mirror of
synced 2025-02-18 20:59:41 +00:00
Made first pass at cleaning BaseXMPP.
Have not intregrated the new JID class yet.
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 538 additions and 239 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
from . basexmpp import basexmpp
from . basexmpp import BaseXMPP, basexmpp
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from . xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
from . xmlstream.xmlstream import RestartStream
@ -39,17 +39,17 @@ except ImportError:
#class PresenceStanzaType(object):
# def fromXML(self, xml):
# self.ptype = xml.get('type')
class ClientXMPP(basexmpp, XMLStream):
class ClientXMPP(BaseXMPP):
"""SleekXMPP's client class. Use only for good, not evil."""
def __init__(self, jid, password, ssl=False, plugin_config = {}, plugin_whitelist=[], escape_quotes=True):
BaseXMPP.__init__(self, 'jabber:client')
global srvsupport
self.default_ns = 'jabber:client'
self.plugin_config = plugin_config
self.escape_quotes = escape_quotes
@ -80,16 +80,6 @@ class ClientXMPP(basexmpp, XMLStream):
#self.registerStanzaExtension('PresenceStanza', PresenceStanzaType)
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self.plugin:
return self.plugin[key]
logging.warning("""Plugin "%s" is not loaded.""" % key)
return False
def get(self, key, default):
return self.plugin.get(key, default)
def connect(self, address=tuple()):
"""Connect to the Jabber Server. Attempts SRV lookup, and if it fails, uses
the JID server."""
@ -5,238 +5,558 @@
See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
from __future__ import with_statement, unicode_literals
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from . xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
from . xmlstream.matcher.xmlmask import MatchXMLMask
from . xmlstream.matcher.many import MatchMany
from . xmlstream.handler.xmlcallback import XMLCallback
from . xmlstream.handler.xmlwaiter import XMLWaiter
from . xmlstream.handler.waiter import Waiter
from . xmlstream.handler.callback import Callback
from . xmlstream.stanzabase import registerStanzaPlugin
from . import plugins
from . stanza.message import Message
from . stanza.iq import Iq
from . stanza.presence import Presence
from . stanza.roster import Roster
from . stanza.nick import Nick
from . stanza.htmlim import HTMLIM
from . stanza.error import Error
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.tostring import tostring
import logging
import threading
import copy
import sys
import copy
import logging
if sys.version_info < (3,0):
import sleekxmpp
from sleekxmpp import plugins
class basexmpp(object):
def __init__(self):
self.sentpresence = False
self.fulljid = ''
self.resource = ''
self.jid = ''
self.username = ''
self.server = ''
self.plugin = {}
self.auto_authorize = True
self.auto_subscribe = True
self.roster = {}
self.registerHandler(Callback('IM', MatchXMLMask("<message xmlns='%s'><body /></message>" % self.default_ns), self._handleMessage))
self.registerHandler(Callback('Presence', MatchXMLMask("<presence xmlns='%s' />" % self.default_ns), self._handlePresence))
self.add_event_handler('presence_subscribe', self._handlePresenceSubscribe)
registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, Roster)
registerStanzaPlugin(Message, Nick)
registerStanzaPlugin(Message, HTMLIM)
from sleekxmpp.stanza import Message, Presence, Iq, Error
from sleekxmpp.stanza.roster import Roster
from sleekxmpp.stanza.nick import Nick
from sleekxmpp.stanza.htmlim import HTMLIM
def Message(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Message(self, *args, **kwargs)
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import XMLStream, JID, tostring
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import ET, registerStanzaPlugin
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import *
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import *
def Iq(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Iq(self, *args, **kwargs)
def Presence(self, *args, **kwargs):
return Presence(self, *args, **kwargs)
# In order to make sure that Unicode is handled properly
# in Python 2.x, reset the default encoding.
if sys.version_info < (3, 0):
def set_jid(self, jid):
"""Rip a JID apart and claim it as our own."""
self.fulljid = jid
self.resource = self.getjidresource(jid)
self.jid = self.getjidbare(jid)
self.username = jid.split('@', 1)[0]
self.server = jid.split('@',1)[-1].split('/', 1)[0]
def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
for idx in self.plugin:
if not self.plugin[idx].post_inited: self.plugin[idx].post_init()
return super(basexmpp, self).process(*args, **kwargs)
class BaseXMPP(XMLStream):
def registerPlugin(self, plugin, pconfig = {}):
"""Register a plugin not in plugins.__init__.__all__ but in the plugins
# discover relative "path" to the plugins module from the main app, and import it.
# gross, this probably isn't necessary anymore, especially for an installed module
__import__("%s.%s" % (globals()['plugins'].__name__, plugin))
# init the plugin class
self.plugin[plugin] = getattr(getattr(plugins, plugin), plugin)(self, pconfig) # eek
# all of this for a nice debug? sure.
xep = ''
if hasattr(self.plugin[plugin], 'xep'):
xep = "(XEP-%s) " % self.plugin[plugin].xep
logging.debug("Loaded Plugin %s%s" % (xep, self.plugin[plugin].description))
The BaseXMPP class adapts the generic XMLStream class for use
with XMPP. It also provides a plugin mechanism to easily extend
and add support for new XMPP features.
def register_plugins(self):
"""Initiates all plugins in the plugins/__init__.__all__"""
if self.plugin_whitelist:
plugin_list = self.plugin_whitelist
plugin_list = plugins.__all__
for plugin in plugin_list:
if plugin in plugins.__all__:
self.registerPlugin(plugin, self.plugin_config.get(plugin, {}), False)
raise NameError("No plugin by the name of %s listed in plugins.__all__." % plugin)
# run post_init() for cross-plugin interaction
for plugin in self.plugin:
auto_authorize -- Manage automatically accepting roster
auto_subscribe -- Manage automatically requesting mutual
is_component -- Indicates if this stream is for an XMPP component.
jid -- The XMPP JID for this stream.
plugin -- A dictionary of loaded plugins.
plugin_config -- A dictionary of plugin configurations.
plugin_whitelist -- A list of approved plugins.
sentpresence -- Indicates if an initial presence has been sent.
roster -- A dictionary containing subscribed JIDs and
their presence statuses.
def makeIq(self, id=0, ifrom=None):
return self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'id': str(id), 'from': ifrom})
Iq -- Factory for creating an Iq stanzas.
Message -- Factory for creating Message stanzas.
Presence -- Factory for creating Presence stanzas.
get -- Return a plugin given its name.
make_iq -- Create and initialize an Iq stanza.
make_iq_error -- Create an Iq stanza of type 'error'.
make_iq_get -- Create an Iq stanza of type 'get'.
make_iq_query -- Create an Iq stanza with a given query.
make_iq_result -- Create an Iq stanza of type 'result'.
make_iq_set -- Create an Iq stanza of type 'set'.
make_message -- Create and initialize a Message stanza.
make_presence -- Create and initialize a Presence stanza.
make_query_roster -- Create a roster query.
process -- Overrides XMLStream.process.
register_plugin -- Load and configure a plugin.
register_plugins -- Load and configure multiple plugins.
send_message -- Create and send a Message stanza.
send_presence -- Create and send a Presence stanza.
send_presence_subscribe -- Send a subscription request.
def makeIqGet(self, queryxmlns = None):
iq = self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'type': 'get'})
if queryxmlns:
iq.append(ET.Element("{%s}query" % queryxmlns))
return iq
def __init__(self, default_ns='jabber:client'):
Adapt an XML stream for use with XMPP.
def makeIqResult(self, id):
return self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'id': id, 'type': 'result'})
default_ns -- Ensure that the correct default XML namespace
is used during initialization.
def makeIqSet(self, sub=None):
iq = self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'type': 'set'})
if sub != None:
return iq
# To comply with PEP8, method names now use underscores.
# Deprecated method names are re-mapped for backwards compatibility.
self.registerPlugin = self.register_plugin
self.makeIq = self.make_iq
self.makeIqGet = self.make_iq_get
self.makeIqResult = self.make_iq_result
self.makeIqSet = self.make_iq_set
self.makeIqError = self.make_iq_error
self.makeIqQuery = self.make_iq_query
self.makeQueryRoster = self.make_query_roster
self.makeMessage = self.make_message
self.makePresence = self.make_presence
self.sendMessage = self.send_message
self.sendPresence = self.send_presence
self.sendPresenceSubscription = self.send_presence_subscription
def makeIqError(self, id, type='cancel', condition='feature-not-implemented', text=None):
iq = self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'id': id})
iq['error'].setStanzaValues({'type': type, 'condition': condition, 'text': text})
return iq
self.default_ns = default_ns
def makeIqQuery(self, iq, xmlns):
query = ET.Element("{%s}query" % xmlns)
return iq
self.jid = ''
self.fulljid = ''
self.resource = ''
self.jid = ''
self.username = ''
self.server = ''
def makeQueryRoster(self, iq=None):
query = ET.Element("{jabber:iq:roster}query")
if iq:
return query
self.plugin = {}
self.roster = {}
self.is_component = False
self.auto_authorize = True
self.auto_subscribe = True
def makeMessage(self, mto, mbody=None, msubject=None, mtype=None, mhtml=None, mfrom=None, mnick=None):
message = self.Message(sto=mto, stype=mtype, sfrom=mfrom)
message['body'] = mbody
message['subject'] = msubject
if mnick is not None: message['nick'] = mnick
if mhtml is not None: message['html']['html'] = mhtml
return message
self.sentpresence = False
def makePresence(self, pshow=None, pstatus=None, ppriority=None, pto=None, ptype=None, pfrom=None):
presence = self.Presence(stype=ptype, sfrom=pfrom, sto=pto)
if pshow is not None: presence['type'] = pshow
if pfrom is None: #maybe this should be done in stanzabase
presence['from'] = self.fulljid
presence['priority'] = ppriority
presence['status'] = pstatus
return presence
MatchXPath('{%s}message/{%s}body' % (self.default_ns,
MatchXPath("{%s}presence" % self.default_ns),
def sendMessage(self, mto, mbody, msubject=None, mtype=None, mhtml=None, mfrom=None, mnick=None):
def sendPresence(self, pshow=None, pstatus=None, ppriority=None, pto=None, pfrom=None, ptype=None):
self.send(self.makePresence(pshow,pstatus,ppriority,pto, ptype=ptype, pfrom=pfrom))
if not self.sentpresence:
self.sentpresence = True
# Set up the XML stream with XMPP's root stanzas.
def sendPresenceSubscription(self, pto, pfrom=None, ptype='subscribe', pnick=None) :
presence = self.makePresence(ptype=ptype, pfrom=pfrom, pto=self.getjidbare(pto))
if pnick :
nick = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick')
nick.text = pnick
# Initialize a few default stanza plugins.
registerStanzaPlugin(Iq, Roster)
registerStanzaPlugin(Message, Nick)
registerStanzaPlugin(Message, HTMLIM)
def getjidresource(self, fulljid):
if '/' in fulljid:
return fulljid.split('/', 1)[-1]
return ''
def process(self, *args, **kwargs):
Ensure that plugin inter-dependencies are handled before starting
event processing.
def getjidbare(self, fulljid):
return fulljid.split('/', 1)[0]
Overrides XMLStream.process.
for name in self.plugin:
if not self.plugin[name].post_inited:
return XMLStream.process(self, *args, **kwargs)
def _handleMessage(self, msg):
self.event('message', msg)
def register_plugin(self, plugin, pconfig={}, module=None):
Register and configure a plugin for use in this stream.
def _handlePresence(self, presence):
"""Update roster items based on presence"""
self.event("presence_%s" % presence['type'], presence)
if presence['type'] in ('subscribe', 'subscribed', 'unsubscribe', 'unsubscribed'):
self.event('changed_subscription', presence)
elif not presence['type'] in ('available', 'unavailable') and not presence['type'] in presence.showtypes:
jid = presence['from'].bare
resource = presence['from'].resource
show = presence['type']
status = presence['status']
priority = presence['priority']
wasoffline = False
oldroster = self.roster.get(jid, {}).get(resource, {})
if not presence['from'].bare in self.roster:
self.roster[jid] = {'groups': [], 'name': '', 'subscription': 'none', 'presence': {}, 'in_roster': False}
if not resource in self.roster[jid]['presence']:
if (show == 'available' or show in presence.showtypes):
self.event("got_online", presence)
wasoffline = True
self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource] = {}
if self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource].get('show', 'unavailable') == 'unavailable':
wasoffline = True
self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource] = {'show': show, 'status': status, 'priority': priority}
name = self.roster[jid].get('name', '')
if show == 'unavailable':
logging.debug("%s %s got offline" % (jid, resource))
del self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource]
if len(self.roster[jid]['presence']) == 0 and not self.roster[jid]['in_roster']:
del self.roster[jid]
if not wasoffline:
self.event("got_offline", presence)
return False
self.event("changed_status", presence)
name = ''
if name:
name = "(%s) " % name
logging.debug("STATUS: %s%s/%s[%s]: %s" % (name, jid, resource, show,status))
plugin -- The name of the plugin class. Plugin names must
be unique.
pconfig -- A dictionary of configuration data for the plugin.
Defaults to an empty dictionary.
module -- Optional refence to the module containing the plugin
class if using custom plugins.
# Import the given module that contains the plugin.
if not module:
module = sleekxmpp.plugins
module = __import__("%s.%s" % (module.__name__, plugin),
globals(), locals(), [plugin])
def _handlePresenceSubscribe(self, presence):
"""Handling subscriptions automatically."""
if self.auto_authorize == True:
self.send(self.makePresence(ptype='subscribed', pto=presence['from'].bare))
if self.auto_subscribe:
self.send(self.makePresence(ptype='subscribe', pto=presence['from'].bare))
elif self.auto_authorize == False:
self.send(self.makePresence(ptype='unsubscribed', pto=presence['from'].bare))
# Load the plugin class from the module.
self.plugin[plugin] = getattr(module, plugin)(self, pconfig)
# Let XEP implementing plugins have some extra logging info.
xep = ''
if hasattr(self.plugin[plugin], 'xep'):
xep = "(XEP-%s) " % self.plugin[plugin].xep
desc = (xep, self.plugin[plugin].description)
logging.debug("Loaded Plugin %s%s" % desc)
logging.exception("Unable to load plugin: %s", plugin)
def register_plugins(self):
Register and initialize all built-in plugins.
Optionally, the list of plugins loaded may be limited to those
contained in self.plugin_whitelist.
Plugin configurations stored in self.plugin_config will be used.
if self.plugin_whitelist:
plugin_list = self.plugin_whitelist
plugin_list = plugins.__all__
for plugin in plugin_list:
if plugin in plugins.__all__:
self.plugin_config.get(plugin, {}))
raise NameError("Plugin %s not in plugins.__all__." % plugin)
# Resolve plugin inter-dependencies.
for plugin in self.plugin:
def __getitem__(self, key):
Return a plugin given its name, if it has been registered.
if key in self.plugin:
return self.plugin[key]
logging.warning("""Plugin "%s" is not loaded.""" % key)
return False
def get(self, key, default):
Return a plugin given its name, if it has been registered.
return self.plugin.get(key, default)
def Message(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a Message stanza associated with this stream."""
return Message(self, *args, **kwargs)
def Iq(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create an Iq stanza associated with this stream."""
return Iq(self, *args, **kwargs)
def Presence(self, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a Presence stanza associated with this stream."""
return Presence(self, *args, **kwargs)
def make_iq(self, id=0, ifrom=None):
Create a new Iq stanza with a given Id and from JID.
id -- An ideally unique ID value for this stanza thread.
Defaults to 0.
ifrom -- The from JID to use for this stanza.
return self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'id': str(id),
'from': ifrom})
def make_iq_get(self, queryxmlns=None):
Create an Iq stanza of type 'get'.
Optionally, a query element may be added.
queryxmlns -- The namespace of the query to use.
return self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'type': 'get',
'query': queryxmlns})
def make_iq_result(self, id):
Create an Iq stanza of type 'result' with the given ID value.
id -- An ideally unique ID value. May use self.new_id().
return self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'id': id,
'type': 'result'})
def make_iq_set(self, sub=None):
Create an Iq stanza of type 'set'.
Optionally, a substanza may be given to use as the
stanza's payload.
sub -- A stanza or XML object to use as the Iq's payload.
iq = self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'type': 'set'})
if sub != None:
return iq
def make_iq_error(self, id, type='cancel',
condition='feature-not-implemented', text=None):
Create an Iq stanza of type 'error'.
id -- An ideally unique ID value. May use self.new_id().
type -- The type of the error, such as 'cancel' or 'modify'.
Defaults to 'cancel'.
condition -- The error condition.
Defaults to 'feature-not-implemented'.
text -- A message describing the cause of the error.
iq = self.Iq().setStanzaValues({'id': id})
iq['error'].setStanzaValues({'type': type,
'condition': condition,
'text': text})
return iq
def make_iq_query(self, iq=None, xmlns=''):
Create or modify an Iq stanza to use the given
query namespace.
iq -- Optional Iq stanza to modify. A new
stanza is created otherwise.
xmlns -- The query's namespace.
if not iq:
iq = self.Iq()
iq['query'] = xmlns
return iq
def make_query_roster(self, iq=None):
Create a roster query element.
iq -- Optional Iq stanza to modify. A new stanza
is created otherwise.
if iq:
iq['query'] = 'jabber:iq:roster'
return ET.Element("{jabber:iq:roster}query")
def make_message(self, mto, mbody=None, msubject=None, mtype=None,
mhtml=None, mfrom=None, mnick=None):
Create and initialize a new Message stanza.
mto -- The recipient of the message.
mbody -- The main contents of the message.
msubject -- Optional subject for the message.
mtype -- The message's type, such as 'chat' or 'groupchat'.
mhtml -- Optional HTML body content.
mfrom -- The sender of the message. If sending from a client,
be aware that some servers require that the full JID
of the sender be used.
mnick -- Optional nickname of the sender.
message = self.Message(sto=mto, stype=mtype, sfrom=mfrom)
message['body'] = mbody
message['subject'] = msubject
if mnick is not None:
message['nick'] = mnick
if mhtml is not None:
message['html']['body'] = mhtml
return message
def make_presence(self, pshow=None, pstatus=None, ppriority=None,
pto=None, ptype=None, pfrom=None):
Create and initialize a new Presence stanza.
pshow -- The presence's show value.
pstatus -- The presence's status message.
ppriority -- This connections' priority.
pto -- The recipient of a directed presence.
ptype -- The type of presence, such as 'subscribe'.
pfrom -- The sender of the presence.
presence = self.Presence(stype=ptype, sfrom=pfrom, sto=pto)
if pshow is not None:
presence['type'] = pshow
if pfrom is None:
presence['from'] = self.fulljid
presence['priority'] = ppriority
presence['status'] = pstatus
return presence
def send_message(self, mto, mbody, msubject=None, mtype=None,
mhtml=None, mfrom=None, mnick=None):
Create, initialize, and send a Message stanza.
self.makeMessage(mto, mbody, msubject, mtype,
mhtml, mfrom, mnick).send()
def send_presence(self, pshow=None, pstatus=None, ppriority=None,
pto=None, pfrom=None, ptype=None):
Create, initialize, and send a Presence stanza.
pshow -- The presence's show value.
pstatus -- The presence's status message.
ppriority -- This connections' priority.
pto -- The recipient of a directed presence.
ptype -- The type of presence, such as 'subscribe'.
pfrom -- The sender of the presence.
self.makePresence(pshow, pstatus, ppriority, pto,
ptype=ptype, pfrom=pfrom).send()
# Unexpected errors may occur if
if not self.sentpresence:
self.sentpresence = True
def send_presence_subscription(self, pto, pfrom=None,
ptype='subscribe', pnick=None):
Create, initialize, and send a Presence stanza of type 'subscribe'.
pto -- The recipient of a directed presence.
pfrom -- The sender of the presence.
ptype -- The type of presence. Defaults to 'subscribe'.
pnick -- Nickname of the presence's sender.
presence = self.makePresence(ptype=ptype,
if pnick:
nick = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick')
nick.text = pnick
def set_jid(self, jid):
"""Rip a JID apart and claim it as our own."""
self.fulljid = jid
self.resource = self.getjidresource(jid)
self.jid = self.getjidbare(jid)
self.username = jid.split('@', 1)[0]
self.server = jid.split('@', 1)[-1].split('/', 1)[0]
def getjidresource(self, fulljid):
if '/' in fulljid:
return fulljid.split('/', 1)[-1]
return ''
def getjidbare(self, fulljid):
return fulljid.split('/', 1)[0]
def _handle_message(self, msg):
"""Process incoming message stanzas."""
self.event('message', msg)
def _handle_presence(self, presence):
Process incoming presence stanzas.
Update the roster with presence information.
self.event("presence_%s" % presence['type'], presence)
# Check for changes in subscription state.
if presence['type'] in ('subscribe', 'subscribed',
'unsubscribe', 'unsubscribed'):
self.event('changed_subscription', presence)
elif not presence['type'] in ('available', 'unavailable') and \
not presence['type'] in presence.showtypes:
# Strip the information from the stanza.
jid = presence['from'].bare
resource = presence['from'].resource
show = presence['type']
status = presence['status']
priority = presence['priority']
was_offline = False
old_roster = self.roster.get(jid, {}).get(resource, {})
# Create a new roster entry if needed.
if not jid in self.roster:
self.roster[jid] = {'groups': [],
'name': '',
'subscription': 'none',
'presence': {},
'in_roster': False}
# Alias to simplify some references.
connections = self.roster[jid]['presence']
# Determine if the user has just come online.
if not resource in connections:
if show == 'available' or show in presence.showtypes:
self.event("got_online", presence)
was_offline = True
connections[resource] = {}
if connections[resource].get('show', 'unavailable') == 'unavailable':
was_offline = True
# Update the roster's state for this JID's resource.
connections[resource] = {'show': show,
'status': status,
'priority': priority}
name = self.roster[jid].get('name', '')
# Remove unneeded state information after a resource
# disconnects. Determine if this was the last connection
# for the JID.
if show == 'unavailable':
logging.debug("%s %s got offline" % (jid, resource))
del connections[resource]
if not connections and not self.roster[jid]['in_roster']:
del self.roster[jid]
if not was_offline:
self.event("got_offline", presence)
return False
name = '(%s) ' % name if name else ''
# Presence state has changed.
self.event("changed_status", presence)
logging.debug("STATUS: %s%s/%s[%s]: %s" % (name, jid, resource,
show, status))
def _handle_subscribe(self, presence):
Automatically managage subscription requests.
Subscription behavior is controlled by the settings
self.auto_authorize and self.auto_subscribe.
auto_auth auto_sub Result:
True True Create bi-directional subsriptions.
True False Create only directed subscriptions.
False * Decline all subscriptions.
None * Disable automatic handling and use
a custom handler.
presence = self.Presence()
presence['to'] = presence['from'].bare
# We are using trinary logic, so conditions have to be
# more explicit than usual.
if self.auto_authorize == True:
presence['type'] = 'subscribed'
if self.auto_subscribe:
presence['type'] = 'subscribe'
elif self.auto_authorize == False:
presence['type'] = 'unsubscribed'
# Restore the old, lowercased name for backwards compatibility.
basexmpp = BaseXMPP
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from . basexmpp import basexmpp
from . basexmpp import BaseXMPP
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from . xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream
@ -39,12 +39,11 @@ class ComponentXMPP(basexmpp, XMLStream):
"""SleekXMPP's client class. Use only for good, not evil."""
def __init__(self, jid, secret, host, port, plugin_config = {}, plugin_whitelist=[], use_jc_ns=False):
if use_jc_ns:
self.default_ns = 'jabber:client'
default_ns = 'jabber:client'
self.default_ns = 'jabber:component:accept'
default_ns = 'jabber:component:accept'
BaseXMPP.__init__(self, default_ns)
self.auto_authorize = None
self.stream_header = "<stream:stream xmlns='jabber:component:accept' xmlns:stream='http://etherx.jabber.org/streams' to='%s'>" % jid
self.stream_footer = "</stream:stream>"
@ -54,17 +53,7 @@ class ComponentXMPP(basexmpp, XMLStream):
self.secret = secret
self.is_component = True
self.registerHandler(Callback('Handshake', MatchXPath('{jabber:component:accept}handshake'), self._handleHandshake))
def __getitem__(self, key):
if key in self.plugin:
return self.plugin[key]
logging.warning("""Plugin "%s" is not loaded.""" % key)
return False
def get(self, key, default):
return self.plugin.get(key, default)
def incoming_filter(self, xmlobj):
if xmlobj.tag.startswith('{jabber:client}'):
xmlobj.tag = xmlobj.tag.replace('jabber:client', self.default_ns)
@ -80,10 +69,10 @@ class ComponentXMPP(basexmpp, XMLStream):
handshake.text = hashlib.sha1(bytes("%s%s" % (sid, self.secret), 'utf-8')).hexdigest().lower()
def _handleHandshake(self, xml):
def connect(self):
logging.debug("Connecting to %s:%s" % (self.server_host, self.server_port))
return xmlstreammod.XMLStream.connect(self, self.server_host, self.server_port)
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ class TestPresenceStanzas(SleekTest):
c.add_event_handler("changed_status", handlechangedpresence)
self.failUnless(happened == [],
"changed_status event triggered for extra unavailable presence")
Reference in a new issue