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synced 2024-11-27 03:00:05 +00:00
- Fixed tests. - Refactored solution architecture once more. - Refactored solution hierarchy. - Adding audios for testing. - Solved flake8 issues and reorganized several imports in the process.
166 lines
6.3 KiB
166 lines
6.3 KiB
import argparse
import logging
import time
from os import makedirs
from os.path import exists, join
from shutil import rmtree
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
from dejavu.tests.dejavu_test import (DejavuTest, autolabeldoubles,
generate_test_files, log_msg, set_seed)
def main(seconds: int, results_folder: str, temp_folder: str, log: bool, silent: bool,
log_file: str, padding: int, seed: int, src: str):
# set random seed if set by user
# ensure results folder exists
if not exists(results_folder):
# set logging
if log:
logging.basicConfig(filename=log_file, level=logging.DEBUG)
# set test seconds
test_seconds = [f'{i}sec' for i in range(1, seconds + 1, 1)]
# generate testing files
for i in range(1, seconds + 1, 1):
generate_test_files(src, temp_folder, i, padding=padding)
# scan files
log_msg(f"Running Dejavu fingerprinter on files in {src}...", log=log, silent=silent)
tm = time.time()
djv = DejavuTest(temp_folder, test_seconds)
log_msg(f"finished obtaining results from dejavu in {(time.time() - tm)}", log=log, silent=silent)
tests = 1 # djv
n_secs = len(test_seconds)
# set result variables -> 4d variables
all_match_counter = [[[0 for x in range(tests)] for x in range(3)] for x in range(n_secs)]
all_matching_times_counter = [[[0 for x in range(tests)] for x in range(2)] for x in range(n_secs)]
all_query_duration = [[[0 for x in range(tests)] for x in range(djv.n_lines)] for x in range(n_secs)]
all_match_confidence = [[[0 for x in range(tests)] for x in range(djv.n_lines)] for x in range(n_secs)]
# group results by seconds
for line in range(0, djv.n_lines):
for col in range(0, djv.n_columns):
# for dejavu
all_query_duration[col][line][0] = djv.result_query_duration[line][col]
all_match_confidence[col][line][0] = djv.result_match_confidence[line][col]
djv_match_result = djv.result_match[line][col]
if djv_match_result == 'yes':
all_match_counter[col][0][0] += 1
elif djv_match_result == 'no':
all_match_counter[col][1][0] += 1
all_match_counter[col][2][0] += 1
djv_match_acc = djv.result_matching_times[line][col]
if djv_match_acc == 0 and djv_match_result == 'yes':
all_matching_times_counter[col][0][0] += 1
elif djv_match_acc != 0:
all_matching_times_counter[col][1][0] += 1
# create plots
djv.create_plots('Confidence', all_match_confidence, results_folder)
djv.create_plots('Query duration', all_query_duration, results_folder)
for sec in range(0, n_secs):
ind = np.arange(3)
width = 0.25 # the width of the bars
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlim([-1 * width, 2.75])
means_dvj = [round(x[0] * 100 / djv.n_lines, 1) for x in all_match_counter[sec]]
rects1 = ax.bar(ind, means_dvj, width, color='r')
# add some
ax.set_ylabel('Matching Percentage')
ax.set_title(f'{test_seconds[sec]} Matching Percentage')
ax.set_xticks(ind + width)
labels = ['yes', 'no', 'invalid']
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.75, box.height])
autolabeldoubles(rects1, ax)
fig_name = join(results_folder, f"matching_perc_{test_seconds[sec]}.png")
for sec in range(0, n_secs):
ind = np.arange(2)
width = 0.25 # the width of the bars
fig = plt.figure()
ax = fig.add_subplot(111)
ax.set_xlim([-1 * width, 1.75])
div = all_match_counter[sec][0][0]
if div == 0:
div = 1000000
means_dvj = [round(x[0] * 100 / div, 1) for x in all_matching_times_counter[sec]]
rects1 = ax.bar(ind, means_dvj, width, color='r')
# add some
ax.set_ylabel('Matching Accuracy')
ax.set_title(f'{test_seconds[sec]} Matching Times Accuracy')
ax.set_xticks(ind + width)
labels = ['yes', 'no']
box = ax.get_position()
ax.set_position([box.x0, box.y0, box.width * 0.75, box.height])
autolabeldoubles(rects1, ax)
fig_name = join(results_folder, f"matching_acc_{test_seconds[sec]}.png")
# remove temporary folder
if __name__ == '__main__':
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=f'Runs a few tests for dejavu to evaluate '
f'its configuration performance. '
f'Usage: %(prog).py [options] TESTING_AUDIOFOLDER'
parser.add_argument("-sec", "--seconds", action="store", default=5, type=int,
help='Number of seconds starting from zero to test.')
parser.add_argument("-res", "--results-folder", action="store", default="./dejavu_test_results",
help='Sets the path where the results are saved.')
parser.add_argument("-temp", "--temp-folder", action="store", default="./dejavu_temp_testing_files",
help='Sets the path where the temp files are saved.')
parser.add_argument("-l", "--log", action="store_true", default=False, help='Enables logging.')
parser.add_argument("-sl", "--silent", action="store_false", default=False, help='Disables printing.')
parser.add_argument("-lf", "--log-file", default="results-compare.log",
help='Set the path and filename of the log file.')
parser.add_argument("-pad", "--padding", action="store", default=10, type=int,
help='Number of seconds to pad choice of place to test from.')
parser.add_argument("-sd", "--seed", action="store", default=None, type=int, help='Random seed.')
parser.add_argument("src", type=str, help='Source folder for audios to use as tests.')
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.seconds, args.results_folder, args.temp_folder, args.log, args.silent, args.log_file, args.padding,
args.seed, args.src)