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SleekXMPP: The Sleek XMPP Library
Copyright (C) 2010 Nathanael C. Fritz
This file is part of SleekXMPP.
See the file LICENSE for copying permission.
from __future__ import absolute_import, unicode_literals
import logging
import base64
import sys
import hashlib
import random
import threading
import sleekxmpp
from sleekxmpp import plugins
from sleekxmpp import stanza
from sleekxmpp import features
from sleekxmpp.basexmpp import BaseXMPP
from sleekxmpp.stanza import *
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import XMLStream, RestartStream
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream import StanzaBase, ET, register_stanza_plugin
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.matcher import *
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.handler import *
# Flag indicating if DNS SRV records are available for use.
import dns.resolver
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ClientXMPP(BaseXMPP):
SleekXMPP's client class. ( Use only for good, not for evil.)
Typical Use:
xmpp = ClientXMPP('user@server.tld/resource', 'password')
xmpp.process(block=False) // when block is True, it blocks the current
// thread. False by default.
connect -- Overrides XMLStream.connect.
del_roster_item -- Delete a roster item.
get_roster -- Retrieve the roster from the server.
register_feature -- Register a stream feature.
update_roster -- Update a roster item.
def __init__(self, jid, password, ssl=False, plugin_config={},
plugin_whitelist=[], escape_quotes=True):
Create a new SleekXMPP client.
jid -- The JID of the XMPP user account.
password -- The password for the XMPP user account.
ssl -- Deprecated.
plugin_config -- A dictionary of plugin configurations.
plugin_whitelist -- A list of approved plugins that will be loaded
when calling register_plugins.
escape_quotes -- Deprecated.
BaseXMPP.__init__(self, jid, 'jabber:client')
self.password = password
self.escape_quotes = escape_quotes
self.plugin_config = plugin_config
self.plugin_whitelist = plugin_whitelist
self.srv_support = SRV_SUPPORT
self.stream_header = "<stream:stream to='%s' %s %s version='1.0'>" % (
"xmlns:stream='%s'" % self.stream_ns,
"xmlns='%s'" % self.default_ns)
self.stream_footer = "</stream:stream>"
self.features = set()
self._stream_feature_handlers = {}
self._stream_feature_order = []
#TODO: Use stream state here
self.authenticated = False
self.sessionstarted = False
self.bound = False
self.bindfail = False
self.add_event_handler('connected', self._handle_connected)
Callback('Stream Features',
MatchXPath('{%s}features' % self.stream_ns),
Callback('Roster Update',
MatchXPath('{%s}iq/{%s}query' % (
# Setup default stream features
def connect(self, address=tuple(), reattempt=True, use_tls=True):
Connect to the XMPP server.
When no address is given, a SRV lookup for the server will
be attempted. If that fails, the server user in the JID
will be used.
address -- A tuple containing the server's host and port.
reattempt -- If True, reattempt the connection if an
error occurs. Defaults to True.
use_tls -- Indicates if TLS should be used for the
connection. Defaults to True.
if not address or len(address) < 2:
if not self.srv_support:
log.debug("Did not supply (address, port) to connect" + \
" to and no SRV support is installed" + \
" (http://www.dnspython.org)." + \
" Continuing to attempt connection, using" + \
" server hostname from JID.")
log.debug("Since no address is supplied," + \
"attempting SRV lookup.")
xmpp_srv = "_xmpp-client._tcp.%s" % self.boundjid.host
answers = dns.resolver.query(xmpp_srv, dns.rdatatype.SRV)
except (dns.resolver.NXDOMAIN, dns.resolver.NoAnswer):
log.debug("No appropriate SRV record found." + \
" Using JID server name.")
except (dns.exception.Timeout,):
log.debug("DNS resolution timed out.")
# Pick a random server, weighted by priority.
addresses = {}
intmax = 0
topprio = 65535
for answer in answers:
topprio = min(topprio, answer.priority)
for answer in answers:
if answer.priority == topprio:
intmax += answer.weight
addresses[intmax] = (answer.target.to_text()[:-1],
#python3 returns a generator for dictionary keys
items = [x for x in addresses.keys()]
picked = random.randint(0, intmax)
for item in items:
if picked <= item:
address = addresses[item]
if not address:
# If all else fails, use the server from the JID.
address = (self.boundjid.host, 5222)
return XMLStream.connect(self, address[0], address[1],
use_tls=use_tls, reattempt=reattempt)
def register_feature(self, name, handler, restart=False, order=5000):
Register a stream feature.
name -- The name of the stream feature.
handler -- The function to execute if the feature is received.
restart -- Indicates if feature processing should halt with
this feature. Defaults to False.
order -- The relative ordering in which the feature should
be negotiated. Lower values will be attempted
earlier when available.
self._stream_feature_handlers[name] = (handler, restart)
self._stream_feature_order.append((order, name))
def update_roster(self, jid, name=None, subscription=None, groups=[],
block=True, timeout=None, callback=None):
Add or change a roster item.
jid -- The JID of the entry to modify.
name -- The user's nickname for this JID.
subscription -- The subscription status. May be one of
'to', 'from', 'both', or 'none'. If set
to 'remove', the entry will be deleted.
groups -- The roster groups that contain this item.
block -- Specify if the roster request will block
until a response is received, or a timeout
occurs. Defaults to True.
timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait
for a response before continuing if blocking
is used. Defaults to self.response_timeout.
callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function.
Will be executed when the roster is received.
Implies block=False.
return self.client_roster.updtae(jid, name, subscription, groups,
block, timeout, callback)
def del_roster_item(self, jid):
Remove an item from the roster by setting its subscription
status to 'remove'.
jid -- The JID of the item to remove.
return self.client_roster.remove(jid)
def get_roster(self, block=True, timeout=None, callback=None):
Request the roster from the server.
block -- Specify if the roster request will block until a
response is received, or a timeout occurs.
Defaults to True.
timeout -- The length of time (in seconds) to wait for a response
before continuing if blocking is used.
Defaults to self.response_timeout.
callback -- Optional reference to a stream handler function. Will
be executed when the roster is received.
Implies block=False.
iq = self.Iq()
iq['type'] = 'get'
response = iq.send(block, timeout, callback)
if callback is None:
return self._handle_roster(response, request=True)
def _handle_connected(self, event=None):
#TODO: Use stream state here
self.authenticated = False
self.sessionstarted = False
self.bound = False
self.bindfail = False
self.features = set()
def session_timeout():
if not self.session_started_event.isSet():
log.debug("Session start has taken more than 15 seconds")
self.schedule("session timeout checker", 15, session_timeout)
def _handle_stream_features(self, features):
Process the received stream features.
features -- The features stanza.
for order, name in self._stream_feature_order:
if name in features['features']:
handler, restart = self._stream_feature_handlers[name]
if handler(features) and restart:
# Don't continue if the feature requires
# restarting the XML stream.
return True
def _handle_roster(self, iq, request=False):
Update the roster after receiving a roster stanza.
iq -- The roster stanza.
request -- Indicates if this stanza is a response
to a request for the roster.
if iq['type'] == 'set' or (iq['type'] == 'result' and request):
for jid in iq['roster']['items']:
item = iq['roster']['items'][jid]
roster = self.roster[iq['to'].bare]
roster[jid]['name'] = item['name']
roster[jid]['groups'] = item['groups']
roster[jid]['from'] = item['subscription'] in ['from', 'both']
roster[jid]['to'] = item['subscription'] in ['to', 'both']
roster[jid]['pending_out'] = (item['ask'] == 'subscribe')
self.event('roster_received', iq)
self.event("roster_update", iq)
if iq['type'] == 'set':
return True
# To comply with PEP8, method names now use underscores.
# Deprecated method names are re-mapped for backwards compatibility.
ClientXMPP.updateRoster = ClientXMPP.update_roster
ClientXMPP.delRosterItem = ClientXMPP.del_roster_item
ClientXMPP.getRoster = ClientXMPP.get_roster
ClientXMPP.registerFeature = ClientXMPP.register_feature