2010-03-26 14:32:16 -07:00
SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz
This file is part of SleekXMPP.
See the file license.txt for copying permission.
2010-01-05 21:56:48 +00:00
from .. xmlstream.stanzabase import StanzaBase
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from . error import Error
from .. exceptions import XMPPError
import traceback
class RootStanza(StanzaBase):
def exception(self, e): #called when a handler raises an exception
if isinstance(e, XMPPError): # we raised this deliberately
self['error']['condition'] = e.condition
self['error']['text'] = e.text
if e.extension is not None: # extended error tag
extxml = ET.Element("{%s}%s" % (e.extension_ns, e.extension), e.extension_args)
self['error']['type'] = e.etype
else: # we probably didn't raise this on purpose, so send back a traceback
self['error']['condition'] = 'undefined-condition'
self['error']['text'] = traceback.format_tb(e.__traceback__)
# all jabber:client root stanzas should have the error plugin
RootStanza.plugin_attrib_map['error'] = Error
RootStanza.plugin_tag_map["{%s}%s" % (Error.namespace, Error.name)] = Error