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//#define GENERICS
//#if NET_2_0
#region " © Copyright 2005-07 to Marcos Meli -"
// Errors, suggestions, contributions, send a mail to:
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.IO;
using System.Reflection;
using System.Text;
using System.Collections.Generic;
#if ! MINI
//using System.Data;
namespace FileHelpers
/// <include file='' path='doc/FileHelperEngine/*'/>
/// <include file='Examples.xml' path='doc/examples/FileHelperEngine/*'/>
#if NET_2_0
[DebuggerDisplay("FileHelperEngine for type: {RecordType.Name}. ErrorMode: {ErrorManager.ErrorMode.ToString()}. Encoding: {Encoding.EncodingName}")]
public class FileHelperEngine : EngineBase
/// <typeparam name="T">The record type.</typeparam>
public class FileHelperEngine<T>: EngineBase
#region " Constructor "
/// <include file='' path='doc/FileHelperEngineCtr/*'/>
public FileHelperEngine(Type recordType)
: this(recordType, Encoding.Default)
public FileHelperEngine()
: this(Encoding.Default)
/// <include file='' path='doc/FileHelperEngineCtr/*'/>
/// <param name="encoding">The Encoding used by the engine.</param>
public FileHelperEngine(Type recordType, Encoding encoding)
: base(recordType, encoding)
public FileHelperEngine(Encoding encoding)
: base(typeof(T), encoding)
private void CreateRecordOptions()
if (mRecordInfo.IsDelimited)
mOptions = new DelimitedRecordOptions(mRecordInfo);
mOptions = new FixedRecordOptions(mRecordInfo);
internal FileHelperEngine(RecordInfo ri)
: base(ri)
#region " ReadFile "
/// <include file='' path='doc/ReadFile/*'/>
public object[] ReadFile(string fileName)
public T[] ReadFile(string fileName)
return ReadFile(fileName, int.MaxValue);
/// <include file='' path='doc/ReadFile/*'/>
/// <param name="maxRecords">The max number of records to read. Int32.MaxValue or -1 to read all records.</param>
public object[] ReadFile(string fileName, int maxRecords)
public T[] ReadFile(string fileName, int maxRecords)
using (StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(fileName, mEncoding, true))
object[] tempRes;
T[] tempRes;
tempRes = ReadStream(fs, maxRecords);
return tempRes;
#region " ReadStream "
/// <include file='' path='doc/ReadStream/*'/>
public object[] ReadStream(TextReader reader)
public T[] ReadStream(TextReader reader)
return ReadStream(reader, int.MaxValue);
/// <include file='' path='doc/ReadStream/*'/>
/// <param name="maxRecords">The max number of records to read. Int32.MaxValue or -1 to read all records.</param>
public object[] ReadStream(TextReader reader, int maxRecords)
public T[] ReadStream(TextReader reader, int maxRecords)
#if ! MINI
return ReadStream(reader, maxRecords, null);
private object[] ReadStream(TextReader reader, int maxRecords, DataTable dt)
private T[] ReadStream(TextReader reader, int maxRecords, DataTable dt)
if (reader == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("reader", "The reader of the Stream can´t be null");
mHeaderText = String.Empty;
mFooterText = String.Empty;
ArrayList resArray = new ArrayList();
int currentRecord = 0;
ForwardReader freader = new ForwardReader(reader, mRecordInfo.mIgnoreLast);
freader.DiscardForward = true;
string currentLine, completeLine;
mLineNumber = 1;
completeLine = freader.ReadNextLine();
currentLine = completeLine;
#if !MINI
ProgressHelper.Notify(mNotifyHandler, mProgressMode, 0, -1);
if (mRecordInfo.mIgnoreFirst > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < mRecordInfo.mIgnoreFirst && currentLine != null; i++)
mHeaderText += currentLine + StringHelper.NewLine;
currentLine = freader.ReadNextLine();
bool byPass = false;
if (maxRecords < 0)
maxRecords = int.MaxValue;
LineInfo line = new LineInfo(currentLine);
line.mReader = freader;
while (currentLine != null && currentRecord < maxRecords)
bool skip = false;
#if !MINI
ProgressHelper.Notify(mNotifyHandler, mProgressMode, currentRecord, -1);
skip = OnBeforeReadRecord(currentLine);
if (skip == false)
object record = mRecordInfo.StringToRecord(line);
#if !MINI
skip = OnAfterReadRecord(currentLine, record);
skip = OnAfterReadRecord(currentLine, (T) record);
if (skip == false && record != null)
#if MINI
if (dt == null)
catch (Exception ex)
switch (mErrorManager.ErrorMode)
case ErrorMode.ThrowException:
byPass = true;
case ErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue:
case ErrorMode.SaveAndContinue:
ErrorInfo err = new ErrorInfo();
err.mLineNumber = freader.LineNumber;
err.mExceptionInfo = ex;
// err.mColumnNumber = mColumnNum;
err.mRecordString = completeLine;
if (byPass == false)
currentLine = freader.ReadNextLine();
completeLine = currentLine;
if (mRecordInfo.mIgnoreLast > 0)
mFooterText = freader.RemainingText;
return (object[])
return (T[])
#region " ReadString "
/// <include file='' path='doc/ReadString/*'/>
public object[] ReadString(string source)
public T[] ReadString(string source)
return ReadString(source, int.MaxValue);
/// <include file='' path='doc/ReadString/*'/>
/// <param name="maxRecords">The max number of records to read. Int32.MaxValue or -1 to read all records.</param>
public object[] ReadString(string source, int maxRecords)
public T[] ReadString(string source, int maxRecords)
if (source == null)
source = string.Empty;
using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(source))
object[] res;
T[] res;
res= ReadStream(reader, maxRecords);
return res;
#region " WriteFile "
/// <include file='' path='doc/WriteFile/*'/>
public void WriteFile(string fileName, IEnumerable records)
public void WriteFile(string fileName, IEnumerable<T> records)
WriteFile(fileName, records, -1);
/// <include file='' path='doc/WriteFile2/*'/>
public void WriteFile(string fileName, IEnumerable records, int maxRecords)
public void WriteFile(string fileName, IEnumerable<T> records, int maxRecords)
using (StreamWriter fs = new StreamWriter(fileName, false, mEncoding))
WriteStream(fs, records, maxRecords);
#region " WriteStream "
/// <include file='' path='doc/WriteStream/*'/>
public void WriteStream(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable records)
public void WriteStream(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable<T> records)
WriteStream(writer, records, -1);
/// <include file='' path='doc/WriteStream2/*'/>
public void WriteStream(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable records, int maxRecords)
public void WriteStream(TextWriter writer, IEnumerable<T> records, int maxRecords)
if (writer == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("writer", "The writer of the Stream can be null");
if (records == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("records", "The records can be null. Try with an empty array.");
if (mHeaderText != null && mHeaderText.Length != 0)
if (mHeaderText.EndsWith(StringHelper.NewLine))
string currentLine = null;
//ConstructorInfo constr = mType.GetConstructor(new Type[] {});
int max = maxRecords;
if (records is IList)
max = Math.Min(max < 0 ? int.MaxValue : max, ((IList)records).Count);
#if !MINI
ProgressHelper.Notify(mNotifyHandler, mProgressMode, 0, max);
int recIndex = 0;
bool first = true;
foreach(object rec in records)
foreach (T rec in records)
if (recIndex == maxRecords)
if (rec == null)
throw new BadUsageException("The record at index " + recIndex.ToString() + " is null.");
if (first)
first = false;
if (mRecordInfo.mRecordType.IsInstanceOfType(rec) == false)
throw new BadUsageException("This engine works with record of type " + mRecordInfo.mRecordType.Name + " and you use records of type " + rec.GetType().Name );
bool skip = false;
#if !MINI
ProgressHelper.Notify(mNotifyHandler, mProgressMode, recIndex+1, max);
skip = OnBeforeWriteRecord(rec);
if (skip == false)
currentLine = mRecordInfo.RecordToString(rec);
#if !MINI
currentLine = OnAfterWriteRecord(currentLine, rec);
catch (Exception ex)
switch (mErrorManager.ErrorMode)
case ErrorMode.ThrowException:
case ErrorMode.IgnoreAndContinue:
case ErrorMode.SaveAndContinue:
ErrorInfo err = new ErrorInfo();
err.mLineNumber = mLineNumber;
err.mExceptionInfo = ex;
// err.mColumnNumber = mColumnNum;
err.mRecordString = currentLine;
mTotalRecords = recIndex;
if (mFooterText != null && mFooterText != string.Empty)
if (mFooterText.EndsWith(StringHelper.NewLine))
#region " WriteString "
/// <include file='' path='doc/WriteString/*'/>
public string WriteString(IEnumerable records)
public string WriteString(IEnumerable<T> records)
return WriteString(records, -1);
/// <include file='' path='doc/WriteString2/*'/>
public string WriteString(IEnumerable records, int maxRecords)
public string WriteString(IEnumerable<T> records, int maxRecords)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter(sb);
WriteStream(writer, records, maxRecords);
string res = writer.ToString();
return res;
#region " AppendToFile "
/// <include file='' path='doc/AppendToFile1/*'/>
public void AppendToFile(string fileName, object record)
AppendToFile(fileName, new object[] {record});
public void AppendToFile(string fileName, T record)
AppendToFile(fileName, new T[] {record});
/// <include file='' path='doc/AppendToFile2/*'/>
public void AppendToFile(string fileName, IEnumerable records)
public void AppendToFile(string fileName, IEnumerable<T> records)
using(TextWriter writer = StreamHelper.CreateFileAppender(fileName, mEncoding, true, false))
mHeaderText = String.Empty;
mFooterText = String.Empty;
WriteStream(writer, records);
#region " DataTable Ops "
#if ! MINI
/// <summary>
/// Read the records of the file and fill a DataTable with them
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
/// <returns>The DataTable with the read records.</returns>
public DataTable ReadFileAsDT(string fileName)
return ReadFileAsDT(fileName, -1);
/// <summary>
/// Read the records of the file and fill a DataTable with them
/// </summary>
/// <param name="fileName">The file name.</param>
/// <param name="maxRecords">The max number of records to read. Int32.MaxValue or -1 to read all records.</param>
/// <returns>The DataTable with the read records.</returns>
public DataTable ReadFileAsDT(string fileName, int maxRecords)
using (StreamReader fs = new StreamReader(fileName, mEncoding, true))
DataTable res;
res = ReadStreamAsDT(fs, maxRecords);
return res;
/// <summary>
/// Read the records of a string and fill a DataTable with them.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The source string with the records.</param>
/// <returns>The DataTable with the read records.</returns>
public DataTable ReadStringAsDT(string source)
return ReadStringAsDT(source, -1);
/// <summary>
/// Read the records of a string and fill a DataTable with them.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="source">The source string with the records.</param>
/// <param name="maxRecords">The max number of records to read. Int32.MaxValue or -1 to read all records.</param>
/// <returns>The DataTable with the read records.</returns>
public DataTable ReadStringAsDT(string source, int maxRecords)
if (source == null)
source = string.Empty;
using (StringReader reader = new StringReader(source))
DataTable res;
res = ReadStreamAsDT(reader, maxRecords);
return res;
/// <summary>
/// Read the records of the stream and fill a DataTable with them
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">The stream with the source records.</param>
/// <returns>The DataTable with the read records.</returns>
public DataTable ReadStreamAsDT(TextReader reader)
return ReadStreamAsDT(reader, -1);
/// <summary>
/// Read the records of the stream and fill a DataTable with them
/// </summary>
/// <param name="reader">The stream with the source records.</param>
/// <param name="maxRecords">The max number of records to read. Int32.MaxValue or -1 to read all records.</param>
/// <returns>The DataTable with the read records.</returns>
public DataTable ReadStreamAsDT(TextReader reader, int maxRecords)
DataTable dt = mRecordInfo.CreateEmptyDataTable();
ReadStream(reader, maxRecords, dt);
return dt;
#region " Event Handling "
#if ! MINI
#if NET_1_1
/// <summary>Called in read operations just before the record string is translated to a record.</summary>
public event BeforeReadRecordHandler BeforeReadRecord;
/// <summary>Called in read operations just after the record was created from a record string.</summary>
public event AfterReadRecordHandler AfterReadRecord;
/// <summary>Called in write operations just before the record is converted to a string to write it.</summary>
public event BeforeWriteRecordHandler BeforeWriteRecord;
/// <summary>Called in write operations just after the record was converted to a string.</summary>
public event AfterWriteRecordHandler AfterWriteRecord;
private bool OnBeforeReadRecord(string line)
if (BeforeReadRecord != null)
BeforeReadRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new BeforeReadRecordEventArgs(line, mLineNumber);
BeforeReadRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private bool OnAfterReadRecord(string line, object record)
if (mRecordInfo.mNotifyRead)
((INotifyRead)record).AfterRead(this, line);
if (AfterReadRecord != null)
AfterReadRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new AfterReadRecordEventArgs(line, record, mLineNumber);
AfterReadRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private bool OnBeforeWriteRecord(object record)
if (mRecordInfo.mNotifyWrite)
if (BeforeWriteRecord != null)
BeforeWriteRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new BeforeWriteRecordEventArgs(record, mLineNumber);
BeforeWriteRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private string OnAfterWriteRecord(string line, object record)
if (AfterWriteRecord != null)
AfterWriteRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new AfterWriteRecordEventArgs(record, mLineNumber, line);
AfterWriteRecord(this, e);
return e.RecordLine;
return line;
/// <summary>Called in read operations just before the record string is translated to a record.</summary>
public event BeforeReadRecordHandler BeforeReadRecord;
/// <summary>Called in read operations just after the record was created from a record string.</summary>
public event AfterReadRecordHandler AfterReadRecord;
/// <summary>Called in write operations just before the record is converted to a string to write it.</summary>
public event BeforeWriteRecordHandler BeforeWriteRecord;
/// <summary>Called in write operations just after the record was converted to a string.</summary>
public event AfterWriteRecordHandler AfterWriteRecord;
private bool OnBeforeReadRecord(string line)
if (BeforeReadRecord != null)
BeforeReadRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new BeforeReadRecordEventArgs(line, LineNumber);
BeforeReadRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private bool OnAfterReadRecord(string line, object record)
if (mRecordInfo.mNotifyRead)
((INotifyRead)record).AfterRead(this, line);
if (AfterReadRecord != null)
AfterReadRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new AfterReadRecordEventArgs(line, record, LineNumber);
AfterReadRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private bool OnBeforeWriteRecord(object record)
if (mRecordInfo.mNotifyWrite)
if (BeforeWriteRecord != null)
BeforeWriteRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new BeforeWriteRecordEventArgs(record, LineNumber);
BeforeWriteRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private string OnAfterWriteRecord(string line, object record)
if (AfterWriteRecord != null)
AfterWriteRecordEventArgs e = null;
e = new AfterWriteRecordEventArgs(record, LineNumber, line);
AfterWriteRecord(this, e);
return e.RecordLine;
return line;
/// <summary>Called in read operations just before the record string is translated to a record.</summary>
public event BeforeReadRecordHandler<T> BeforeReadRecord;
/// <summary>Called in read operations just after the record was created from a record string.</summary>
public event AfterReadRecordHandler<T> AfterReadRecord;
/// <summary>Called in write operations just before the record is converted to a string to write it.</summary>
public event BeforeWriteRecordHandler<T> BeforeWriteRecord;
/// <summary>Called in write operations just after the record was converted to a string.</summary>
public event AfterWriteRecordHandler<T> AfterWriteRecord;
private bool OnBeforeReadRecord(string line)
if (BeforeReadRecord != null)
BeforeReadRecordEventArgs<T> e = null;
e = new BeforeReadRecordEventArgs<T>(line, LineNumber);
BeforeReadRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private bool OnAfterReadRecord(string line, T record)
if (mRecordInfo.mNotifyRead)
((INotifyRead)record).AfterRead(this, line);
if (AfterReadRecord != null)
AfterReadRecordEventArgs<T> e = null;
e = new AfterReadRecordEventArgs<T>(line, record, LineNumber);
AfterReadRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private bool OnBeforeWriteRecord(T record)
if (mRecordInfo.mNotifyWrite)
if (BeforeWriteRecord != null)
BeforeWriteRecordEventArgs<T> e = null;
e = new BeforeWriteRecordEventArgs<T>(record, LineNumber);
BeforeWriteRecord(this, e);
return e.SkipThisRecord;
return false;
private string OnAfterWriteRecord(string line, T record)
if (AfterWriteRecord != null)
AfterWriteRecordEventArgs<T> e = null;
e = new AfterWriteRecordEventArgs<T>(record, LineNumber, line);
AfterWriteRecord(this, e);
return e.RecordLine;
return line;
#if NET_2_0
internal RecordOptions mOptions;
/// <summary>
/// Allows to change some record layout options at runtime
/// </summary>
public RecordOptions Options
get { return mOptions; }
set { mOptions = value; }