 | Union Station Hotel Confirmation | Expenses:Travel:Hotel:Taxes | 113.58 USD |
| 2018/07/25 | Small Batch Whiskey and Fare | Expenses:Food:Lunch | 34.91 USD |
| 2018/08/06 | American Airlines | Expenses:Travel:Flights | 334.88 USD |
| 2018/08/06 | American Airlines | Expenses:Travel:Flights:Taxes | 53.52 USD |
| 2018/09/25 | American Airlines -- Checked bag | Expenses:Travel:Flights:Luggage | 25.00 USD |
| 2018/09/25 | Taxi to hotel | Expenses:Travel:Taxis | 42.14 USD |
| 2018/09/25 | Philly Pretzel Factory | Expenses:Food:Lunch | 8.49 USD |
| 2018/09/26 | The Cheese Shac | Expenses:Food:Lunch | 10.20 USD |
| 2018/09/26 | Union Station Restaurant & Lounge | Expenses:Food:Dinner | 23.60 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Lyft to Pappy's | Expenses:Travel:Taxis | 6.46 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Lyft to Pappy's | Expenses:Travel:Taxis:Tip | 2.00 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Lyft from Pappy's | Expenses:Travel:Taxis | 6.48 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Lyft from Pappy's | Expenses:Travel:Taxis:Tip | 2.00 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Schlafly Tap Room | Expenses:Food:Dinner | 19.06 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Union Station Restaurant & Lounge | Expenses:Food:Drinks | 11.17 USD |
| 2018/09/27 | Union Station Restaurant & Lounge | Expenses:Food:Drinks | 12.78 USD |
| 2018/09/28 | Taxi from hotel | Expenses:Travel:Taxis | 46.64 USD |
| 2018/09/28 | American Airlines -- Checked bag | Expenses:Travel:Flights:Luggage | 25.00 USD |
| 2018/09/28 | Philadelphia Parking Authority | Expenses:Travel:Parking | 44.00 USD |
** Balances
#+BEGIN_SRC ledger :noweb yes :cmdline bal --no-total -F "| %(total) | %(account) |\n" :exports results :results drawer
| -1951.98 USD | AWeber |
| -319.93 USD | Correl |
| 2271.91 USD | Expenses |
| 850.00 USD | Expenses:Conference |
| 725.00 USD | Expenses:Conference:Strange Loop |
| 125.00 USD | Expenses:Conference:elm-conf |
| 120.21 USD | Expenses:Food |
| 42.66 USD | Expenses:Food:Dinner |
| 23.95 USD | Expenses:Food:Drinks |
| 53.60 USD | Expenses:Food:Lunch |
| 1301.70 USD | Expenses:Travel |
| 438.40 USD | Expenses:Travel:Flights |
| 50.00 USD | Expenses:Travel:Flights:Luggage |
| 53.52 USD | Expenses:Travel:Flights:Taxes |
| 713.58 USD | Expenses:Travel:Hotel |
| 113.58 USD | Expenses:Travel:Hotel:Taxes |
| 44.00 USD | Expenses:Travel:Parking |
| 105.72 USD | Expenses:Travel:Taxis |
| 4.00 USD | Expenses:Travel:Taxis:Tip |