;;; doom-modeline-segments.el --- The segments for doom-modeline -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-

;; Copyright (C) 2018-2019 Vincent Zhang

;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
;; modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
;; published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

;;; Commentary:
;; The segments for doom-modeline.
;; Use `doom-modeline-def-segment' to create a new segment.

;;; Code:

(require 'all-the-icons)
(require 'subr-x)
(require 'doom-modeline-core)
(require 'doom-modeline-env)

;; Externals

(defvar anzu--current-position)
(defvar anzu--overflow-p)
(defvar anzu--state)
(defvar anzu--total-matched)
(defvar anzu-cons-mode-line-p)
(defvar aw-keys)
(defvar evil-ex-active-highlights-alist)
(defvar evil-ex-argument)
(defvar evil-ex-range)
(defvar evil-local-mode)
(defvar evil-state)
(defvar evil-visual-beginning)
(defvar evil-visual-end)
(defvar evil-visual-selection)
(defvar flycheck-current-errors)
(defvar flycheck-mode-menu-map)
(defvar flymake--backend-state)
(defvar flymake--mode-line-format)
(defvar flymake-menu)
(defvar iedit-mode)
(defvar iedit-occurrences-overlays)
(defvar mc/mode-line)
(defvar minions-mode)
(defvar minions-mode-line-lighter)
(defvar persp-nil-name)
(defvar symbol-overlay-keywords-alist)
(defvar symbol-overlay-temp-symbol)
(defvar text-scale-mode-amount)
(defvar winum-auto-setup-mode-line)
(defvar xah-fly-insert-state-q)
(defvar mu4e-alert-mode-line)

(declare-function anzu--reset-status 'anzu)
(declare-function anzu--where-is-here 'anzu)
(declare-function async-inject-variables 'async)
(declare-function avy-traverse 'avy)
(declare-function avy-tree 'avy)
(declare-function aw-update 'ace-window)
(declare-function aw-window-list 'ace-window)
(declare-function evil-delimited-arguments 'evil-common)
(declare-function evil-emacs-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function evil-force-normal-state 'evil-commands)
(declare-function evil-insert-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function evil-motion-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function evil-normal-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function evil-operator-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function evil-replace-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function evil-state-property 'evil-common)
(declare-function evil-visual-state-p 'evil-states)
(declare-function eyebrowse--get 'eyebrowse)
(declare-function flycheck-buffer 'flycheck)
(declare-function flycheck-count-errors 'flycheck)
(declare-function flycheck-list-errors 'flycheck)
(declare-function flycheck-next-error 'flycheck)
(declare-function flycheck-previous-error 'flycheck)
(declare-function flymake--backend-state-diags 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake--diag-type 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake--handle-report 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-disabled-backends 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-goto-next-error 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-goto-prev-error 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-reporting-backends 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-running-backends 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-show-diagnostics-buffer 'flymake)
(declare-function flymake-start 'flymake)
(declare-function iedit-find-current-occurrence-overlay 'iedit-lib)
(declare-function iedit-prev-occurrence 'iedit-lib)
(declare-function image-get-display-property 'image-mode)
(declare-function lsp-mode-line 'lsp-mode)
(declare-function magit-toplevel 'magit-git)
(declare-function minions-minor-modes-menu 'minions)
(declare-function nyan-create 'nyan-mode)
(declare-function parrot-create 'parrot)
(declare-function pdf-cache-number-of-pages 'pdf-cache)
(declare-function persp-add-buffer 'persp-mode)
(declare-function persp-contain-buffer-p 'persp-mode)
(declare-function persp-remove-buffer 'persp-mode)
(declare-function persp-switch 'persp-mode)
(declare-function symbol-overlay-assoc 'symbol-overlay)
(declare-function symbol-overlay-get-list 'symbol-overlay)
(declare-function symbol-overlay-get-symbol 'symbol-overlay)
(declare-function symbol-overlay-rename 'symbol-overlay)
(declare-function undo-tree-redo 'undo-tree)
(declare-function undo-tree-undo 'undo-tree)
(declare-function window-numbering-clear-mode-line 'window-numbering)
(declare-function window-numbering-get-number-string 'window-numbering)
(declare-function window-numbering-install-mode-line 'window-numbering)
(declare-function winum--clear-mode-line 'winum)
(declare-function winum--install-mode-line 'winum)
(declare-function winum-get-number-string 'winum)

;; buffer information

(doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-default-directory
  "Displays `default-directory'. This is for special buffers like the scratch
buffer where knowing the current project directory is important."
  (let ((face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-buffer-path)))
    (concat (if (display-graphic-p) " ")
             :face face
             :v-adjust -0.05
             :height 1.25)
            (propertize (concat " " (abbreviate-file-name default-directory))
                        'face face))))

(defvar-local doom-modeline--buffer-file-icon nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-icon (&rest _)
  "Update file icon in mode-line."
  (setq doom-modeline--buffer-file-icon
        (when (and doom-modeline-icon doom-modeline-major-mode-icon)
          (let* ((height (/ all-the-icons-scale-factor 1.3))
                 (icon (doom-modeline-icon-for-mode major-mode :height height)))
            (if (symbolp icon)
                (setq icon (doom-modeline-icon-for-file (buffer-name) :height height)))
            (unless (symbolp icon)
              (propertize icon
                          'help-echo (format "Major-mode: %s" mode-name)
                          'display '(raise -0.125)))))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-icon)
(add-hook 'after-change-major-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-icon)
(add-hook 'clone-indirect-buffer-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-icon)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq all-the-icons-scale-factor val)

(defun doom-modeline-buffer-file-state-icon (icon &optional text face height voffset)
  "Displays an ICON with FACE, HEIGHT and VOFFSET.
TEXT is the alternative if it is not applicable.
Uses `all-the-icons-material' to fetch the icon."
  (if doom-modeline-icon
      (when icon
         :face (if (doom-modeline--active) face)
         :height (or height 1.1)
         :v-adjust (or voffset -0.225)))
    (when text
      (propertize text 'face face))))

(defvar-local doom-modeline--buffer-file-state-icon nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon (&rest _)
  "Update the buffer or file state in mode-line."
  (setq doom-modeline--buffer-file-state-icon
        (cond (buffer-read-only
              ((and buffer-file-name
                    (not (file-exists-p buffer-file-name)))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(add-hook 'after-revert-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(add-hook 'read-only-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(add-hook 'after-change-functions #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(add-hook 'clone-indirect-buffer-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(advice-add #'undo :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(advice-add #'undo-tree-undo :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(advice-add #'undo-tree-redo :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(advice-add #'narrow-to-region :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)
(advice-add #'widen :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-state-icon)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq buffer-read-only val)

   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-icon val)

   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq all-the-icons-scale-factor val)

(defvar-local doom-modeline--buffer-file-name nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name (&rest _)
  "Update buffer file name in mode-line."
  (setq doom-modeline--buffer-file-name
        (if buffer-file-name
          (propertize "%b"
                      'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-buffer-file)
                      'help-echo "Buffer name
mouse-1: Previous buffer\nmouse-3: Next buffer"
                      'local-map mode-line-buffer-identification-keymap))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(add-hook 'after-revert-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(add-hook 'after-change-functions #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(add-hook 'clone-indirect-buffer-hook #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(advice-add #'rename-buffer :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(advice-add #'set-visited-file-name :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(advice-add #'undo :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(advice-add #'undo-tree-undo :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(advice-add #'undo-tree-redo :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)
(advice-add #'symbol-overlay-rename :after #'doom-modeline-update-buffer-file-name)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-buffer-file-name-style val)
       (dolist (buf (buffer-list))
         (with-current-buffer buf
           (if buffer-file-name

(doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-info
  "Combined information about the current buffer, including the current working
directory, the file name, and its state (modified, read-only or non-existent)."
  (let ((active (doom-modeline--active)))
     " "

     ;; major mode icon
     (when (and doom-modeline-icon doom-modeline-major-mode-icon)
       (when-let ((icon (or doom-modeline--buffer-file-icon
          (if (and active doom-modeline-major-mode-color-icon)
            (propertize icon
                        'face `(:height
                                ,(doom-modeline-icon-height 1.1)
                                ,(all-the-icons-icon-family icon)

     ;; state icon
     (when-let ((icon (or doom-modeline--buffer-file-state-icon
        (if active
          (propertize icon
                      (if doom-modeline-icon
                            ,(doom-modeline-icon-height 1.3)
                            ,(all-the-icons-icon-family icon)

     ;; buffer file name
     (when-let ((name (or doom-modeline--buffer-file-name
       (if active
         (propertize name 'face 'mode-line-inactive))))))

(doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-info-simple
  "Display only the current buffer's name, but with fontification."
   " %b "
   'face (cond ((and buffer-file-name (buffer-modified-p))
               ((doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-buffer-file))))

(doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-encoding
  "Displays the encoding and eol style of the buffer the same way Atom does."
   (concat (pcase (coding-system-eol-type buffer-file-coding-system)
             (0 " LF")
             (1 " RLF")
             (2 " CR"))
           (let ((sys (coding-system-plist buffer-file-coding-system)))
             (cond ((memq (plist-get sys :category) '(coding-category-undecided coding-category-utf-8))
                    " UTF-8 ")
                   (t (upcase (symbol-name (plist-get sys :name))))))
           " ")
   'help-echo 'mode-line-mule-info-help-echo
   'mouse-face '(:box 1)
   'local-map mode-line-coding-system-map))

;; remote host

(doom-modeline-def-segment remote-host
  "Hostname for remote buffers."
  (when default-directory
    (when-let ((host (file-remote-p default-directory 'host)))
      (concat "@" host))))

;; major-mode

(doom-modeline-def-segment major-mode
  "The major mode, including environment and text-scale info."
   (concat (format-mode-line
            `(:propertize ("" mode-name)
                          help-echo "Major mode\n\
mouse-1: Display major mode menu\n\
mouse-2: Show help for major mode\n\
mouse-3: Toggle minor modes"
                          mouse-face mode-line-highlight
                          local-map ,mode-line-major-mode-keymap))
           (when (and doom-modeline-version doom-modeline-env-version)
             (format " %s" doom-modeline-env-version))
           (and (boundp 'text-scale-mode-amount)
                (/= text-scale-mode-amount 0)
                 (if (> text-scale-mode-amount 0)
                     " (%+d)"
                   " (%-d)")
   'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode)))

;; process

(doom-modeline-def-segment process
  "The process info."

;; minor modes

(doom-modeline-def-segment minor-modes
  (when doom-modeline-minor-modes
    (let ((active (doom-modeline--active)))
      (if (bound-and-true-p minions-mode)
           " "
           (propertize minions-mode-line-lighter
                       'face (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode)
                       'help-echo "Minions
mouse-1: Display minor modes menu"
                       'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
                       'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map
                                   'mouse-1 #'minions-minor-modes-menu))
           " ")
         (concat (format-mode-line `(:propertize ("" minor-mode-alist))) " ")
         'face (if active 'doom-modeline-buffer-minor-mode))))))

;; vcs

(defun doom-modeline-vcs-icon (icon &optional text face voffset)
  "Displays the vcs ICON with FACE and VOFFSET.
TEXT is the alternative if it is not applicable.
Uses `all-the-icons-octicon' to fetch the icon."
  (if doom-modeline-icon
      (when icon
        (doom-modeline-icon-octicon icon :face face :v-adjust (or voffset -0.1)))
    (when text
      (propertize text 'face face))))

(defvar-local doom-modeline--vcs-icon nil)
(defun doom-modeline--update-vcs-icon (&rest _)
  "Update icon of vsc state in mode-line."
  (setq doom-modeline--vcs-icon
        (when (and vc-mode buffer-file-name)
          (let* ((backend (vc-backend buffer-file-name))
                 (state   (vc-state buffer-file-name backend)))
            (cond ((memq state '(edited added))
                   (doom-modeline-vcs-icon "git-compare" "*" 'doom-modeline-info -0.05))
                  ((eq state 'needs-merge)
                   (doom-modeline-vcs-icon "git-merge" "?" 'doom-modeline-info))
                  ((eq state 'needs-update)
                   (doom-modeline-vcs-icon "arrow-down" "!" 'doom-modeline-warning))
                  ((memq state '(removed conflict unregistered))
                   (doom-modeline-vcs-icon "alert" "!" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                   (doom-modeline-vcs-icon "git-branch" "@" 'doom-modeline-info -0.05)))))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom-modeline--update-vcs-icon t)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'doom-modeline--update-vcs-icon)
(advice-add #'vc-refresh-state :after #'doom-modeline--update-vcs-icon)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-icon val)

(defvar-local doom-modeline--vcs-text nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-vcs-text (&rest _)
  "Update text of vsc state in mode-line."
  (setq doom-modeline--vcs-text
        (when (and vc-mode buffer-file-name)
          (let* ((backend (vc-backend buffer-file-name))
                 (state   (vc-state buffer-file-name backend)))
            (propertize (substring vc-mode (+ (if (eq backend 'Hg) 2 3) 2))
                        'face (cond ((eq state 'needs-update)
                                    ((memq state '(removed conflict unregistered))
                                    (t 'doom-modeline-info)))))))
(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom-modeline-update-vcs-text t)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'doom-modeline-update-vcs-text)
(advice-add #'vc-refresh-state :after #'doom-modeline-update-vcs-text)

(doom-modeline-def-segment vcs
  "Displays the current branch, colored based on its state."
  (let ((active (doom-modeline--active)))
    (when-let ((icon (or doom-modeline--vcs-icon (doom-modeline--update-vcs-icon)))
               (text (or doom-modeline--vcs-text (doom-modeline-update-vcs-text))))
       "  "
       (if active
           (concat icon doom-modeline-vspc text)
          (propertize icon
                      (if doom-modeline-icon
                            ,(doom-modeline-icon-height 1.2)
                            ,(all-the-icons-icon-family icon)
          (propertize text 'face 'mode-line-inactive)))
       " "))))

;; checker

;; flycheck

(defun doom-modeline-checker-icon (icon &optional text face voffset)
  "Displays the checker ICON with FACE and VOFFSET.
TEXT is the alternative if it is not applicable.
Uses `all-the-icons-material' to fetch the icon."
  (if doom-modeline-icon
      (when icon
        (doom-modeline-icon-material icon :face face :height 1.1 :v-adjust (or voffset -0.225)))
    (when text
      (propertize text 'face face))))

(defun doom-modeline-checker-text (text &optional face)
  "Displays TEXT with FACE."
  (when text
    (propertize text 'face face)))

(defvar-local doom-modeline--flycheck-icon nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-flycheck-icon (&optional status)
  "Update flycheck icon via STATUS."
  (setq doom-modeline--flycheck-icon
              (pcase status
                (`finished  (if flycheck-current-errors
                                (let-alist (flycheck-count-errors flycheck-current-errors)
                                  (doom-modeline-checker-icon "do_not_disturb_alt" "!"
                                                              (cond (.error 'doom-modeline-urgent)
                                                                    (.warning 'doom-modeline-warning)
                                                                    (t 'doom-modeline-info))))
                              (doom-modeline-checker-icon "check" "-" 'doom-modeline-info)))
                (`running     (doom-modeline-checker-icon "access_time" "*" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                (`no-checker  (doom-modeline-checker-icon "sim_card_alert" "?" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                (`errored     (doom-modeline-checker-icon "sim_card_alert" "!" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                (`interrupted (doom-modeline-checker-icon "pause" "!" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                (`suspicious  (doom-modeline-checker-icon "priority_high" "!" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                (_ nil))))
           'help-echo (concat "Flycheck\n"
                              (pcase status
                                ('finished "mouse-1: Display minor mode menu
mouse-2: Show help for minor mode")
                                ('running "Running...")
                                ('no-checker "No Checker")
                                ('errored "Error")
                                ('interrupted "Interrupted")
                                ('suspicious "Suspicious")))
           'mouse-face '(:box 1)
           'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                        (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1]
                        (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2]
                          (lambda ()
                            (describe-function 'flycheck-mode)))
(add-hook 'flycheck-status-changed-functions #'doom-modeline-update-flycheck-icon)
(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-update-flycheck-icon)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-icon val)
       (when (bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)

(defvar-local doom-modeline--flycheck-text nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-flycheck-text (&optional status)
  "Update flycheck text via STATUS."
  (setq doom-modeline--flycheck-text
              (pcase status
                (`finished  (when flycheck-current-errors
                              (let-alist (flycheck-count-errors flycheck-current-errors)
                                (let ((error (or .error 0))
                                      (warning (or .warning 0))
                                      (info (or .info 0)))
                                  (format "%s/%s/%s"
                                          (doom-modeline-checker-text (number-to-string error)
                                          (doom-modeline-checker-text (number-to-string warning)
                                          (doom-modeline-checker-text (number-to-string info)
                (`running     nil)
                (`no-checker  (doom-modeline-checker-text "-" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                (`errored     (doom-modeline-checker-text "Error" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                (`interrupted (doom-modeline-checker-text "Interrupted" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                (`suspicious  (doom-modeline-checker-text "Suspicious" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                (_ nil))))
           'help-echo (pcase status
                          (if flycheck-current-errors
                              (let-alist (flycheck-count-errors flycheck-current-errors)
                                (format "error: %d, warning: %d, info: %d\n" (or .error 0) (or .warning 0) (or .info 0))))
                          "mouse-1: Show all errors
mouse-3: Next error
wheel-up/wheel-down: Previous/next error"))
                        ('running "Running...")
                        ('no-checker "No Checker")
                        ('errored "Error")
                        ('interrupted "Interrupted")
                        ('suspicious "Suspicious"))
           'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
           'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                        (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1]
                        (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3]
                        (define-key map (vector 'mode-line
                          (lambda (event)
                            (interactive "e")
                            (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
                              (flycheck-previous-error 1))))
                        (define-key map (vector 'mode-line
                          (lambda (event)
                            (interactive "e")
                            (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
                              (flycheck-next-error 1))))
(add-hook 'flycheck-status-changed-functions #'doom-modeline-update-flycheck-text)
(add-hook 'flycheck-mode-hook #'doom-modeline-update-flycheck-text)

;; flymake

(defvar-local doom-modeline--flymake-icon nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-flymake-icon (&rest _)
  "Update flymake icon."
  (setq flymake--mode-line-format nil) ; remove the lighter of minor mode
  (setq doom-modeline--flymake-icon
        (let* ((known (hash-table-keys flymake--backend-state))
               (running (flymake-running-backends))
               (disabled (flymake-disabled-backends))
               (reported (flymake-reporting-backends))
               (diags-by-type (make-hash-table))
               (all-disabled (and disabled (null running)))
               (some-waiting (cl-set-difference running reported)))
          (maphash (lambda (_b state)
                     (mapc (lambda (diag)
                             (push diag
                                   (gethash (flymake--diag-type diag)
                           (flymake--backend-state-diags state)))
                 (some-waiting (doom-modeline-checker-icon "access_time" "*" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                 ((null known) (doom-modeline-checker-icon "sim_card_alert" "?" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                 (all-disabled (doom-modeline-checker-icon "sim_card_alert" "!" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                 (t (let ((.error (length (gethash :error diags-by-type)))
                          (.warning (length (gethash :warning diags-by-type)))
                          (.note (length (gethash :note diags-by-type))))
                      (if (> (+ .error .warning .note) 0)
                          (doom-modeline-checker-icon "do_not_disturb_alt" "!"
                                                      (cond ((> .error 0) 'doom-modeline-urgent)
                                                            ((> .warning 0) 'doom-modeline-warning)
                                                            (t 'doom-modeline-info)))
                        (doom-modeline-checker-icon "check" "-" 'doom-modeline-info)))))))
             'help-echo (concat "Flymake\n"
                                 (some-waiting "Running...")
                                 ((null known) "No Checker")
                                 (all-disabled "All Checkers Disabled")
                                 (t (format "%d/%d backends running
mouse-1: Display minor mode menu
mouse-2: Show help for minor mode"
                                            (length running) (length known)))))
             'mouse-face '(:box 1)
             'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                          (define-key map [mode-line down-mouse-1]
                          (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2]
                            (lambda ()
                              (describe-function 'flymake-mode)))
(advice-add #'flymake--handle-report :after #'doom-modeline-update-flymake-icon)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-icon val)
       (when (bound-and-true-p flymake-mode)

(defvar-local doom-modeline--flymake-text nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-flymake-text (&rest _)
  "Update flymake text."
  (setq flymake--mode-line-format nil) ; remove the lighter of minor mode
  (setq doom-modeline--flymake-text
        (let* ((known (hash-table-keys flymake--backend-state))
               (running (flymake-running-backends))
               (disabled (flymake-disabled-backends))
               (reported (flymake-reporting-backends))
               (diags-by-type (make-hash-table))
               (all-disabled (and disabled (null running)))
               (some-waiting (cl-set-difference running reported)))
          (maphash (lambda (_b state)
                     (mapc (lambda (diag)
                             (push diag
                                   (gethash (flymake--diag-type diag)
                           (flymake--backend-state-diags state)))
          (let ((.error (length (gethash :error diags-by-type)))
                (.warning (length (gethash :warning diags-by-type)))
                (.note (length (gethash :note diags-by-type))))
                   (some-waiting "Running..." "")
                   ((null known) (doom-modeline-checker-text "-" 'font-lock-doc-face))
                   (all-disabled (doom-modeline-checker-text "-" 'doom-modeline-urgent))
                   (t (when (> (+ .error .warning .note) 0)
                        (format "%s/%s/%s"
                                (doom-modeline-checker-text (number-to-string .error)
                                (doom-modeline-checker-text (number-to-string .warning)
                                (doom-modeline-checker-text (number-to-string .note)
               'help-echo (cond
                           (some-waiting "Running...")
                           ((null known) "No Checker")
                           (all-disabled "All Checkers Disabled")
                           (t (format "error: %d, warning: %d, note: %d
mouse-1: List all problems
wheel-up/wheel-down: Previous/next problem"
                                      .error .warning .note)))
               'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
               'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                            (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1]
                            (define-key map (vector 'mode-line
                              (lambda (event)
                                (interactive "e")
                                (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
                                  (flymake-goto-prev-error 1 nil t))))
                            (define-key map (vector 'mode-line
                              (lambda (event)
                                (interactive "e")
                                (with-selected-window (posn-window (event-start event))
                                  (flymake-goto-next-error 1 nil t))))
(advice-add #'flymake--handle-report :after #'doom-modeline-update-flymake-text)

(doom-modeline-def-segment checker
  "Displays color-coded error status in the current buffer with pretty
  (let ((active (doom-modeline--active))
        (seg (cond ((and (bound-and-true-p flymake-mode)
                         (bound-and-true-p flymake--backend-state)) ; only support 26+
                    `(,doom-modeline--flymake-icon . ,doom-modeline--flymake-text))
                   ((bound-and-true-p flycheck-mode)
                    `(,doom-modeline--flycheck-icon . ,doom-modeline--flycheck-text)))))
    (let ((icon (car seg))
          (text (cdr seg)))
       (if vc-mode " " "  ")
       (if active
           (concat icon
                   (when (and icon text) doom-modeline-vspc)
          (when icon
            (propertize icon
                        (if doom-modeline-icon
                              ,(doom-modeline-icon-height 1.3)
                              ,(all-the-icons-icon-family icon)
          (when (and icon text) doom-modeline-vspc)
          (when text
            (propertize text 'face 'mode-line-inactive))))
       "  "))))

;; selection-info

(defsubst doom-modeline-column (pos)
  "Get the column of the position `POS'."
  (save-excursion (goto-char pos)

(defvar-local doom-modeline-enable-word-count nil
  "If non-nil, a word count will be added to the selection-info modeline

(doom-modeline-def-segment selection-info
  "Information about the current selection, such as how many characters and
lines are selected, or the NxM dimensions of a block selection."
  (when (and (or mark-active (and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
                                  (eq evil-state 'visual)))
    (cl-destructuring-bind (beg . end)
        (if (and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode) (eq evil-state 'visual))
            (cons evil-visual-beginning evil-visual-end)
          (cons (region-beginning) (region-end)))
       (let ((lines (count-lines beg (min end (point-max)))))
         (concat " "
                 (cond ((or (bound-and-true-p rectangle-mark-mode)
                            (and (bound-and-true-p evil-visual-selection)
                                 (eq 'block evil-visual-selection)))
                        (let ((cols (abs (- (doom-modeline-column end)
                                            (doom-modeline-column beg)))))
                          (format "%dx%dB" lines cols)))
                       ((and (bound-and-true-p evil-visual-selection)
                             (eq evil-visual-selection 'line))
                        (format "%dL" lines))
                       ((> lines 1)
                        (format "%dC %dL" (- end beg) lines))
                       ((format "%dC" (- end beg))))
                 (when doom-modeline-enable-word-count
                   (format " %dW" (count-words beg end)))
                 " "))
       'face 'doom-modeline-highlight))))

;; matches (macro, anzu, evil-substitute, iedit, symbol-overlay and multi-cursors)

(defsubst doom-modeline--macro-recording ()
  "Display current Emacs or evil macro being recorded."
  (when (and (doom-modeline--active) (or defining-kbd-macro executing-kbd-macro))
    (let ((sep (propertize " " 'face 'doom-modeline-panel)))
      (concat sep
              (propertize (if (bound-and-true-p evil-this-macro)
                              (char-to-string evil-this-macro)
                          'face 'doom-modeline-panel)
              (if doom-modeline-icon
                  (doom-modeline-icon-octicon "triangle-right"
                                              :face 'doom-modeline-panel
                                              :v-adjust -0.05)
                (propertize ">" 'face 'doom-modeline-panel))

;; anzu and evil-anzu expose current/total state that can be displayed in the
;; mode-line.
(defun doom-modeline-fix-anzu-count (positions here)
  "Calulate anzu counts via POSITIONS and HERE."
  (cl-loop for (start . end) in positions
           collect t into before
           when (and (>= here start) (<= here end))
           return (length before)
           finally return 0))

(advice-add #'anzu--where-is-here :override #'doom-modeline-fix-anzu-count)

;; Avoid anzu conflicts across buffers
;; (mapc #'make-variable-buffer-local
;;       '(anzu--total-matched anzu--current-position anzu--state
;;                             anzu--cached-count anzu--cached-positions anzu--last-command
;;                             anzu--last-isearch-string anzu--overflow-p))

;; Ensure anzu state is cleared when searches & iedit are done
(with-eval-after-load 'anzu
  (add-hook 'isearch-mode-end-hook #'anzu--reset-status t)
  (add-hook 'iedit-mode-end-hook #'anzu--reset-status)
  (advice-add #'evil-force-normal-state :after #'anzu--reset-status))

(defsubst doom-modeline--anzu ()
  "Show the match index and total number thereof.
Requires `anzu', also `evil-anzu' if using `evil-mode' for compatibility with
  (setq anzu-cons-mode-line-p nil)
  (when (and (bound-and-true-p anzu--state)
             (not (bound-and-true-p iedit-mode)))
     (let ((here anzu--current-position)
           (total anzu--total-matched))
       (cond ((eq anzu--state 'replace-query)
              (format " %d replace " total))
             ((eq anzu--state 'replace)
              (format " %d/%d " here total))
              (format " %s+ " total))
              (format " %s/%d " here total))))
     'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-panel))))

(defsubst doom-modeline--evil-substitute ()
  "Show number of matches for evil-ex substitutions and highlights in real time."
  (when (and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
             (or (assq 'evil-ex-substitute evil-ex-active-highlights-alist)
                 (assq 'evil-ex-global-match evil-ex-active-highlights-alist)
                 (assq 'evil-ex-buffer-match evil-ex-active-highlights-alist)))
     (let ((range (if evil-ex-range
                      (cons (car evil-ex-range) (cadr evil-ex-range))
                    (cons (line-beginning-position) (line-end-position))))
           (pattern (car-safe (evil-delimited-arguments evil-ex-argument 2))))
       (if pattern
           (format " %s matches " (how-many pattern (car range) (cdr range)))
         " - "))
     'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-panel))))

(defun doom-modeline-themes--overlay-sort (a b)
  "Sort overlay A and B."
  (< (overlay-start a) (overlay-start b)))

(defsubst doom-modeline--iedit ()
  "Show the number of iedit regions matches + what match you're on."
  (when (and (bound-and-true-p iedit-mode)
             (bound-and-true-p iedit-occurrences-overlays))
     (let ((this-oc (or (let ((inhibit-message t))
                        (progn (iedit-prev-occurrence)
           (length (length iedit-occurrences-overlays)))
       (format " %s/%d "
               (if this-oc
                   (- length
                      (length (memq this-oc (sort (append iedit-occurrences-overlays nil)
     'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-panel))))

(defsubst doom-modeline--symbol-overlay ()
  "Show the number of matches for symbol overlay."
  (when (and (bound-and-true-p symbol-overlay-keywords-alist)
             (not (bound-and-true-p symbol-overlay-temp-symbol))
             (not (bound-and-true-p iedit-mode)))
    (let* ((keyword (symbol-overlay-assoc
                     (ignore-errors (symbol-overlay-get-symbol))))
           (symbol (car keyword))
           (before (symbol-overlay-get-list symbol 'car))
           (after (symbol-overlay-get-list symbol 'cdr))
           (count (length before)))
      (if (symbol-overlay-assoc symbol)
           (format (concat  " %d/%d " (and (cadr keyword) "in scope "))
                   (+ count 1)
                   (+ count (length after)))
           'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-panel))))))

(defsubst doom-modeline--multiple-cursors ()
  "Show the number of multiple cursors."
  (when (bound-and-true-p multiple-cursors-mode)
     (concat (car mc/mode-line)
             (eval (cadadr mc/mode-line))
             " ")
     'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-panel))))

(defsubst doom-modeline--buffer-size ()
  "Show buffer size."
  (if (and buffer-file-name size-indication-mode)
      (propertize " %I "
                  'help-echo "Buffer size\n\
mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"
                  'mouse-face '(:box 1)
                  'local-map mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map)))

(doom-modeline-def-segment matches
  "Displays: 1. the currently recording macro, 2. A current/total for the
current search term (with `anzu'), 3. The number of substitutions being conducted
with `evil-ex-substitute', and/or 4. The number of active `iedit' regions,
5. The current/total for the highlight term (with `symbol-overlay'), 6. The number
of active `multiple-cursors'."
  (let ((meta (concat (doom-modeline--macro-recording)
    (or (and (not (equal meta "")) meta)

(doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-size
  "Display buffer size"

;; media-info

(doom-modeline-def-segment media-info
  "Metadata regarding the current file, such as dimensions for images."
  ;; TODO Include other information
  (cond ((eq major-mode 'image-mode)
         (cl-destructuring-bind (width . height)
             (when (fboundp 'image-size)
               (image-size (image-get-display-property) :pixels))
           (format "  %dx%d  " width height)))))

;; bar

(defvar doom-modeline--bar-active nil)
(defvar doom-modeline--bar-inactive nil)
(doom-modeline-def-segment bar
  "The bar regulates the height of the mode-line in GUI Emacs.
Returns \"\" to not break --no-window-system."
  (if (display-graphic-p)
      (if (doom-modeline--active)

(defun doom-modeline-refresh-bars (&optional width height)
  "Refresh mode-line bars with `WIDTH' and `HEIGHT'."
  (setq doom-modeline--bar-active
        (doom-modeline--make-xpm 'doom-modeline-bar
                                 (or width doom-modeline-bar-width)
                                 (max (or height doom-modeline-height)
        (doom-modeline--make-xpm 'doom-modeline-inactive-bar
                                 (or width doom-modeline-bar-width)
                                 (max (or height doom-modeline-height)

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (and (eq op 'set) (integerp val))
       (doom-modeline-refresh-bars doom-modeline-bar-width val))))

   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (and (eq op 'set) (integerp val))
       (doom-modeline-refresh-bars val doom-modeline-height)))))

(add-hook 'after-setting-font-hook
          (lambda ()

;; window number

;; HACK: `ace-window-display-mode' should respect the ignore buffers.
(defun doom-modeline-aw-update ()
  "Update ace-window-path window parameter for all windows.
Ensure all windows are labeled so the user can select a specific
one. The ignored buffers are excluded unless `aw-ignore-on' is nil."
  (let ((ignore-window-parameters t))
     (avy-tree (aw-window-list) aw-keys)
     (lambda (path leaf)
        leaf 'ace-window-path
         (apply #'string (reverse path))
         'face 'aw-mode-line-face))))))
(advice-add #'aw-update :override #'doom-modeline-aw-update)

;; Remove original window number of `ace-window-display-mode'.
(add-hook 'ace-window-display-mode-hook
          (lambda ()
            (setq-default mode-line-format
                          (assq-delete-all 'ace-window-display-mode
                                           (default-value 'mode-line-format)))))

(advice-add #'window-numbering-install-mode-line :override #'ignore)
(advice-add #'window-numbering-clear-mode-line :override #'ignore)
(advice-add #'winum--install-mode-line :override #'ignore)
(advice-add #'winum--clear-mode-line :override #'ignore)

(doom-modeline-def-segment window-number
  (let ((num (cond
              ((bound-and-true-p ace-window-display-mode)
               (window-parameter (selected-window) 'ace-window-path))
              ((bound-and-true-p winum-mode)
               (setq winum-auto-setup-mode-line nil)
              ((bound-and-true-p window-numbering-mode)
              (t ""))))
    (if (< 0 (length num))
        (propertize (format " %s " num)
                    'face (if (doom-modeline--active)

;; workspace number

(doom-modeline-def-segment workspace-number
  "The current workspace name or number.
Requires `eyebrowse-mode' to be enabled."
  (if (and (bound-and-true-p eyebrowse-mode)
           (< 1 (length (eyebrowse--get 'window-configs))))
      (let* ((num (eyebrowse--get 'current-slot))
             (tag (when num (nth 2 (assoc num (eyebrowse--get 'window-configs)))))
             (str (if (and tag (< 0 (length tag)))
                    (when num (int-to-string num)))))
        (assq-delete-all 'eyebrowse-mode mode-line-misc-info)
        (propertize (format " %s " str) 'face
                    (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode)))

;; perspective name

(defvar-local doom-modeline--persp-name nil)
(defun doom-modeline-update-persp-name (&rest _)
  "Update perspective name in mode-line."
  (setq doom-modeline--persp-name
        ;; Support `persp-mode', while not support `perspective'
        (when (and doom-modeline-persp-name
                   (bound-and-true-p persp-mode)
                   (fboundp 'safe-persp-name)
                   (fboundp 'get-current-persp))
          (let* ((persp (get-current-persp))
                 (name (safe-persp-name persp)))
            (unless (string-equal persp-nil-name name)
               (format " #%s " name)
               'face (if (and persp
                              (not (persp-contain-buffer-p (current-buffer) persp)))
               'help-echo "mouse-1: Switch perspective
mouse-2: Show help for minor mode"
               'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
               'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                            (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1]
                            (define-key map [mode-line mouse-2]
                              (lambda ()
                                (describe-function 'persp-mode)))

(add-hook 'find-file-hook #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
(add-hook 'persp-activated-functions #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
(add-hook 'persp-renamed-functions #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
(advice-add #'select-window :after #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
;; (advice-add #'persp-window-switch :after #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
;; (advice-add #'persp-frame-switch :after #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
;; (advice-add #'persp-add-buffer :after #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)
;; (advice-add #'persp-remove-buffer :after #'doom-modeline-update-persp-name)

(doom-modeline-def-segment persp-name
  "The current perspective name."
  (if (doom-modeline--active)

;; misc info

(doom-modeline-def-segment misc-info
  "Mode line construct for miscellaneous information.
By default, this shows the information specified by `global-mode-string'."
  (if (doom-modeline--active)
      '(" " mode-line-misc-info)))

;; position

;; Be compatible with Emacs 25.
(defvar doom-modeline-column-zero-based
  (if (boundp 'column-number-indicator-zero-based)
  "When non-nil, mode line displays column numbers zero-based.
See `column-number-indicator-zero-based'.")

(defvar doom-modeline-percent-position
  (if (boundp 'mode-line-percent-position)
    '(-3 "%p"))
  "Specification of \"percentage offset\" of window through buffer.
See `mode-line-percent-position'.")

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-column-zero-based val))))

   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-percent-position val)))))

(doom-modeline-def-segment buffer-position
  "The buffer position information."
  (let ((lc '(line-number-mode
               (doom-modeline-column-zero-based " %l:%c" " %l:%C")
               " %l")
              (column-number-mode (doom-modeline-column-zero-based " :%c" " :%C")))))
    (if (and (bound-and-true-p nyan-mode)
        (concat "  " (nyan-create) " "
                (propertize (format-mode-line lc)
                            'help-echo "Buffer position\n\
mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"
                            'mouse-face '(:box 1)
                            'local-map mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map))
      `(:propertize (" "
                     (if doom-modeline-percent-position (" " doom-modeline-percent-position))
                     (when (or line-number-mode column-number-mode doom-modeline-percent-position) " "))
                    help-echo "Buffer position\n\
mouse-1: Display Line and Column Mode Menu"
                    mouse-face (:box 1)
                    local-map ,mode-line-column-line-number-mode-map))))

;; party parrot
(doom-modeline-def-segment parrot
  "The party parrot animated icon. Requires `parrot-mode' to be enabled."
  (when (and (bound-and-true-p parrot-mode)
    (concat "  " (parrot-create) " ")))

;; evil-state

(doom-modeline-def-segment evil-state
  "The current evil state. Requires `evil-mode' to be enabled."
  (when (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
    (let ((tag (evil-state-property evil-state :tag t)))
      (propertize tag 'face
                  (if (doom-modeline--active)
                      (cond ((evil-normal-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-normal-state)
                            ((evil-emacs-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-emacs-state)
                            ((evil-insert-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-insert-state)
                            ((evil-motion-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-motion-state)
                            ((evil-visual-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-visual-state)
                            ((evil-operator-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-operator-state)
                            ((evil-replace-state-p) 'doom-modeline-evil-replace-state)))))))

;; god-state

(doom-modeline-def-segment god-state
  "The current god state. Requires `god-mode' to be enabled."
  (when (bound-and-true-p god-local-mode)
    (propertize " <G> " 'face (if (doom-modeline--active)

;; ryo-modal state

(doom-modeline-def-segment ryo-modal ()
  "The current ryo-modal state. Requires `ryo-modal-mode' to be enabled."
  (when (bound-and-true-p ryo-modal-mode)
    (propertize " <R> " 'face (if (doom-modeline--active)

;; xah-fly-keys state

(doom-modeline-def-segment xah-fly-keys ()
  "The current xah-fly-keys state."
  (when (boundp 'xah-fly-insert-state-q)
    (propertize (if xah-fly-insert-state-q
                    " <I> "
                  " <C> ")
                'face (if (doom-modeline--active)

;; input method

(doom-modeline-def-segment input-method
  "The current input method."
     (concat " " current-input-method-title " "))
    ((and (bound-and-true-p evil-local-mode)
          (bound-and-true-p evil-input-method))
      " "
      (nth 3 (assoc default-input-method input-method-alist))
      " "))
    (t ""))
   'face (if (doom-modeline--active) 'doom-modeline-buffer-major-mode)
   'help-echo (concat
               "Current input method: "
mouse-2: Disable input method\n\
mouse-3: Describe current input method")
   'mouse-face 'mode-line-highlight
   'local-map mode-line-input-method-map))

;; LSP

(doom-modeline-def-segment lsp
  "The LSP server state."
  (if (and doom-modeline-lsp
           (bound-and-true-p lsp-mode))
      (concat (lsp-mode-line) " ")))

;; github

(defvar doom-modeline--github-notifications-number 0)
(defvar doom-modeline-before-github-fetch-notification-hook nil
  "Hooks before fetching github notifications.
  (add-hook 'doom-modeline-before-github-fetch-notification-hook #'auth-source-pass-enable)")
(defun doom-modeline--github-fetch-notifications ()
  "Fetch github notifications."
  (when (and doom-modeline-github
             (fboundp 'async-start))
    ;; load `async' if it exists but is not loaded
    (unless (fboundp 'async-inject-variables)
      (require 'async nil t))
     `(lambda ()
        ,(async-inject-variables "\\`\\(load-path\\|auth-sources\\|doom-modeline-before-github-fetch-notification-hook\\)\\'")
        (run-hooks 'doom-modeline-before-github-fetch-notification-hook)
        (require 'ghub nil t)
        (when (fboundp 'ghub-get)
          (with-timeout (10)
              (if (ghub--token ghub-default-host
                               (ghub--username ghub-default-host)
                  (ghub-get "/notifications"
                            :query '((notifications . "true"))
                            :noerror t))))))
     (lambda (result)
       (setq doom-modeline--github-notifications-number
             (length result))))))

(defvar doom-modeline--github-timer nil)
(defun doom-modeline-github-timer ()
  "Start/Stop the timer for github fetching."
  (if (timerp doom-modeline--github-timer)
      (cancel-timer doom-modeline--github-timer))
  (setq doom-modeline--github-timer
        (and doom-modeline-github
             (run-with-timer 30

(when (>= emacs-major-version 26)
   (lambda (_sym val op _where)
     (when (eq op 'set)
       (setq doom-modeline-github val)


(defun doom-modeline--github-open-notifications ()
  "Open GitHub Notifications page."
  (browse-url "https://github.com/notifications")
  (run-with-timer 60 nil #'doom-modeline--github-fetch-notifications))

(doom-modeline-def-segment github
  "The github notifications."
  (if (and doom-modeline-github
           (> doom-modeline--github-notifications-number 0))
       (concat (if doom-modeline-icon " ")
               (doom-modeline-icon-faicon "github"
                                          :v-adjust -0.0575
                                          :face 'doom-modeline-warning)
               (if doom-modeline-icon doom-modeline-vspc " ")
               (propertize (number-to-string doom-modeline--github-notifications-number)
                           'face 'doom-modeline-warning)
               " ")
       'help-echo "Github
mouse-1: Show notifications
mouse-3: Fetch notifications"
       'mouse-face '(:box 1)
       'local-map (let ((map (make-sparse-keymap)))
                    (define-key map [mode-line mouse-1]
                    (define-key map [mode-line mouse-3]
                      (lambda ()
                        (message "Fetching github notifications...")

;; debug state

(doom-modeline-def-segment debug
  "The current debug state."
  (when (doom-modeline--active)
     (and (or debug-on-error debug-on-quit) " ")
     (when debug-on-error
        (if doom-modeline-icon
            (doom-modeline-icon-faicon "bug" :v-adjust -0.0575 :face 'doom-modeline-urgent)
          (propertize "!" 'face 'doom-modeline-urgent))
        'help-echo "Debug on Error
mouse-1: Toggle Debug on Error"
        'mouse-face '(:box 1)
        'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map 'mouse-1 #'toggle-debug-on-error)))
     (when debug-on-quit
        (if doom-modeline-icon
            (doom-modeline-icon-faicon "bug" :v-adjust -0.0575 :face 'doom-modeline-warning)
          (propertize "!" 'face 'doom-modeline-warning))
        'help-echo "Debug on Quit
mouse-1: Toggle Debug on Quit"
        'mouse-face '(:box 1)
        'local-map (make-mode-line-mouse-map 'mouse-1 #'toggle-debug-on-quit)))
     (and (or debug-on-error debug-on-quit) " "))))

;; pdf pages

(doom-modeline-def-segment pdf-pages
  (when (eq major-mode 'pdf-view-mode)
    (format "  P%d/%d "
            (eval `(pdf-view-current-page))

;; mu4e-alert notifications

(defun doom-modeline-mu4e-formatter (mail-count)
  "Doom mode-line's `mu4e-alert' formatter.
MAIL-COUNT is the count of mails for which the string is to displayed"
  (when (not (zerop mail-count))
      (format "%s" mail-count)
      'display '(raise 0.09)
      'face '(:height 0.85)
      'help-echo (if (= mail-count 1)
                     "You have an unread email"
                   (format "You have %s unread emails" mail-count)))

     ;; add a little space for padding
     (propertize " " 'display '(space-width 0.6)))))

(doom-modeline-def-segment mu4e
  (when doom-modeline-mu4e
    ;; this is the result of the mu4e formatter

(provide 'doom-modeline-segments)

;;; doom-modeline-segments.el ends here