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module Demo.Buttons where
import Dict
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Effects
import Material.Button as Button exposing (..)
import Material.Grid as Grid
import Material.Icon as Icon
type alias Index = (Int, Int)
tabulate' : Int -> List a -> List (Int, a)
tabulate' i ys =
case ys of
[] -> []
y :: ys -> (i, y) :: tabulate' (i+1) ys
tabulate : List a -> List (Int, a)
tabulate = tabulate' 0
type alias View =
Signal.Address Button.Action -> Button.Model -> Coloring -> List Html -> Html
type alias View' =
Signal.Address Button.Action -> Button.Model -> Html
view' : View -> Coloring -> Html -> Signal.Address Button.Action -> Button.Model -> Html
view' view coloring elem addr model =
view addr model coloring [elem]
describe : String -> Bool -> Coloring -> String
describe kind ripple coloring =
c =
case coloring of
Plain -> "plain"
Colored -> "colored"
Primary -> "primary"
Accent -> "accent"
kind ++ ", " ++ c ++ if ripple then " w/ripple" else ""
row : (String, Html, View) -> Bool -> List (Int, (Bool, String, View'))
row (kind, elem, v) ripple =
[ Plain, Colored, Primary, Accent ]
|> List.map (\c -> (ripple, describe kind ripple c, view' v c elem))
|> tabulate
buttons : List (List (Index, (Bool, String, View')))
buttons =
[ ("flat", text "Flat Button", Button.flat)
, ("raised", text "Raised Button", Button.raised)
, ("FAB", Icon.i "add", Button.fab)
, ("mini-FAB", Icon.i "zoom_in", Button.minifab)
, ("icon", Icon.i "flight_land", Button.icon)
|> List.concatMap (\a -> [row a False, row a True])
|> tabulate
|> List.map (\(i, row) -> List.map (\(j, x) -> ((i,j), x)) row)
model : Model
model =
{ clicked = ""
, buttons =
|> List.concatMap (List.map <| \(idx, (ripple, _, _)) -> (idx, Button.model ripple))
|> Dict.fromList
type Action = Action Index Button.Action
type alias Model =
{ clicked : String
, buttons : Dict.Dict Index Button.Model
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update (Action idx action) model =
Dict.get idx model.buttons
|> Maybe.map (\m0 ->
(m1, e) = Button.update action m0
({ model | buttons = Dict.insert idx m1 model.buttons }, Effects.map (Action idx) e)
|> Maybe.withDefault (model, Effects.none)
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
buttons |> List.concatMap (\row ->
row |> List.concatMap (\(idx, (ripple, description, view)) ->
let model' =
Dict.get idx model.buttons |> Maybe.withDefault (Button.model False)
[ Grid.cell
[ Grid.size Grid.All 3]
[ div
[ style
[ ("text-align", "center")
, ("margin-top", "1em")
, ("margin-bottom", "1em")
[ view
(Signal.forwardTo addr (Action idx))
, div
[ style
[ ("font-size", "9pt")
, ("margin-top", "1em")
[ text description
|> Grid.grid