from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET import logging import traceback xmltester = type(ET.Element('xml')) class JID(object): def __init__(self, jid): self.jid = jid def __getattr__(self, name): if name == 'resource': return self.jid.split('/', 1)[-1] elif name == 'user': return self.jid.split('@', 1)[0] elif name == 'server': return self.jid.split('@', 1)[-1].split('/', 1)[0] elif name == 'full': return self.jid elif name == 'bare': return self.jid.split('/', 1)[0] def __str__(self): return self.jid class ElementBase(object): name = 'stanza' plugin_attrib = 'plugin' namespace = 'jabber:client' interfaces = set(('type', 'to', 'from', 'id', 'payload')) types = set(('get', 'set', 'error', None, 'unavailable', 'normal', 'chat')) sub_interfaces = tuple() plugin_attrib_map = {} plugin_tag_map = {} subitem = None def __init__(self, xml=None, parent=None): self.attrib = self # backwards compatibility hack self.parent = parent self.xml = xml self.plugins = {} self.iterables = [] self.idx = 0 if not self.setup(xml): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): if child.tag in self.plugin_tag_map: self.plugins[self.plugin_tag_map[child.tag].plugin_attrib] = self.plugin_tag_map[child.tag](xml=child, parent=self) if self.subitem is not None and child.tag == "{%s}%s" % (self.subitem.namespace, self.iterables.append(self.subitem(xml=child, parent=self)) def __iter__(self): self.idx = 0 return self def __next__(self): self.idx += 1 if self.idx + 1 > len(self.iterables): self.idx = 0 raise StopIteration return self.affiliations[self.idx] def __len__(self): return len(self.iterables) def append(self, item): if not isinstance(item, ElementBase): if type(item) == xmltester: return self.appendxml(item) else: raise TypeError self.xml.append(item.xml) self.iterables.append(item) return self def pop(self, idx=0): aff = self.iterables.pop(idx) self.xml.remove(aff.xml) return aff def get(self, key, defaultvalue=None): value = self[key] if value is None or value == '': return defaultvalue return value def keys(self): out = [] out += [x for x in self.interfaces] out += [x for x in self.plugins] if self.iterables: out.append('substanzas') return tuple(out) def match(self, matchstring): if isinstance(matchstring, str): nodes = matchstring.split('/') else: nodes = matchstring tagargs = nodes[0].split('@') if tagargs[0] not in (self.plugins, return False founditerable = False for iterable in self.iterables: founditerable = iterable.match(nodes[1:]) if founditerable: break; for evals in tagargs[1:]: x,y = evals.split('=') if self[x] != y: return False if not founditerable and len(nodes) > 1: next = nodes[1].split('@')[0] if next in self.plugins: return self.plugins[next].match(nodes[1:]) else: return False return True def find(self, xpath): # for backwards compatiblity, expose elementtree interface return self.xml.find(xpath) def setup(self, xml=None): if self.xml is None: self.xml = xml if self.xml is None: for ename in'/'): new = ET.Element("{%(namespace)s}%(name)s" % {'name':, 'namespace': self.namespace}) if self.xml is None: self.xml = new else: self.xml.append(new) if self.parent is not None: self.parent.xml.append(self.xml) return True #had to generate XML else: return False def enable(self, attrib): self.initPlugin(attrib) return self def initPlugin(self, attrib): if attrib not in self.plugins: self.plugins[attrib] = self.plugin_attrib_map[attrib](parent=self) def __getitem__(self, attrib): if attrib == 'substanzas': return self.iterables elif attrib in self.interfaces: if hasattr(self, "get%s" % attrib.title()): return getattr(self, "get%s" % attrib.title())() else: if attrib in self.sub_interfaces: return self._getSubText(attrib) else: return self._getAttr(attrib) elif attrib in self.plugin_attrib_map: if attrib not in self.plugins: self.initPlugin(attrib) return self.plugins[attrib] else: return '' def __setitem__(self, attrib, value): if attrib in self.interfaces: if value is not None: if hasattr(self, "set%s" % attrib.title()): getattr(self, "set%s" % attrib.title())(value,) else: if attrib in self.sub_interfaces: return self._setSubText(attrib, text=value) else: self._setAttr(attrib, value) else: self.__delitem__(attrib) elif attrib in self.plugin_attrib_map: if attrib not in self.plugins: self.initPlugin(attrib) self.initPlugin(attrib) self.plugins[attrib][attrib] = value return self def __delitem__(self, attrib): if attrib.lower() in self.interfaces: if hasattr(self, "del%s" % attrib.title()): getattr(self, "del%s" % attrib.title())() else: if attrib in self.sub_interfaces: return self._delSub(attrib) else: self._delAttr(attrib) elif attrib in self.plugin_attrib_map: if attrib in self.plugins: del self.plugins[attrib] return self def __eq__(self, other): values = self.getValues() for key in other: if key not in values or values[key] != other[key]: return False return True def _setAttr(self, name, value): if value is None or value == '': self.__delitem__(name) else: self.xml.attrib[name] = value def _delAttr(self, name): if name in self.xml.attrib: del self.xml.attrib[name] def _getAttr(self, name): return self.xml.attrib.get(name, '') def _getSubText(self, name): stanza = self.xml.find("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name)) if stanza is None or stanza.text is None: return '' else: return stanza.text def _setSubText(self, name, attrib={}, text=None): if text is None or text == '': return self.__delitem__(name) stanza = self.xml.find("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name)) if stanza is None: #self.xml.append(ET.Element("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name), attrib)) stanza = ET.Element("{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name)) self.xml.append(stanza) stanza.text = text return stanza def _delSub(self, name): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): if child.tag == "{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, name): self.xml.remove(child) def getValues(self): out = {} for interface in self.interfaces: out[interface] = self[interface] for pluginkey in self.plugins: out[pluginkey] = self.plugins[pluginkey].getValues() if self.iterables: iterables = [x.getValues() for x in self.iterables] out['substanzas'] = iterables return out def setValues(self, attrib): for interface in attrib: if interface == 'substanzas': for subdict in attrib['substanzas']: sub = self.subitem(parent=self) sub.setValues(subdict) self.iterables.append(sub) elif interface in self.interfaces: self[interface] = attrib[interface] elif interface in self.plugin_attrib_map and interface not in self.plugins: self.initPlugin(interface) if interface in self.plugins: self.plugins[interface].setValues(attrib[interface]) return self def appendxml(self, xml): self.xml.append(xml) return self def __del__(self): if self.parent is not None: self.parent.xml.remove(self.xml) class StanzaBase(ElementBase): name = 'stanza' namespace = 'jabber:client' interfaces = set(('type', 'to', 'from', 'id', 'payload')) types = set(('get', 'set', 'error', None, 'unavailable', 'normal', 'chat')) sub_interfaces = tuple() def __init__(self, stream=None, xml=None, stype=None, sto=None, sfrom=None, sid=None): = stream ElementBase.__init__(self, xml) if stype is not None: self['type'] = stype if sto is not None: self['to'] = sto if sfrom is not None: self['from'] = sfrom if stream is not None: self.namespace = stream.default_ns self.tag = "{%s}%s" % (self.namespace, def setType(self, value): if value in self.types: self.xml.attrib['type'] = value return self def getPayload(self): return self.xml.getchildren() def setPayload(self, value): self.xml.append(value) def delPayload(self): self.clear() def clear(self): for child in self.xml.getchildren(): self.xml.remove(child) #for plugin in list(self.plugins.keys()): # del self.plugins[plugin] def reply(self): self['from'], self['to'] = self['to'], self['from'] self.clear() return self def error(self): self['type'] = 'error' def getTo(self): return JID(self._getAttr('to')) def setTo(self, value): return self._setAttr('to', str(value)) def getFrom(self): return JID(self._getAttr('from')) def setFrom(self, value): return self._setAttr('from', str(value)) def unhandled(self): pass def exception(self, e): logging.error(traceback.format_tb(e)) def send(self): def __str__(self, xml=None, xmlns='', stringbuffer=''): if xml is None: xml = self.xml newoutput = [stringbuffer] #TODO respect ET mapped namespaces itag = xml.tag.split('}', 1)[-1] if '}' in xml.tag: ixmlns = xml.tag.split('}', 1)[0][1:] else: ixmlns = '' nsbuffer = '' if xmlns != ixmlns and ixmlns != '' and ixmlns != self.namespace: if is not None and ixmlns in if[ixmlns] != '': itag = "%s:%s" % ([ixmlns], itag) else: nsbuffer = """ xmlns="%s\"""" % ixmlns if ixmlns not in ('', xmlns, self.namespace): nsbuffer = """ xmlns="%s\"""" % ixmlns newoutput.append("<%s" % itag) newoutput.append(nsbuffer) for attrib in xml.attrib: if '{' not in attrib: newoutput.append(""" %s="%s\"""" % (attrib, self.xmlesc(xml.attrib[attrib]))) if len(xml) or xml.text or xml.tail: newoutput.append(">") if xml.text: newoutput.append(self.xmlesc(xml.text)) if len(xml): for child in xml.getchildren(): newoutput.append(self.__str__(child, ixmlns)) newoutput.append("</%s>" % (itag, )) if xml.tail: newoutput.append(self.xmlesc(xml.tail)) elif xml.text: newoutput.append(">%s</%s>" % (self.xmlesc(xml.text), itag)) else: newoutput.append(" />") return ''.join(newoutput) def xmlesc(self, text): text = list(text) cc = 0 matches = ('&', '<', '"', '>', "'") for c in text: if c in matches: if c == '&': text[cc] = '&' elif c == '<': text[cc] = '<' elif c == '>': text[cc] = '>' elif c == "'": text[cc] = ''' else: text[cc] = '"' cc += 1 return ''.join(text)