Fix: incorrect anzu display.

This commit is contained in:
Vincent Zhang 2018-08-14 17:35:36 +08:00
parent aee0ad0994
commit 74c84537bd

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@ -324,26 +324,26 @@ If STRICT-P, return nil if no project was found, otherwise return
;; anzu and evil-anzu expose current/total state that can be displayed in the
;; mode-line.
(when (featurep 'anzu)
(defun doom-modeline-fix-anzu-count (positions here)
(defun doom-modeline-fix-anzu-count (positions here)
"Calulate anzu counts via POSITIONS and HERE."
(cl-loop for (start . end) in positions
collect t into before
when (and (>= here start) (<= here end))
return (length before)
finally return 0))
(advice-add #'anzu--where-is-here :override #'doom-modeline-fix-anzu-count)
(advice-add #'anzu--where-is-here :override #'doom-modeline-fix-anzu-count)
;; Avoid anzu conflicts across buffers
;; (mapc #'make-variable-buffer-local
;; '(anzu--total-matched anzu--current-position anzu--state
;; anzu--cached-count anzu--cached-positions anzu--last-command
;; anzu--last-isearch-string anzu--overflow-p))
;; Avoid anzu conflicts across buffers
;; (mapc #'make-variable-buffer-local
;; '(anzu--total-matched anzu--current-position anzu--state
;; anzu--cached-count anzu--cached-positions anzu--last-command
;; anzu--last-isearch-string anzu--overflow-p))
;; Ensure anzu state is cleared when searches & iedit are done
(add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook #'anzu--reset-status t)
;; (add-hook '+evil-esc-hook #'anzu--reset-status t)
(add-hook 'iedit-mode-end-hook #'anzu--reset-status))
;; Ensure anzu state is cleared when searches & iedit are done
;; (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook #'anzu--reset-status t)
;; (add-hook '+evil-esc-hook #'anzu--reset-status t)
(add-hook 'iedit-mode-end-hook #'anzu--reset-status)
;; Keep `doom-modeline-current-window' up-to-date
(defvar doom-modeline-current-window (frame-selected-window))