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synced 2025-03-12 17:00:06 -09:00
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 32 additions and 21 deletions
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style, key)
import Array exposing (Array)
import Time exposing (Time, millisecond)
import Material.Helpers exposing (map1st, map2nd, delay)
import Material.Helpers exposing (map1st, map2nd, pure, delay)
import Material.Color as Color
import Material.Style exposing (styled, cs, css)
import Material.Snackbar as Snackbar
@ -18,9 +18,11 @@ import Material
import Demo.Page as Page
type alias Mdl =
@ -107,19 +109,13 @@ update action model =
add (\k -> Snackbar.toast k <| "Toast message #" ++ toString k) model
Appear k ->
( model |> mapSquare k (\sq -> if sq == Appearing then Waiting else sq)
, none
model |> mapSquare k (\sq -> if sq == Appearing then Waiting else sq) |> pure
Snackbar (Snackbar.Begin k) ->
( model |> mapSquare k (always Active)
, none
model |> mapSquare k (always Active) |> pure
Snackbar (Snackbar.End k) ->
( model |> mapSquare k (always Idle)
, none
model |> mapSquare k (always Idle) |> pure
Snackbar (Snackbar.Click k) ->
( model |> mapSquare k (always Disappearing)
@ -146,6 +142,7 @@ update action model =
addSnackbarButton : Button.Instance Mdl Action
addSnackbarButton =
Button.instance 0 MDL
@ -172,8 +169,8 @@ transitionLength : Time
transitionLength = 150 * millisecond
transitions : (String, String)
transitions =
transitionInner : (String, String)
transitionInner =
, "box-shadow 333ms ease-in-out 0s, "
++ "width " ++ toString transitionLength ++ "ms, "
@ -182,6 +179,14 @@ transitions =
transitionOuter : (String, String)
transitionOuter =
, "width " ++ toString transitionLength ++ "ms ease-in-out 0s, "
++ "margin " ++ toString transitionLength ++ "ms ease-in-out 0s"
clickView : Model -> Square -> Html
clickView model (k, square) =
@ -210,6 +215,11 @@ clickView model (k, square) =
(boxWidth, boxHeight, "16px 16px", selected')
{- In order to get the box appearance and disappearance animations
to start in the lower-left corner, we render boxes as an outer div
(which animates only width, to cause reflow of surrounding boxes),
and an absolutely positioned inner div (to force animation to start
in the lower-left corner. -}
[ style
[ ("height", boxHeight)
@ -217,13 +227,11 @@ clickView model (k, square) =
, ("position", "relative")
, ("display", "inline-block")
, ("margin", margin)
, ("transition",
"width " ++ toString transitionLength ++ "ms ease-in-out 0s, "
++ "margin " ++ toString transitionLength ++ "ms ease-in-out 0s"
, ("z-index", "0")
, transitionOuter
, key <| toString k
{- Interestingly, not setting key messes up CSS transitions in spectacular ways. -}
[ styled div
[ Color.background color
@ -231,19 +239,22 @@ clickView model (k, square) =
, Elevation.shadow (if selected then 8 else 2)
[ style
[ ("display", "inline-flex")
[ -- Center contents
("display", "inline-flex")
, ("align-items", "center")
, ("justify-content", "center")
, ("flex", "0 0 auto")
-- Sizing
, ("height", height)
, ("width", width)
, ("border-radius", "2px")
, transitions
, ("overflow", "hidden")
, ("box-sizing", "border-box")
, ("flex", "0 0 auto")
-- Force appearance/disapparenace to be from/to lower-left corner.
, ("position", "absolute")
, ("bottom", "0")
, ("left", "0")
-- Transitions
, transitionInner
[ div [] [ text <| toString k ] ]
@ -255,7 +266,7 @@ view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
Page.body "Snackbar & Toast" srcUrl intro references
[ p []
[ text """Click the buttons below to activate the snackbar. Note that
[ text """Click the buttons below to generate toasts and snackbars. Note that
multiple activations are automatically queued."""
, grid [ ]
Add table
Reference in a new issue