--- title: Learning Functional Programming, Part Two author: Correl Roush layout: post categories: - Programming tags: - functional --- ## Part Two: NO LOOP FOR YOU Touch on previous article contents Where did these concepts come from? Old guys years ago, doing LISP. Using the building blocks provided by LISP to create abstractions for common idioms -- segue into -- What do functional languages offer IMMUTABLE VARIABLES!!!! PURITY!!!! RECURSION!!!! Features: functional composition, currying, REFERENTIAL TRANSPARENCY, PURE VS IMPURE CODE, isolation of failure points. How do they differ from OOP They abstract the *how*, rather than the *what* Emphasis on building small, reusable, generic functions that can be combined in different ways to build powerful, more complex logic. So, why isn't everyone doing it? Steep learning curve, stuffy intellectuals. Offer helpful articles describing functional programming and its core concepts. mjd's perl book. Carmack's article. NEXT: -Haskell vs Erlang / Intellectual vs Git-r-done- MOAR ERLANGS!!1!1one Why I love Haskell vs why I *ship* with Erlang. Share the best learning resources for each learnyouahaskell learnyousomeerlang, also purchased erlang book (!) Recommend sites like projecteuler for excercises--text follows this line--