----------------------- FileHelpers ----------------------- http://www.filehelpers.com - SF Home: http://sourceforge.net/projects/filehelpers The FileHelpers are an easy to use library to import/export data from fixed length or delimited files. If you want to start using the library go directly to the Quick Start Guide in the CHM. ---------------------------------------- Who needs the File Helpers Library ? ---------------------------------------- In almost every project there is a need to read/write data from/to a file of a specified format. For example for log parsing, data warehouse and OLAP applications, communication between systems, file format transformations (for example from a fixed length to a CSV file). This library aims to provide an easy and reliable way to accomplish this task. ----------- History ----------- Check The docs for the History (is hard to mantain two copies =) ----------- Licence ----------- FileHelpers Library is @ Copyright 2005-2006 to Marcos Meli but it's source code and the binaries are free for commercial and non commercial use. --------------------- Contact and Ideas --------------------- If you find that there is a feature that I must include, or you have a new idea (for the API, Source Code or Examples), only let me know, sending an e-mail to marcos@filehelpers.com or entering the FileHelpers Forums at http://www.filehelpers.com/forums/ ---------------------------- Full Sources and Updates ---------------------------- If you want to help in the develpment of the library please go to http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=152382&package_id=169468 and download the AllInOne DevPack with the binaries of NUnit, NAnt and NDoc.