# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # 2008-07, Erik Svensson import sys, os, time, datetime import re import httplib, urllib2, base64, socket try: import json except ImportError: import simplejson as json from constants import * from utils import * class TransmissionError(Exception): def __init__(self, message='', original=None): Exception.__init__(self, message) self.message = message self.original = original def __str__(self): if self.original: original_name = type(self.original).__name__ return '%s Original exception: %s, "%s"' % (self.message, original_name, self.original.args) else: return self.args class Torrent(object): """ Torrent is a class holding the data raceived from Transmission regarding a bittorrent transfer. All fetched torrent fields are accessable through this class using attributes. This class has a few convenience properties using the torrent data. """ def __init__(self, fields): if 'id' not in fields: raise ValueError('Torrent requires an id') self.fields = {} self.update(fields) def __repr__(self): return '' % (self.fields['id'], self.fields['name']) def __str__(self): return 'torrent %s' % self.fields['name'] def update(self, other): """Update the torrent data from a Transmission arguments dictinary""" fields = None if isinstance(other, dict): fields = other elif isinstance(other, Torrent): fields = other.fields else: raise ValueError('Cannot update with supplied data') for k, v in fields.iteritems(): self.fields[k.replace('-', '_')] = v def files(self): """ Get list of files for this torrent. This function returns a dictionary with file information for each file. """ result = {} if 'files' in self.fields: indicies = xrange(len(self.fields['files'])) files = self.fields['files'] priorities = self.fields['priorities'] wanted = self.fields['wanted'] index = 1 for item in zip(indicies, files, priorities, wanted): selected = bool(item[3]) priority = PRIORITY[item[2]] result[item[0]] = { 'selected': selected, 'priority': priority, 'size': item[1]['length'], 'name': item[1]['name'], 'completed': item[1]['bytesCompleted']} return result def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.fields[name] except KeyError, e: raise AttributeError('No attribute %s' % name) @property def status(self): """Get the status as string.""" return STATUS[self.fields['status']] @property def progress(self): """Get the download progress in percent as float.""" try: return 100.0 * (self.fields['sizeWhenDone'] - self.fields['leftUntilDone']) / float(self.fields['sizeWhenDone']) except ZeroDivisionError: return 0.0 @property def ratio(self): """Get the upload/download ratio.""" try: return self.fields['uploadedEver'] / float(self.fields['downloadedEver']) except ZeroDivisionError: return 0.0 @property def eta(self): """Get the "eta" as datetime.timedelta.""" eta = self.fields['eta'] if eta >= 0: return datetime.timedelta(seconds=eta) else: ValueError('eta not valid') @property def date_active(self): """Get the attribute "activityDate" as datetime.datetime.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.fields['activityDate']) @property def date_added(self): """Get the attribute "addedDate" as datetime.datetime.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.fields['addedDate']) @property def date_started(self): """Get the attribute "startDate" as datetime.datetime.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.fields['startDate']) @property def date_done(self): """Get the attribute "doneDate" as datetime.datetime.""" return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(self.fields['doneDate']) def format_eta(self): """Returns the attribute "eta" formatted as a string.""" eta = self.fields['eta'] if eta == -1: return 'not available' elif eta == -2: return 'unknown' else: return format_timedelta(self.eta) class Session(object): """ Session is a class holding the session data for a Transmission daemon. Access the session field can be done through attributes. The attributes available are the same as the session arguments in the Transmission RPC specification, but with underscore instead of hypen. ``download-dir`` -> ``download_dir``. """ def __init__(self, fields={}): self.fields = {} self.update(fields) def update(self, other): """Update the session data from a session arguments dictinary""" fields = None if isinstance(other, dict): fields = other elif isinstance(other, Session): fields = other.fields else: raise ValueError('Cannot update with supplied data') for k, v in fields.iteritems(): self.fields[k.replace('-', '_')] = v def __getattr__(self, name): try: return self.fields[name] except KeyError, e: raise AttributeError('No attribute %s' % name) def __str__(self): text = '' for k, v in self.fields.iteritems(): text += "% 32s: %s\n" % (k[-32:], v) return text class Client(object): """ This is it. This class implements the json-RPC protocol to communicate with Transmission. """ def __init__(self, address='localhost', port=DEFAULT_PORT, user=None, password=None): base_url = 'http://' + address + ':' + str(port) self.url = base_url + '/transmission/rpc' if user and password: password_manager = urllib2.HTTPPasswordMgrWithDefaultRealm() password_manager.add_password(realm=None, uri=self.url, user=user, passwd=password) opener = urllib2.build_opener( urllib2.HTTPBasicAuthHandler(password_manager) , urllib2.HTTPDigestAuthHandler(password_manager) ) urllib2.install_opener(opener) elif user or password: logger.warning('Either user or password missing, not using authentication.') self._sequence = 0 self.session = Session() self.sessionid = 0 self.protocol_version = None self.get_session() self.torrent_get_arguments = get_arguments('torrent-get' , self.rpc_version) def _debug_request(self, request): logger.debug( json.dumps( { 'request': { 'url': request.get_full_url(), 'request-headers': dict(request.header_items()), 'request-data': json.loads(request.data), } }, indent=2 ) ) def _debug_response(self, response, response_data): try: response_data = json.loads(response_data) except: pass logger.debug( json.dumps( { 'response': { 'url': response.url, 'code': response.code, 'msg': response.msg, 'headers': dict(response.headers), 'data': response_data, } }, indent=2 ) ) def _http_query(self, query, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): headers = {'X-Transmission-Session-Id': self.sessionid} request = urllib2.Request(self.url, query, headers) request_count = 0 while True: error_data = "" try: try: self._debug_request(request) socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) # 30 seconds if (sys.version_info[0] == 2 and sys.version_info[1] > 5) or sys.version_info[0] > 2: response = urllib2.urlopen(request, timeout=timeout) else: response = urllib2.urlopen(request) break except urllib2.HTTPError, error: error_data = error.read() if error.code == 409: logger.info('Server responded with 409, trying to set session-id.') if request_count > 1: raise TransmissionError('Session ID negotiation failed.', error) if 'X-Transmission-Session-Id' in error.headers: self.sessionid = error.headers['X-Transmission-Session-Id'] request.add_header('X-Transmission-Session-Id', self.sessionid) else: raise TransmissionError('Unknown conflict.', error) except urllib2.URLError, error: raise TransmissionError('Failed to connect to daemon.', error) except httplib.BadStatusLine, error: if (request_count > 1): raise TransmissionError('Failed to request %s "%s".' % (self.url, query), error) finally: if error_data: self._debug_response(error, error_data) request_count = request_count + 1 result = response.read() self._debug_response(response, result) return result def _request(self, method, arguments={}, ids=[], require_ids=False, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Send json-rpc request to Transmission using http POST""" if not isinstance(method, (str, unicode)): raise ValueError('request takes method as string') if not isinstance(arguments, dict): raise ValueError('request takes arguments as dict') ids = self._format_ids(ids) if len(ids) > 0: arguments['ids'] = ids elif require_ids: raise ValueError('request require ids') query = json.dumps({'tag': self._sequence, 'method': method , 'arguments': arguments}) logger.info(query) self._sequence += 1 start = time.time() http_data = self._http_query(query, timeout) elapsed = time.time() - start logger.info('http request took %.3f s' % (elapsed)) try: data = json.loads(http_data) except ValueError, e: logger.error('Error: ' + str(e)) logger.error('Request: \"%s\"' % (query)) logger.error('HTTP data: \"%s\"' % (http_data)) raise logger.info(json.dumps(data, indent=2)) if data['result'] != 'success': raise TransmissionError('Query failed with result \"%s\"' % data['result']) results = {} if method == 'torrent-get': for item in data['arguments']['torrents']: results[item['id']] = Torrent(item) if self.protocol_version == 2 and 'peers' not in item: self.protocol_version = 1 elif method == 'torrent-add': item = data['arguments']['torrent-added'] results[item['id']] = Torrent(item) elif method == 'session-get': self._update_session(data['arguments']) elif method == 'session-stats': # older versions of T has the return data in "session-stats" if 'session-stats' in data['arguments']: self._update_session(data['arguments']['session-stats']) else: self._update_session(data['arguments']) elif method in ('port-test', 'blocklist-update'): results = data['arguments'] else: return None return results def _format_ids(self, args): """Take things and make them valid torrent identifiers""" ids = [] if isinstance(args, (int, long)): ids.append(args) elif isinstance(args, (str, unicode)): for item in re.split(u'[ ,]+', args): if len(item) == 0: continue addition = None try: # handle index addition = [int(item)] except ValueError: pass if not addition: # handle hashes try: int(item, 16) addition = [item] except: pass if not addition: # handle index ranges i.e. 5:10 match = re.match(u'^(\d+):(\d+)$', item) if match: try: idx_from = int(match.group(1)) idx_to = int(match.group(2)) addition = range(idx_from, idx_to + 1) except: pass if not addition: raise ValueError(u'Invalid torrent id, \"%s\"' % item) ids.extend(addition) elif isinstance(args, (list)): for item in args: ids.extend(self._format_ids(item)) else: raise ValueError(u'Invalid torrent id') return ids def _update_session(self, data): self.session.update(data) @property def rpc_version(self): if self.protocol_version == None: if hasattr(self.session, 'rpc_version'): self.protocol_version = self.session.rpc_version elif hasattr(self.session, 'version'): self.protocol_version = 3 else: self.protocol_version = 2 return self.protocol_version def _rpc_version_warning(self, version): if self.rpc_version < version: logger.warning('Using feature not supported by server. RPC version for server %d, feature introduced in %d.' % (self.rpc_version, version)) def add(self, data, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, **kwargs): """ Add torrent to transfers list. Takes a base64 encoded .torrent file in data. Additional arguments are: * `metainfo`, string, alternate way to pass base64 encoded torrent data * `filename`, path or url, provide torrent data as a file path or URL. * `paused`, boolean, Whether to pause the transfer on add. * `download_dir`, path, The directory where the downloaded contents will be saved in. * `peer_limit`, number, Limits the number of peers for this transfer. * `files_unwanted`, * `files_wanted`, * `priority_high`, * `priority_low`, * `priority_normal`, """ args = {} if data: args = {'metainfo': data} if 'metainfo' in kwargs: pass if 'filename' in kwargs: pass else: raise ValueError('No torrent data or torrent url.') for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): argument = make_rpc_name(key) (arg, val) = argument_value_convert('torrent-add', argument, value, self.rpc_version) args[arg] = val return self._request('torrent-add', args, timeout=timeout) def add_url(self, torrent_url, **kwargs): """ Add torrent to transfers list. Takes a url to a .torrent file. Additional arguments are: * `paused`, boolean, Whether to pause the transfer on add. * `download_dir`, path, The directory where the downloaded contents will be saved in. * `peer_limit`, number, Limits the number of peers for this transfer. * `files_unwanted`, * `files_wanted`, * `priority_high`, * `priority_low`, * `priority_normal`, """ torrent_file = None if os.path.exists(torrent_url): torrent_file = open(torrent_url, 'r') else: try: torrent_file = urllib2.urlopen(torrent_url) except: torrent_file = None if not torrent_file: raise TransmissionError('File does not exist.') torrent_data = base64.b64encode(torrent_file.read()) return self.add(torrent_data, **kwargs) def remove(self, ids, delete_data=False, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ remove torrent(s) with provided id(s). Local data is removed if delete_data is True, otherwise not. """ self._rpc_version_warning(3) self._request('torrent-remove', {'delete-local-data':rpc_bool(delete_data)}, ids, True, timeout=timeout) def start(self, ids, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """start torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request('torrent-start', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout) def stop(self, ids, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """stop torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request('torrent-stop', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout) def verify(self, ids, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """verify torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._request('torrent-verify', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout) def reannounce(self, ids, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """reannounce torrent(s) with provided id(s)""" self._rpc_version_warning(5) self._request('torrent-reannounce', {}, ids, True, timeout=timeout) def info(self, ids=[], arguments={}, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Get detailed information for torrent(s) with provided id(s).""" if not arguments: arguments = self.torrent_get_arguments return self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': arguments}, ids, timeout=timeout) def get_files(self, ids=[], timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Get list of files for provided torrent id(s). This function returns a dictonary for each requested torrent id holding the information about the files. """ fields = ['id', 'name', 'hashString', 'files', 'priorities', 'wanted'] request_result = self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': fields}, ids, timeout=timeout) result = {} for id, torrent in request_result.iteritems(): result[id] = torrent.files() return result def set_files(self, items, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Set file properties. Takes a dictonary with similar contents as the result of get_files. """ if not isinstance(items, dict): raise ValueError('Invalid file description') for tid, files in items.iteritems(): if not isinstance(files, dict): continue wanted = [] unwanted = [] priority_high = [] priority_normal = [] priority_low = [] for fid, file in files.iteritems(): if not isinstance(file, dict): continue if 'selected' in file and file['selected']: wanted.append(fid) else: unwanted.append(fid) if 'priority' in file: if file['priority'] == 'high': priority_high.append(fid) elif file['priority'] == 'normal': priority_normal.append(fid) elif file['priority'] == 'low': priority_low.append(fid) self.change([tid], files_wanted = wanted , files_unwanted = unwanted , priority_high = priority_high , priority_normal = priority_normal , priority_low = priority_low, timeout=timeout) def list(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """list all torrents""" fields = ['id', 'hashString', 'name', 'sizeWhenDone', 'leftUntilDone' , 'eta', 'status', 'rateUpload', 'rateDownload', 'uploadedEver' , 'downloadedEver'] return self._request('torrent-get', {'fields': fields}, timeout=timeout) def change(self, ids, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, **kwargs): """ Change torrent parameters. This is the list of parameters that. """ args = {} for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): argument = make_rpc_name(key) (arg, val) = argument_value_convert('torrent-set' , argument, value, self.rpc_version) args[arg] = val if len(args) > 0: self._request('torrent-set', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout) else: ValueError("No arguments to set") def move(self, ids, location, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Move torrent data to the new location.""" self._rpc_version_warning(6) args = {'location': location, 'move': True} self._request('torrent-set-location', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout); def locate(self, ids, location, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Locate torrent data at the location.""" self._rpc_version_warning(6) args = {'location': location, 'move': False} self._request('torrent-set-location', args, ids, True, timeout=timeout); def get_session(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Get session parameters""" self._request('session-get', timeout=timeout) return self.session def set_session(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT, **kwargs): """Set session parameters""" args = {} for key, value in kwargs.iteritems(): if key == 'encryption' and value not in ['required', 'preferred', 'tolerated']: raise ValueError('Invalid encryption value') argument = make_rpc_name(key) (arg, val) = argument_value_convert('session-set' , argument, value, self.rpc_version) args[arg] = val if len(args) > 0: self._request('session-set', args, timeout=timeout) def blocklist_update(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Update block list. Returns the size of the block list.""" self._rpc_version_warning(5) result = self._request('blocklist-update', timeout=timeout) if 'blocklist-size' in result: return result['blocklist-size'] return None def port_test(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """ Tests to see if your incoming peer port is accessible from the outside world. """ self._rpc_version_warning(5) result = self._request('port-test', timeout=timeout) if 'port-is-open' in result: return result['port-is-open'] return None def session_stats(self, timeout=DEFAULT_TIMEOUT): """Get session statistics""" self._request('session-stats', timeout=timeout) return self.session