""" SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library Copyright (C) 2007 Nathanael C. Fritz This file is part of SleekXMPP. SleekXMPP is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. SleekXMPP is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with SleekXMPP; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ from __future__ import with_statement from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET from . xmlstream.xmlstream import XMLStream from . xmlstream.matcher.xmlmask import MatchXMLMask from . xmlstream.matcher.many import MatchMany from . xmlstream.handler.xmlcallback import XMLCallback from . xmlstream.handler.xmlwaiter import XMLWaiter from . xmlstream.handler.callback import Callback from . import plugins import logging import threading class basexmpp(object): def __init__(self): self.id = 0 self.id_lock = threading.Lock() self.stanza_errors = { 'bad-request':False, 'conflict':False, 'feature-not-implemented':False, 'forbidden':False, 'gone':True, 'internal-server-error':False, 'item-not-found':False, 'jid-malformed':False, 'not-acceptable':False, 'not-allowed':False, 'payment-required':False, 'recipient-unavailable':False, 'redirect':True, 'registration-required':False, 'remote-server-not-found':False, 'remote-server-timeout':False, 'resource-constraint':False, 'service-unavailable':False, 'subscription-required':False, 'undefined-condition':False, 'unexpected-request':False} self.stream_errors = { 'bad-format':False, 'bad-namespace-prefix':False, 'conflict':False, 'connection-timeout':False, 'host-gone':False, 'host-unknown':False, 'improper-addressing':False, 'internal-server-error':False, 'invalid-from':False, 'invalid-id':False, 'invalid-namespace':False, 'invalid-xml':False, 'not-authorized':False, 'policy-violation':False, 'remote-connection-failed':False, 'resource-constraint':False, 'restricted-xml':False, 'see-other-host':True, 'system-shutdown':False, 'undefined-condition':False, 'unsupported-encoding':False, 'unsupported-stanza-type':False, 'unsupported-version':False, 'xml-not-well-formed':False} self.sentpresence = False self.fulljid = '' self.resource = '' self.jid = '' self.username = '' self.server = '' self.plugin = {} self.auto_authorize = True self.auto_subscribe = True self.event_handlers = {} self.roster = {} self.registerHandler(Callback('IM', MatchMany((MatchXMLMask("<message xmlns='%s' type='chat'><body /></message>" % self.default_ns),MatchXMLMask("<message xmlns='%s' type='normal'><body /></message>" % self.default_ns),MatchXMLMask("<message xmlns='%s' type='__None__'><body /></message>" % self.default_ns))), self._handleMessage, thread=False)) self.registerHandler(Callback('Presence', MatchMany((MatchXMLMask("<presence xmlns='%s' type='available'/>" % self.default_ns),MatchXMLMask("<presence xmlns='%s' type='__None__'/>" % self.default_ns),MatchXMLMask("<presence xmlns='%s' type='unavailable'/>" % self.default_ns))), self._handlePresence, thread=False)) self.registerHandler(Callback('PresenceSubscribe', MatchMany((MatchXMLMask("<presence xmlns='%s' type='subscribe'/>" % self.default_ns),MatchXMLMask("<presence xmlns='%s' type='unsubscribed'/>" % self.default_ns))), self._handlePresenceSubscribe)) def set_jid(self, jid): """Rip a JID apart and claim it as our own.""" self.fulljid = jid self.resource = self.getjidresource(jid) self.jid = self.getjidbare(jid) self.username = jid.split('@', 1)[0] self.server = jid.split('@',1)[-1].split('/', 1)[0] def registerPlugin(self, plugin, pconfig = {}): """Register a plugin not in plugins.__init__.__all__ but in the plugins directory.""" # discover relative "path" to the plugins module from the main app, and import it. __import__("%s.%s" % (globals()['plugins'].__name__, plugin)) # init the plugin class self.plugin[plugin] = getattr(getattr(plugins, plugin), plugin)(self, pconfig) # eek # all of this for a nice debug? sure. xep = '' if hasattr(self.plugin[plugin], 'xep'): xep = "(XEP-%s) " % self.plugin[plugin].xep logging.debug("Loaded Plugin %s%s" % (xep, self.plugin[plugin].description)) def register_plugins(self): """Initiates all plugins in the plugins/__init__.__all__""" if self.plugin_whitelist: plugin_list = self.plugin_whitelist else: plugin_list = plugins.__all__ for plugin in plugin_list: if plugin in plugins.__all__: self.registerPlugin(plugin, self.plugin_config.get(plugin, {})) else: raise NameError("No plugin by the name of %s listed in plugins.__all__." % plugin) # run post_init() for cross-plugin interaction for plugin in self.plugin: self.plugin[plugin].post_init() def getNewId(self): with self.id_lock: self.id += 1 return self.getId() def add_handler(self, mask, pointer, disposable=False, threaded=False, filter=False, instream=False): #logging.warning("Deprecated add_handler used for %s: %s." % (mask, pointer)) self.registerHandler(XMLCallback('add_handler_%s' % self.getNewId(), MatchXMLMask(mask), pointer, threaded, disposable, instream)) def getId(self): return "%x".upper() % self.id def send(self, data, mask=None, timeout=60): #logging.warning("Deprecated send used for \"%s\"" % (data,)) if not type(data) == type(''): data = self.tostring(data) if mask is not None: waitfor = XMLWaiter('SendWait_%s' % self.getNewId(), MatchXMLMask(mask)) self.registerHandler(waitfor) self.sendRaw(data) if mask is not None: return waitfor.wait(timeout) def makeIq(self, id=0, ifrom=None): iq = ET.Element('{%s}iq' % self.default_ns) if id == 0: id = self.getNewId() iq.set('id', str(id)) if ifrom is not None: iq.attrib['from'] = ifrom return iq def makeIqGet(self, queryxmlns = None): iq = self.makeIq() iq.set('type', 'get') if queryxmlns: query = ET.Element("{%s}query" % queryxmlns) iq.append(query) return iq def makeIqResult(self, id): iq = self.makeIq(id) iq.set('type', 'result') return iq def makeIqSet(self, sub=None): iq = self.makeIq() iq.set('type', 'set') if sub != None: iq.append(sub) return iq def makeIqError(self, id): iq = self.makeIq(id) iq.set('type', 'error') return iq def makeStanzaErrorCondition(self, condition, cdata=None): if condition not in self.stanza_errors: raise ValueError() stanzaError = ET.Element('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas}'+condition) if cdata is not None: if not self.stanza_errors[condition]: raise ValueError() stanzaError.text = cdata return stanzaError def makeStanzaError(self, condition, errorType, code=None, text=None, customElem=None): if errorType not in ['auth', 'cancel', 'continue', 'modify', 'wait']: raise ValueError() error = ET.Element('error') error.append(self.makeStanzaErrorCondition(condition)) error.set('type',errorType) if code is not None: error.set('code', code) if text is not None: textElem = ET.Element('text') textElem.text = text error.append(textElem) if customElem is not None: error.append(customElem) return error def makeStreamErrorCondition(self, condition, cdata=None): if condition not in self.stream_errors: raise ValueError() streamError = ET.Element('{urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-streams}'+condition) if cdata is not None: if not self.stream_errors[condition]: raise ValueError() textElem = ET.Element('text') textElem.text = text streamError.append(textElem) def makeStreamError(self, errorElem, text=None): error = ET.Element('error') error.append(errorElem) if text is not None: textElem = ET.Element('text') textElem.text = text error.append(text) return error def makeIqQuery(self, iq, xmlns): query = ET.Element("{%s}query" % xmlns) iq.append(query) return iq def makeQueryRoster(self, iq=None): query = ET.Element("{jabber:iq:roster}query") if iq: iq.append(query) return query def add_event_handler(self, name, pointer, threaded=False, disposable=False): if not name in self.event_handlers: self.event_handlers[name] = [] self.event_handlers[name].append((pointer, threaded, disposable)) def event(self, name, eventdata = {}): # called on an event for handler in self.event_handlers.get(name, []): if handler[1]: #if threaded #thread.start_new(handler[0], (eventdata,)) x = threading.Thread(name="Event_%s" % str(handler[0]), target=handler[0], args=(eventdata,)) x.start() else: handler[0](eventdata) if handler[2]: #disposable with self.lock: self.event_handlers[name].pop(self.event_handlers[name].index(handler)) def makeMessage(self, mto, mbody='', msubject=None, mtype=None, mhtml=None, mfrom=None, mnick=None): message = ET.Element('{%s}message' % self.default_ns) if mfrom is None: message.attrib['from'] = self.fulljid else: message.attrib['from'] = mfrom message.attrib['to'] = mto if not mtype: mtype='chat' message.attrib['type'] = mtype if mtype == 'none': del message.attrib['type'] if mbody: body = ET.Element('body') body.text = mbody message.append(body) if mhtml : html = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im}html') html_body = ET.XML('<body xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">' + mhtml + '</body>') html.append(html_body) message.append(html) if msubject: subject = ET.Element('subject') subject.text = msubject message.append(subject) if mnick: print("generating nick") nick = ET.Element("{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick") nick.text = mnick message.append(nick) return message def makePresence(self, pshow=None, pstatus=None, ppriority=None, pto=None, ptype=None, pfrom=None): if pshow == 'unavailable': pshow = None ptype = 'unavailable' presence = ET.Element('{%s}presence' % self.default_ns) if ptype: presence.attrib['type'] = ptype if pshow: show = ET.Element('show') show.text = pshow presence.append(show) if pstatus: status = ET.Element('status') status.text = pstatus presence.append(status) if ppriority: priority = ET.Element('priority') priority.text = str(ppriority) presence.append(priority) if pto: presence.attrib['to'] = pto if pfrom is None: presence.attrib['from'] = self.fulljid else: presence.attrib['from'] = pfrom return presence def sendMessage(self, mto, mbody, msubject=None, mtype=None, mhtml=None, mfrom=None, mnick=None): self.send(self.makeMessage(mto,mbody,msubject,mtype,mhtml,mfrom,mnick)) def sendPresence(self, pshow=None, pstatus=None, ppriority=None, pto=None, pfrom=None, ptype=None): self.send(self.makePresence(pshow,pstatus,ppriority,pto, ptype=ptype, pfrom=pfrom)) if not self.sentpresence: self.event('sent_presence') self.sentpresence = True def sendPresenceSubscription(self, pto, pfrom=None, ptype='subscribe', pnick=None) : presence = self.makePresence(ptype=ptype, pfrom=pfrom, pto=self.getjidbare(pto)) if pnick : nick = ET.Element('{http://jabber.org/protocol/nick}nick') nick.text = pnick presence.append(nick) self.send(presence) def getjidresource(self, fulljid): if '/' in fulljid: return fulljid.split('/', 1)[-1] else: return '' def getjidbare(self, fulljid): return fulljid.split('/', 1)[0] def _handleMessage(self, msg): xml = msg.xml ns = xml.tag.split('}')[0] if ns == 'message': ns = '' else: ns = "%s}" % ns mfrom = xml.attrib['from'] message = xml.find('%sbody' % ns).text subject = xml.find('%ssubject' % ns) if subject is not None: subject = subject.text else: subject = '' resource = self.getjidresource(mfrom) mfrom = self.getjidbare(mfrom) mtype = xml.attrib.get('type', 'normal') name = self.roster.get('name', '') self.event("message", {'jid': mfrom, 'resource': resource, 'name': name, 'type': mtype, 'subject': subject, 'message': message, 'to': xml.attrib.get('to', '')}) def _handlePresence(self, presence): xml = presence.xml ns = xml.tag.split('}')[0] if ns == 'presence': ns = '' else: ns = "%s}" % ns """Update roster items based on presence""" show = xml.find('%sshow' % ns) status = xml.find('%sstatus' % ns) priority = xml.find('%spriority' % ns) fulljid = xml.attrib['from'] to = xml.attrib['to'] resource = self.getjidresource(fulljid) if not resource: resouce = None jid = self.getjidbare(fulljid) if type(status) == type(None) or status.text is None: status = '' else: status = status.text if type(show) == type(None): show = 'available' else: show = show.text if xml.get('type', None) == 'unavailable': show = 'unavailable' if type(priority) == type(None): priority = 0 else: priority = int(priority.text) wasoffline = False oldroster = self.roster.get(jid, {}).get(resource, {}) if not jid in self.roster: self.roster[jid] = {'groups': [], 'name': '', 'subscription': 'none', 'presence': {}, 'in_roster': False} if not resource in self.roster[jid]['presence']: wasoffline = True self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource] = {'show': show, 'status': status, 'priority': priority} else: if self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource].get('show', None) == 'unavailable': wasoffline = True self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource] = {'show': show, 'status': status} if priority: self.roster[jid]['presence'][resource]['priority'] = priority name = self.roster[jid].get('name', '') eventdata = {'jid': jid, 'to': to, 'resource': resource, 'name': name, 'type': show, 'priority': priority, 'message': status} if wasoffline and show in ('available', 'away', 'xa', 'na'): self.event("got_online", eventdata) elif not wasoffline and show == 'unavailable': self.event("got_offline", eventdata) elif oldroster != self.roster.get(jid, {'presence': {}})['presence'].get(resource, {}) and show != 'unavailable': self.event("changed_status", eventdata) name = '' if name: name = "(%s) " % name logging.debug("STATUS: %s%s/%s[%s]: %s" % (name, jid, resource, show,status)) def _handlePresenceSubscribe(self, presence): """Handling subscriptions automatically.""" xml = presence.xml if self.auto_authorize == True: #self.updateRoster(self.getjidbare(xml.attrib['from'])) self.send(self.makePresence(ptype='subscribed', pto=self.getjidbare(xml.attrib['from']))) if self.auto_subscribe: self.send(self.makePresence(ptype='subscribe', pto=self.getjidbare(xml.attrib['from']))) elif self.auto_authorize == False: self.send(self.makePresence(ptype='unsubscribed', pto=self.getjidbare(xml.attrib['from']))) elif self.auto_authorize == None: pass