# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Copyright (c) 2013 Paul Price, Artem Glebov import os import sys import xbmc, xbmcaddon, xbmcgui import transmissionrpc import urllib import subprocess import common __settings__ = xbmcaddon.Addon(id='script.transmission') __addon__ = xbmcaddon.Addon() __addonname__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('name') __icon__ = __addon__.getAddonInfo('icon') BASE_RESOURCE_PATH = xbmc.translatePath( os.path.join( __settings__.getAddonInfo('path'), 'resources', 'lib' ) ) sys.path.append (BASE_RESOURCE_PATH) class SubstitutePlayer(xbmc.Player): def __init__(self): xbmc.Player.__init__(self) self.prev_settings = {} self.refreshSettings() self.TimerON = False def onPlayBackStarted(self): self.refreshSettings() if self.mode != '0' and xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo() == True and self.TimerON == False: if self.mode == '1': xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Pausing torrents...",5000, __icon__)) self.stopAllTorrents() elif self.mode == '2': self.enableSpeedLimit() def ResumingTorrents(self): xbmc.sleep(1) self.refreshSettings() if self.mode == '1' and not xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo(): xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Torrents will be started in " + str(self.seconds/1000) + " seconds",5000, __icon__)) elif self.mode == '2' and not xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo(): xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Speed limited will be disabled in " + str(self.seconds/1000) + " seconds",5000, __icon__)) self.TimerON = True xbmc.sleep(int(self.seconds)) self.TimerON = False if self.mode == '1' and xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo() == False: self.startAllTorrents() elif self.mode == '2' and xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo() == False: self.disableSpeedLimit() else: xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Still watching. Torrents still paused/limited",5000, __icon__)) def onPlayBackEnded(self): self.ResumingTorrents() def onPlayBackStopped(self): self.ResumingTorrents() def startAllTorrents(self): if self.transmission: xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Starting torrents...",5000, __icon__)) torrents = self.transmission.list() for tid, torrent in torrents.iteritems(): self.transmission.start(tid) def stopAllTorrents(self): while self.transmission and xbmc.Player().isPlayingVideo() == True: torrents = self.transmission.list() for tid, torrent in torrents.iteritems(): if self.keep_seeding == 'true' and torrent.status not in ('seeding'): print "[Transmission Debug] - Pausing: " + str(torrent.name) + " - " + str(torrent.status) self.transmission.stop(tid) elif self.keep_seeding == 'false': print "[Transmission Debug] - Pausing (All): " + str(torrent.name) + " - " + str(torrent.status) self.transmission.stop(tid) elif self.keep_seeding == 'true' and torrent.status in ('seeding'): print "[Transmission Debug] - Not Pausing: " + str(torrent.name) + " - " + str(torrent.status) else: print "[Transmission Debug] - None criteria met" xbmc.sleep(120000) def refreshSettings(self): settings = common.get_settings() if settings != self.prev_settings: self.mode = settings['action_on_playback'] self.keep_seeding = settings['seeding_torrents'] self.seconds = int(settings['seconds_playback_finished'])*1000 try: self.transmission = common.get_rpc_client() except: self.transmission = None self.prev_settings = settings def enableSpeedLimit(self): if self.transmission: xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Enabling speed limit...",5000, __icon__)) self.transmission.set_session(alt_speed_enabled=True) def disableSpeedLimit(self): if self.transmission: xbmc.executebuiltin('Notification(%s, %s, %d, %s)'%(__addonname__,"Disabling speed limit...",5000, __icon__)) self.transmission.set_session(alt_speed_enabled=False) player = SubstitutePlayer() while (not xbmc.abortRequested): xbmc.sleep(5000);