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synced 2025-03-23 17:00:16 -09:00
Chat states may be set using: msg['chat_state'].active() msg['chat_state'].composing() msg['chat_state'].gone() msg['chat_state'].inactive() msg['chat_state'].paused() Checking a chat state can be done with either: msg['chat_state'].getState() msg['chat_state'].name When a message with a chat state is receieved, the following events may occur: chatstate_active chatstate_composing chatstate_gone chatstate_inactive chatstate_paused where the event data is the message stanza. Note that currently these events are also triggered for messages sent by SleekXMPP, not just those received.
47 lines
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47 lines
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import unittest
from xml.etree import cElementTree as ET
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher.stanzapath import StanzaPath
from . import xmlcompare
import sleekxmpp.plugins.xep_0085 as cs
def stanzaPlugin(stanza, plugin):
stanza.plugin_attrib_map[plugin.plugin_attrib] = plugin
stanza.plugin_tag_map["{%s}%s" % (plugin.namespace, plugin.name)] = plugin
class testchatstates(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.cs = cs
stanzaPlugin(self.cs.Message, self.cs.Active)
stanzaPlugin(self.cs.Message, self.cs.Composing)
stanzaPlugin(self.cs.Message, self.cs.Gone)
stanzaPlugin(self.cs.Message, self.cs.Inactive)
stanzaPlugin(self.cs.Message, self.cs.Paused)
def try2Methods(self, xmlstring, msg):
msg2 = self.cs.Message(None, self.cs.ET.fromstring(xmlstring))
self.failUnless(xmlstring == str(msg) == str(msg2),
"Two methods for creating stanza don't match")
def testCreateChatState(self):
"""Testing creating chat states."""
xmlstring = """<message><%s xmlns="http://jabber.org/protocol/chatstates" /></message>"""
msg = self.cs.Message()
self.try2Methods(xmlstring % 'active', msg)
self.try2Methods(xmlstring % 'composing', msg)
self.try2Methods(xmlstring % 'gone', msg)
self.try2Methods(xmlstring % 'inactive', msg)
self.try2Methods(xmlstring % 'paused', msg)
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(testchatstates)