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module Demo.Page
( demo, package, mds, mdl
, fromMDL, fromMDS
, body
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class)
import Markdown
import Material.Grid exposing (..)
import Material.Style as Style exposing (styled, cs, css, attribute)
import Material.Button as Button
import Material.Color as Color
import Material.Icon as Icon
demo : String -> (String, String)
demo url =
( "Demo source", url )
package : String -> (String, String)
package url =
( "Package documentation", url )
mds : String -> (String, String)
mds url =
( "Material Design Specification", url )
mdl : String -> (String, String)
mdl url =
( "Material Design Lite documentation", url )
references : List (String, String) -> List Html
references links =
[ text "References"
, ul []
( links |> List.map (\(str, url) ->
li [] [ a [ href url ] [ text str ] ]
from : String -> String -> String -> Html
from title url body =
div []
[ text "From the "
, a [ href url ] [ text title ]
, text ":"
, Markdown.toHtml body
fromMDL : String -> String -> Html
fromMDL =
from "Material Design Lite documentation"
fromMDS : String -> String -> Html
fromMDS =
from "Material Design Specification"
title : String -> Html
title t =
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
Style.styled Html.h1
[ Color.text Color.primary
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
--, cs "mdl-typography--display-4"
-- TODO. Typography module
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
[ text t ]
demoTitle : Html
demoTitle =
Style.styled Html.h2
[ Color.text Color.primary
[ text "Example" ]
addr : Signal.Address Button.Action
addr = (Signal.mailbox Button.Click).address
fab : String -> Html
fab url =
Button.fab addr (Button.model False)
[ css "position" "fixed"
, css "right" "48px"
, css "top" "72px"
, css "z-index" "100"
, Button.colored
--, attribute (href srcUrl)
, attribute (Html.Attributes.attribute "onclick" ("alert('foo!');")) --("window.location.href = '" ++ srcUrl ++ "';") )
[ Icon.i "link" ]
body : String -> String -> Html -> List (String, String) -> List Html -> Html
body t srcUrl contents links demo =
div []
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
[ title t
, grid [ noSpacing ]
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
[ cell [ size All 6, size Phone 4 ] [ contents ]
, cell
[ size All 5, offset Desktop 1, size Phone 4, align Top
, css "position" "relative"
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
( references <| ("Demo source", srcUrl) :: links )
--, fab srcUrl
-- TODO: buttons can't be links (yet)
-- TODO: FAB placement.
, demoTitle
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00
, Style.div
[ css "margin-bottom" "48px"
--, css "margin-top" "48px"
-- , Elevation.shadow 2
2016-04-08 15:51:45 +02:00