Setting signal handlers from inside a thread is not supported in Python,
but some applications need to run Sleek from a child thread.
SleekXMPP applications that run inside a child thread will NOT be able
to detect SIGHUP or SIGTERM events. Those must be caught and managed by
the main program.
Made setting the SIG* handlers conditional on if the signal defined for
the OS.
Added the attribute ssl_version to XMLStream to set the version of SSL
used during connection. It defaults to ssl.PROTOCOL_TLSv1, but OpenFire
tends to require ssl.PROTOCOL_SSLv23.
Raising an XMPPError exception from an event handler now works, even if
from a threaded handler.
Added stream tests to verify.
We should start using XMPPError, it really makes things simple!
Stanza objects now accept the use of underscored names.
The CamelCase versions are still available for backwards compatibility,
but are discouraged.
The property stanza.values now maps to the old getStanzaValues and
setStanzaValues, in addition to _set_stanza_values and
Implemented ANONYMOUS authentication on the ClientXMPP class.
To use it, you just need to provide a domain (e.g '')
with an optional resource (e.g '') as the JID,
with no password. The JID class has been improved to accept
domains as fulljid.
You can test this with
python -j # anonymous with a resource
# defined by the server
python -j # anonymous with given
# resource
The "normal" authentication method still works exactly like before.
Moved SleekTest to sleekxmpp.test package.
Corrected error in XML compare method.
Added TestLiveSocket to run stream tests against live streams.
Modified XMLStream to work with TestLiveSocket.
This prepares the way for moving add_handler to XMLStream.
Since stanzas, matchers, and handlers in any XML stream will typically
use unique IDs, XMLStream is a good place for these methods.
Updated XMLStream to return True or False from removeHandler to indicate if the handler
existed and was removed.
Waiter handlers now unregister themselves after timing out.