using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using MonoStockPortfolio.Entities; namespace MonoStockPortfolio.Core.StockData { public class GoogleStockDataProvider : IStockDataProvider { private const string BASE_URL = ""; /* The Google Finance feed can return some or all of the following keys: avvo * Average volume (float with multiplier, like '3.54M') beta * Beta (float) c * Amount of change while open (float) ccol * (unknown) (chars) cl Last perc. change cp * Change perc. while open (float) e * Exchange (text, like 'NASDAQ') ec * After hours last change from close (float) eccol * (unknown) (chars) ecp * After hours last chage perc. from close (float) el * After. hours last quote (float) el_cur * (unknown) (float) elt After hours last quote time (unknown) eo * Exchange Open (0 or 1) eps * Earnings per share (float) fwpe Forward PE ratio (float) hi * Price high (float) hi52 * 52 weeks high (float) id * Company id (identifying number) l * Last value while open (float) l_cur * Last value at close (like 'l') lo * Price low (float) lo52 * 52 weeks low (float) lt Last value date/time ltt Last trade time (Same as "lt" without the data) mc * Market cap. (float with multiplier, like '123.45B') name * Company name (text) op * Open price (float) pe * PE ratio (float) t * Ticker (text) type * Type (i.e. 'Company') vo * Volume (float with multiplier, like '3.54M') */ public IEnumerable<StockQuote> GetStockQuotes(IEnumerable<string> tickers) { var tickerCsv = string.Join(",", tickers.ToArray()); var url = BASE_URL + tickerCsv; var jsonResults = ScrapeUrl(url).Split('}'); return jsonResults.Select(MapJsonToStockitems); } protected StockQuote MapJsonToStockitems(string jsonResults) { using(var sr = new StringReader(jsonResults)) { var sq = new StockQuote(); string line; while((line = sr.ReadLine()) != null) { if(line.StartsWith(",\"t\"")) { sq.Ticker = line.Replace(",\"t\" : ", "").Trim().Trim('"'); continue; } if(line.StartsWith(",\"c\"")) { sq.Change = decimal.Parse(line.Replace(",\"c\" : ", "").Trim().Trim('"')); continue; } if(line.StartsWith(",\"l\"")) { sq.LastTradePrice = decimal.Parse(line.Replace(",\"l\" : ", "").Trim().Trim('"')); continue; } if(line.StartsWith(",\"ltt\"")) { sq.LastTradeTime = line.Replace(",\"ltt\":", "").Trim().Trim('"').Replace("EST","").Trim(); continue; } } return sq; } } private static string ScrapeUrl(string url) { string resultCsv; var req = WebRequest.Create(url); var resp = req.GetResponse(); using (var sr = new StreamReader(resp.GetResponseStream())) { resultCsv = sr.ReadToEnd(); sr.Close(); } return resultCsv; } } }