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synced 2025-03-20 09:19:24 -09:00
Stanza objects now accept the use of underscored names. The CamelCase versions are still available for backwards compatibility, but are discouraged. The property stanza.values now maps to the old getStanzaValues and setStanzaValues, in addition to _set_stanza_values and _get_stanza_values.
660 lines
20 KiB
660 lines
20 KiB
from sleekxmpp.test import *
from sleekxmpp.xmlstream.stanzabase import ElementBase
class TestElementBase(SleekTest):
def testFixNs(self):
"""Test fixing namespaces in an XPath expression."""
e = ElementBase()
ns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/disco#items"
result = e._fix_ns("{%s}foo/bar/{abc}baz/{%s}more" % (ns, ns))
expected = "/".join(["{%s}foo" % ns,
"{%s}bar" % ns,
"{%s}more" % ns])
self.failUnless(expected == result,
"Incorrect namespace fixing result: %s" % str(result))
def testExtendedName(self):
"""Test element names of the form tag1/tag2/tag3."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo/bar/baz"
namespace = "test"
stanza = TestStanza()
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="test">
<baz />
def testGetStanzaValues(self):
"""Test getStanzaValues using plugins and substanzas."""
class TestStanzaPlugin(ElementBase):
name = "foo2"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
plugin_attrib = "foo2"
class TestSubStanza(ElementBase):
name = "subfoo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
subitem = set((TestSubStanza,))
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin)
stanza = TestStanza()
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
stanza['foo2']['baz'] = 'b'
substanza = TestSubStanza()
substanza['bar'] = 'c'
values = stanza.getStanzaValues()
expected = {'bar': 'a',
'baz': '',
'foo2': {'bar': '',
'baz': 'b'},
'substanzas': [{'__childtag__': '{foo}subfoo',
'bar': 'c',
'baz': ''}]}
self.failUnless(values == expected,
"Unexpected stanza values:\n%s\n%s" % (str(expected), str(values)))
def testSetStanzaValues(self):
"""Test using setStanzaValues with substanzas and plugins."""
class TestStanzaPlugin(ElementBase):
name = "pluginfoo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
plugin_attrib = "plugin_foo"
class TestStanzaPlugin2(ElementBase):
name = "pluginfoo2"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
plugin_attrib = "plugin_foo2"
class TestSubStanza(ElementBase):
name = "subfoo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
subitem = set((TestSubStanza,))
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin)
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin2)
stanza = TestStanza()
values = {'bar': 'a',
'baz': '',
'plugin_foo': {'bar': '',
'baz': 'b'},
'plugin_foo2': {'bar': 'd',
'baz': 'e'},
'substanzas': [{'__childtag__': '{foo}subfoo',
'bar': 'c',
'baz': ''}]}
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" bar="a">
<pluginfoo baz="b" />
<pluginfoo2 bar="d" baz="e" />
<subfoo bar="c" />
def testGetItem(self):
"""Test accessing stanza interfaces."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz', 'qux'))
sub_interfaces = set(('baz',))
def getQux(self):
return 'qux'
class TestStanzaPlugin(ElementBase):
name = "foobar"
namespace = "foo"
plugin_attrib = "foobar"
interfaces = set(('fizz',))
TestStanza.subitem = (TestStanza,)
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin)
stanza = TestStanza()
substanza = TestStanza()
stanza.setStanzaValues({'bar': 'a',
'baz': 'b',
'qux': 42,
'foobar': {'fizz': 'c'}})
# Test non-plugin interfaces
expected = {'substanzas': [substanza],
'bar': 'a',
'baz': 'b',
'qux': 'qux',
'meh': ''}
for interface, value in expected.items():
result = stanza[interface]
self.failUnless(result == value,
"Incorrect stanza interface access result: %s" % result)
# Test plugin interfaces
self.failUnless(isinstance(stanza['foobar'], TestStanzaPlugin),
"Incorrect plugin object result.")
self.failUnless(stanza['foobar']['fizz'] == 'c',
"Incorrect plugin subvalue result.")
def testSetItem(self):
"""Test assigning to stanza interfaces."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz', 'qux'))
sub_interfaces = set(('baz',))
def setQux(self, value):
class TestStanzaPlugin(ElementBase):
name = "foobar"
namespace = "foo"
plugin_attrib = "foobar"
interfaces = set(('foobar',))
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin)
stanza = TestStanza()
stanza['bar'] = 'attribute!'
stanza['baz'] = 'element!'
stanza['qux'] = 'overridden'
stanza['foobar'] = 'plugin'
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" bar="attribute!">
<foobar foobar="plugin" />
def testDelItem(self):
"""Test deleting stanza interface values."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz', 'qux'))
sub_interfaces = set(('bar',))
def delQux(self):
class TestStanzaPlugin(ElementBase):
name = "foobar"
namespace = "foo"
plugin_attrib = "foobar"
interfaces = set(('foobar',))
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin)
stanza = TestStanza()
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
stanza['baz'] = 'b'
stanza['qux'] = 'c'
stanza['foobar']['foobar'] = 'd'
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" baz="b" qux="c">
<foobar foobar="d" />
del stanza['bar']
del stanza['baz']
del stanza['qux']
del stanza['foobar']
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" qux="c" />
def testModifyingAttributes(self):
"""Test modifying top level attributes of a stanza's XML object."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
stanza = TestStanza()
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" />
self.failUnless(stanza._get_attr('bar') == '',
"Incorrect value returned for an unset XML attribute.")
stanza._set_attr('bar', 'a')
stanza._set_attr('baz', 'b')
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" bar="a" baz="b" />
self.failUnless(stanza._get_attr('bar') == 'a',
"Retrieved XML attribute value is incorrect.")
stanza._set_attr('bar', None)
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo" />
self.failUnless(stanza._get_attr('bar', 'c') == 'c',
"Incorrect default value returned for an unset XML attribute.")
def testGetSubText(self):
"""Test retrieving the contents of a sub element."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar',))
def setBar(self, value):
wrapper = ET.Element("{foo}wrapper")
bar = ET.Element("{foo}bar")
bar.text = value
def getBar(self):
return self._get_sub_text("wrapper/bar", default="not found")
stanza = TestStanza()
self.failUnless(stanza['bar'] == 'not found',
"Default _get_sub_text value incorrect.")
stanza['bar'] = 'found'
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
self.failUnless(stanza['bar'] == 'found',
"_get_sub_text value incorrect: %s." % stanza['bar'])
def testSubElement(self):
"""Test setting the contents of a sub element."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
def setBaz(self, value):
self._set_sub_text("wrapper/baz", text=value)
def getBaz(self):
return self._get_sub_text("wrapper/baz")
def setBar(self, value):
self._set_sub_text("wrapper/bar", text=value)
def getBar(self):
return self._get_sub_text("wrapper/bar")
stanza = TestStanza()
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
stanza['baz'] = 'b'
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
stanza._set_sub_text('wrapper/bar', text='', keep=True)
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
<bar />
""", use_values=False)
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
stanza._set_sub_text('wrapper/bar', text='')
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
def testDelSub(self):
"""Test removing sub elements."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
def setBar(self, value):
self._set_sub_text("path/to/only/bar", value);
def getBar(self):
return self._get_sub_text("path/to/only/bar")
def delBar(self):
def setBaz(self, value):
self._set_sub_text("path/to/just/baz", value);
def getBaz(self):
return self._get_sub_text("path/to/just/baz")
def delBaz(self):
stanza = TestStanza()
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
stanza['baz'] = 'b'
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
del stanza['bar']
del stanza['baz']
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
<only />
<just />
""", use_values=False)
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
stanza['baz'] = 'b'
stanza._del_sub('path/to/only/bar', all=True)
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
def testMatch(self):
"""Test matching a stanza against an XPath expression."""
class TestSubStanza(ElementBase):
name = "sub"
namespace = "baz"
interfaces = set(('attrib',))
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar','baz', 'qux'))
sub_interfaces = set(('qux',))
subitem = (TestSubStanza,)
def setQux(self, value):
self._set_sub_text('qux', text=value)
def getQux(self):
return self._get_sub_text('qux')
class TestStanzaPlugin(ElementBase):
name = "plugin"
namespace = "http://test/slash/bar"
interfaces = set(('attrib',))
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanzaPlugin)
stanza = TestStanza()
"Stanza did not match its own tag name.")
"Stanza did not match its own namespaced name.")
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
"Stanza did not match its own name with attribute value check.")
stanza['baz'] = 'b'
"Stanza did not match its own name with multiple attributes.")
stanza['qux'] = 'c'
"Stanza did not match with subelements.")
stanza['qux'] = ''
self.failUnless(stanza.match("foo/qux") == False,
"Stanza matched missing subinterface element.")
self.failUnless(stanza.match("foo/bar") == False,
"Stanza matched nonexistent element.")
stanza['plugin']['attrib'] = 'c'
"Stanza did not match with plugin and attribute.")
"Stanza did not match with namespaced plugin.")
substanza = TestSubStanza()
substanza['attrib'] = 'd'
"Stanza did not match with substanzas and attribute.")
"Stanza did not match with namespaced substanza.")
def testComparisons(self):
"""Test comparing ElementBase objects."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
stanza1 = TestStanza()
stanza1['bar'] = 'a'
"Stanza object does not evaluate to True")
stanza2 = TestStanza()
stanza2['baz'] = 'b'
self.failUnless(stanza1 != stanza2,
"Different stanza objects incorrectly compared equal.")
stanza1['baz'] = 'b'
stanza2['bar'] = 'a'
self.failUnless(stanza1 == stanza2,
"Equal stanzas incorrectly compared inequal.")
def testKeys(self):
"""Test extracting interface names from a stanza object."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
plugin_attrib = 'qux'
register_stanza_plugin(TestStanza, TestStanza)
stanza = TestStanza()
self.failUnless(set(stanza.keys()) == set(('bar', 'baz')),
"Returned set of interface keys does not match expected.")
self.failUnless(set(stanza.keys()) == set(('bar', 'baz', 'qux')),
"Incorrect set of interface and plugin keys.")
def testGet(self):
"""Test accessing stanza interfaces using get()."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
stanza = TestStanza()
stanza['bar'] = 'a'
self.failUnless(stanza.get('bar') == 'a',
"Incorrect value returned by stanza.get")
self.failUnless(stanza.get('baz', 'b') == 'b',
"Incorrect default value returned by stanza.get")
def testSubStanzas(self):
"""Test manipulating substanzas of a stanza object."""
class TestSubStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foobar"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('qux',))
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
subitem = (TestSubStanza,)
stanza = TestStanza()
substanza1 = TestSubStanza()
substanza2 = TestSubStanza()
substanza1['qux'] = 'a'
substanza2['qux'] = 'b'
# Test appending substanzas
self.failUnless(len(stanza) == 0,
"Incorrect empty stanza size.")
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
<foobar qux="a" />
""", use_values=False)
self.failUnless(len(stanza) == 1,
"Incorrect stanza size with 1 substanza.")
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
<foobar qux="a" />
<foobar qux="b" />
""", use_values=False)
self.failUnless(len(stanza) == 2,
"Incorrect stanza size with 2 substanzas.")
# Test popping substanzas
self.check_stanza(TestStanza, stanza, """
<foo xmlns="foo">
<foobar qux="b" />
""", use_values=False)
# Test iterating over substanzas
results = []
for substanza in stanza:
self.failUnless(results == ['b', 'a'],
"Iteration over substanzas failed: %s." % str(results))
def testCopy(self):
"""Test copying stanza objects."""
class TestStanza(ElementBase):
name = "foo"
namespace = "foo"
interfaces = set(('bar', 'baz'))
stanza1 = TestStanza()
stanza1['bar'] = 'a'
stanza2 = stanza1.__copy__()
self.failUnless(stanza1 == stanza2,
"Copied stanzas are not equal to each other.")
stanza1['baz'] = 'b'
self.failUnless(stanza1 != stanza2,
"Divergent stanza copies incorrectly compared equal.")
suite = unittest.TestLoader().loadTestsFromTestCase(TestElementBase)