[emacs] Go back to swiper-helm, as helm-swoop is broken

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Correl Roush 2018-02-12 16:02:10 -05:00
parent 9e3ae23b62
commit 79a35d3c30

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@ -119,9 +119,9 @@ Helm search plugin for [[Ag%20(The%20Silver%20Searcher)][Ag (The Silver Searcher
:init (eval-after-load 'flyspell
'(define-key flyspell-mode-map (kbd "C-;") 'helm-flyspell-correct)))
*** helm-swoop
*** swiper-helm
Replace isearch-forward with helm-swoop for a nicer experience.
Replace isearch-forward with swiper-helm for a nicer experience.
Quite usefully, using prefix arguments expands the lines of context
@ -130,19 +130,10 @@ shown around the search results.
#+name: packages
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(use-package helm-swoop
(use-package swiper-helm
:ensure t
:commands (helm-swoop)
:bind (("C-s" . helm-swoop))
;; Defaults to (lambda () (thing-at-point 'symbol)).
;; Setting it to return nil, as I find it tends to be more annoying than useful.
(setq helm-swoop-pre-input-function (lambda () nil))
;; Enable syntax highlighting. It makes it easier for my eyes to
;; parse the results, and doesn't seem to slow things down
;; measurably.
(setq helm-swoop-speed-or-color t)
:commands (swiper-helm)
:bind (("C-s" . swiper-helm)))
** Undo-Tree