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synced 2024-12-18 03:00:11 +00:00
Added Template Component/Demo-page; moved demo-page stylesheet out.
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 55 additions and 38 deletions
@ -11,24 +11,17 @@ import Array exposing (Array)
import Material.Color as Color
import Material.Layout as Layout exposing (defaultLayoutModel)
import Material exposing (lift, lift')
import Material.Style as Style
import Demo.Buttons
import Demo.Grid
import Demo.Textfields
import Demo.Snackbar
import Demo.Template
type alias Model =
{ layout : Layout.Model
, buttons : Demo.Buttons.Model
, textfields : Demo.Textfields.Model
, snackbar : Demo.Snackbar.Model
layoutModel : Layout.Model
layoutModel =
{ defaultLayoutModel
@ -36,12 +29,22 @@ layoutModel =
type alias Model =
{ layout : Layout.Model
, buttons : Demo.Buttons.Model
, textfields : Demo.Textfields.Model
, snackbar : Demo.Snackbar.Model
, template : Demo.Template.Model
model : Model
model =
{ layout = layoutModel
, buttons = Demo.Buttons.model
, textfields = Demo.Textfields.model
, snackbar = Demo.Snackbar.model
, template = Demo.Template.model
@ -53,15 +56,17 @@ type Action
| ButtonsAction Demo.Buttons.Action
| TextfieldAction Demo.Textfields.Action
| SnackbarAction Demo.Snackbar.Action
| TemplateAction Demo.Template.Action
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case Debug.log "Action: " action of
LayoutAction a -> lift .layout (\m x->{m|layout=x}) LayoutAction Layout.update a model
ButtonsAction a -> lift .buttons (\m x->{m|buttons=x}) ButtonsAction Demo.Buttons.update a model
TextfieldAction a -> lift' .textfields (\m x->{m|textfields=x}) Demo.Textfields.update a model
SnackbarAction a -> lift .snackbar (\m x->{m|snackbar=x}) SnackbarAction Demo.Snackbar.update a model
LayoutAction a -> lift .layout (\m x->{m|layout =x}) LayoutAction Layout.update a model
ButtonsAction a -> lift .buttons (\m x->{m|buttons =x}) ButtonsAction Demo.Buttons.update a model
TextfieldAction a -> lift' .textfields (\m x->{m|textfields=x}) Demo.Textfields.update a model
SnackbarAction a -> lift .snackbar (\m x->{m|snackbar =x}) SnackbarAction Demo.Snackbar.update a model
TemplateAction a -> lift .template (\m x->{m|template =x}) TemplateAction Demo.Template.update a model
@ -109,6 +114,8 @@ tabs =
, ("Buttons", \addr model ->
[Demo.Buttons.view (Signal.forwardTo addr ButtonsAction) model.buttons])
, ("Grid", \addr model -> Demo.Grid.view)
, ("Template", \addr model ->
[Demo.Template.view (Signal.forwardTo addr TemplateAction) model.template])
@ -119,6 +126,22 @@ tabViews = List.map snd tabs |> Array.fromList
tabTitles : List Html
tabTitles = List.map (fst >> text) tabs
stylesheet : Html
stylesheet = Style.stylesheet """
blockquote:before { content: none; }
blockquote:after { content: none; }
blockquote {
border-left-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
padding-left: 1.3ex;
border-color: rgb(255,82,82);
/* TODO: Really need a way to specify "secondary color" in
inline css.
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
@ -142,7 +165,7 @@ view addr model =
{ header = Just header
, drawer = Just drawer
, tabs = Just tabTitles
, main = [ top ]
, main = [ stylesheet, top ]
{- The following line is not needed when you manually set up
your html, as done with page.html. Removing it will then
@ -167,24 +167,8 @@ view addr model =
introStyle : String
introStyle = """
blockquote:before { content: none; }
blockquote:after { content: none; }
blockquote {
border-left-style: solid;
border-width: 1px;
padding-left: 1.3ex;
border-color: rgb(255,82,82);
/* TODO: Really need a way to specify "secondary color" in
inline css.
introBody : Html
introBody = """
intro : Html
intro = """
# Snackbars & toasts
From the
@ -209,9 +193,3 @@ From the
""" |> Markdown.toHtml
intro : Html
intro =
div []
[ node "style" [] [ text introStyle ]
, introBody
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Material.Style
( Style
, styled
, cs, cs', css, css'
, stylesheet
) where
@ -20,6 +21,9 @@ add to or remove from the contents of an already constructed class Attribute.)
# Application
@docs styled
# Convenience
@docs stylesheet
@ -111,3 +115,15 @@ css' key value b =
nop : Style
nop = NOP
{-| Construct an Html element contributing to the global stylesheet.
The resulting Html is a <style> element. Remember to insert the resulting Html
stylesheet : String -> Html
stylesheet css =
Html.node "style" [] [Html.text css]
Reference in a new issue