JIDs with Unicode values were being encoded by the JID class
instead of leaving them as just Unicode strings.
It may still be a good idea to use
from __future__ import unicode_literals
pretty much everywhere though.
Fixes issue #88.
Each interface, say foo, may be overridden in three ways:
To declare an override in a plugin, add the class field
overrides as so:
overrides = ['set_foo', 'del_foo']
Each override must have a matching set_foo(), etc method
for implementing the new behaviour.
To enable the overrides for a particular parent stanza,
pass the option overrides=True to register_stanza_plugin.
register_stanza_plugin(Stanza, Plugin, overrides=True)
Example code:
class Test(ElementBase):
name = 'test'
namespace = 'testing'
interfaces = set(('foo', 'bar'))
sub_interfaces = set(('bar',))
class TestOverride(ElementBase):
name = 'test-override'
namespace = 'testing'
plugin_attrib = 'override'
interfaces = set(('foo',))
overrides = ['set_foo']
def setup(self, xml):
# Don't include an XML element in the parent stanza
# since we're adding just an attribute.
# If adding a regular subelement, no need to do this.
self.xml = ET.Element('')
def set_foo(self, value):
self.parent()._set_attr('foo', 'override-%s' % value)
register_stanza_plugin(Test, TestOverride, overrides=True)
Example usage:
>>> t = TestStanza()
>>> t['foo'] = 'bar'
>>> t['foo']
ElementBase instances will display the top-most namespace by default.
StanzaBase instances will NOT display the top-most namespace by default.
May pass True or False to __str__ to override.
Now done more responsibly, saving any existing signal handlers
and calling them when an interrupt occurs in addition to the
one Sleek installs.
NOTE: You may need to explicitly use "kill <process id>" in
order to trigger the proper signal handler execution, and
to raise the "killed" event.
Waiting until the actual run step means that the handler is not
marked for deletion when checked in the __spawn_event() thread,
causing the callback to stay in the handler list.
This allows exceptions to include the original
content of a stanza in the error response by including
the parameter clear=False when raising the exception.
Will now always show top-level namespace, unless it is the same
as the stream's default namespace. Also added the XMPP stream
namespace to the namespace map as 'stream'.
Use stanza.values instead of _get/set_stanza_values where used.
ElementBase stanzas can now use .tag
May use class method tag_name() for stanza classes.
ElementBase now has .clear() method.
May now use register_stanza_plugin(Foo, Bar, iterable=True)
to add to the set of stanza classes used for iterable
substanzas. It is no longer necessary to manually specify
the contents of subitem if the new method is used.
A stanza object may add is_extension = True to its class definition
to provide a single new interface to a parent stanza.
For example:
import sleekxmpp
from sleekxmpp import Iq
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import ElementBase, register_stanza_plugin, ET
class Foo(ElementBase):
Test adding just an attribute to a parent stanza.
Adding subelements works as expected.
is_extension = True
interfaces = set(('foo',))
plugin_attrib = 'foo'
def setup(self, xml):
# Don't include an XML element in the parent stanza
# since we're adding just an attribute.
# If adding a regular subelement, no need to do this.
self.xml = ET.Element('')
def set_foo(self, val):
self.parent()._set_attr('foo', val)
def get_foo(self):
return self.parent()._get_attr('foo')
def del_foo(self):
register_stanza_plugin(Iq, Foo)
i1 = Iq()
i2 = Iq(xml=ET.fromstring("<iq xmlns='jabber:client' foo='bar' />"))
>>> i1['foo'] = '3'
>>> i1
>>> i1
'<iq id="0" foo="3" />'
>>> i2
'<iq id="0" foo="bar" />'
>>> i2['foo']
>>> del i2['foo']
>>> i2
'<iq id="0" />'
Daemonized threads exit once the main program has quit,
and the only threads left running are all daemon threads.
Should fix hanging clients while not trampling over anyone
else's signal handlers.
Support is only for adding literal XML content
to stanzas. Full support for things like multiple
message bodies with different xml:lang values is
still in the works.
SleekTest can now use matchers when checking stanzas, using
the method parameter for self.check(), self.recv(), and self.send():
method='exact' - Same behavior as before
'xpath' - Use xpath matcher
'id' - Use ID matcher
'mask' - Use XML mask matcher
'stanzapath' - Use StanzaPath matcher
recv_feature and send_feature only accept 'exact' and 'mask' for now.
* check_stanza does not require stanza_class parameter. Introspection!
* check_message, check_iq, and check_presence removed -- use check
* stream_send_stanza, stream_send_message, stream_send_iq, and
stream_send_presence removed -- use send instead.
* Use recv instead of recv_message, recv_presence, etc.
* check_jid instead of check_JID
* stream_start may accept multi=True to return a new SleekTest instance
for testing multiple streams at once.
xep_0030 still referenced event_handlers. Added the method event_handled
which will return the number of registered handlers for an event to
resolve the issue.
Setting signal handlers from inside a thread is not supported in Python,
but some applications need to run Sleek from a child thread.
SleekXMPP applications that run inside a child thread will NOT be able
to detect SIGHUP or SIGTERM events. Those must be caught and managed by
the main program.