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[emacs] Update email configuration

This commit is contained in:
Correl Roush 2021-01-19 00:48:33 -05:00
parent 71fb5913d0
commit 897da60c74

View file

@ -1045,7 +1045,82 @@ Show linked org document sections inline.
(tramp-file-name-hop v))))
(eshell/cd directory)))
* MU4E
* Email
** MBSync
:header-args: :tangle no
:header-args:conf: :tangle ~/.mbsyncrc
*** Building Blocks
**** Locating the certificate file
#+name: mbsync-certificate-file
#+begin_src emacs-lisp :tangle no
(require 'f)
(seq-find #'f-exists?
*** Personal Gmail Account
#+begin_src conf :noweb yes
IMAPAccount personal
Host imap.gmail.com
User correl@gmail.com
PassCmd "pass accounts.google.com/correl@gmail.com | grep ^isync: | awk '{print $2}'"
AuthMechs LOGIN
SSLVersions TLSv1.2
CertificateFile <<mbsync-certificate-file()>>
IMAPStore personal-remote
Account personal
MaildirStore personal-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/Mail/Personal/
Inbox ~/Mail/Personal/INBOX
Channel personal
Master :personal-remote:
Slave :personal-local:
MaxMessages 1000
ExpireUnread yes
Patterns "INBOX" "[Gmail]/Drafts" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" "[Gmail]/Starred" "[Gmail]/All Mail" "[Gmail]/Chats" "[Gmail]/Trash"
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *
*** AWeber Work Account
#+begin_src conf :noweb yes
IMAPAccount work
Host imap.gmail.com
User correlr@aweber.com
PassCmd "pass Work/aweber/accounts.google.com/correlr@aweber.com | grep ^isync: | awk '{print $2}'"
AuthMechs LOGIN
SSLVersions TLSv1.2
CertificateFile <<mbsync-certificate-file()>>
IMAPStore work-remote
Account work
MaildirStore work-local
Subfolders Verbatim
Path ~/Mail/Work/
Inbox ~/Mail/Work/INBOX
Channel work
Master :work-remote:
Slave :work-local:
MaxMessages 1000
ExpireUnread yes
Patterns "INBOX" "AWeber Times" "[Gmail]/Drafts" "[Gmail]/Sent Mail" "[Gmail]/Starred" "[Gmail]/All Mail" "[Gmail]/Chats" "[Gmail]/Trash"
Create Both
Expunge Both
SyncState *
** MU4E
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(use-package! mu4e
:bind (("<f9>" . mu4e))
@ -1060,17 +1135,20 @@ Show linked org document sections inline.
(list (make-mu4e-context
:name "work"
:vars `((user-mail-address . "correlr@aweber.com")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Work/[Gmail].Drafts")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Work/[Gmail].Sent Mail")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Work/[Gmail].Trash")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Work/[Gmail]/Drafts")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Work/[Gmail]/Sent Mail")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Work/[Gmail]/Trash")
(mu4e-maildir-shortcuts . (("/Work/INBOX" . ?i)
("/Work/[Gmail].All Mail" . ?a)
("/Work/[Gmail].Starred" . ?S)
("/Work/[Gmail].Sent Mail" . ?s)
("/Work/[Gmail].Trash" . ?t)))
("/Work/[Gmail]/All Mail" . ?a)
("/Work/[Gmail]/Starred" . ?S)
("/Work/[Gmail]/Sent Mail" . ?s)
("/Work/[Gmail]/Trash" . ?t)))
(mu4e-compose-signature . ,(with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents "~/.signature-aweber")
(smtpmail-smtp-server . "smtp.gmail.com")
(smtpmail-smtp-service . 465)
(smtpmail-stream-type . ssl)))))
(when (f-exists?
(f-join mu4e-maildir "Personal"))
@ -1078,17 +1156,20 @@ Show linked org document sections inline.
:name "personal"
:vars `((user-mail-address . "correl@gmail.com")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Personal/[Gmail].Drafts")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Personal/[Gmail].Sent Mail")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Personal/[Gmail].Trash")
(mu4e-drafts-folder . "/Personal/[Gmail]/Drafts")
(mu4e-sent-folder . "/Personal/[Gmail]/Sent Mail")
(mu4e-trash-folder . "/Personal/[Gmail]/Trash")
(mu4e-maildir-shortcuts . (("/Personal/INBOX" . ?i)
("/Personal/[Gmail].All Mail" . ?a)
("/Personal/[Gmail].Starred" . ?S)
("/Personal/[Gmail].Sent Mail" . ?s)
("/Personal/[Gmail].Trash" . ?t)))
("/Personal/[Gmail]/All Mail" . ?a)
("/Personal/[Gmail]/Starred" . ?S)
("/Personal/[Gmail]/Sent Mail" . ?s)
("/Personal/[Gmail]/Trash" . ?t)))
(mu4e-compose-signature . ,(with-temp-buffer
(insert-file-contents "~/.signature")
(smtpmail-smtp-server . "smtp.gmail.com")
(smtpmail-smtp-service . 465)
(smtpmail-stream-type . ssl)))))
(setq mu4e-context-policy 'pick-first)
(setq mu4e-compose-dont-reply-to-self t)
(setq mu4e-user-mail-address-list '("correlr@aweber.com"