Merge pull request #15 from hakonrossebo/iconStyles

Icon changed to implement Style
This commit is contained in:
Søren Debois 2016-03-25 08:44:47 +01:00
commit 86d63a07e0
3 changed files with 42 additions and 26 deletions

View file

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style, key)
import Material.Badge as Badge
import Material.Style exposing (..)
import Material.Icon as Icon
view : List Html
@ -23,5 +23,7 @@ view = [ div [][p [][]
, p [][]
, styled span [Badge.withBadge "Δ"] [ ] [ text "Span with HTML symbol - Delta" ]
, p [][]
, span [][text "Icon with badge"]
, Icon.view "face" [Icon.size24, Badge.withBadge "33", Badge.overlap ] []

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Material.Icon
( Size(..)
( size18, size24, size36, size48
, view
, i
) where
@ -15,27 +15,46 @@ This implementation assumes that you have
or an equivalent means of loading the icons in your HTML header.
@docs i, Size, view
@docs i, view, size18, size24, size36, size48
import Html exposing (i, text, Html, Attribute)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
import Material.Style exposing (Style, cs, styled)
{-| Size of an icon. Constructors indicate their pixel size, i.e.,
`S18` is 18px. The constructor `S` gives you the default size, 24px.
{-| Icon size styling to indicate their pixel size. This style gives a size of 18px.
type Size
= S18 | S24 | S36 | S48 | S
size18 : Style
size18 =
cs "md-18"
{-| Icon size styling to indicate their pixel size. This style gives a size of 24px.
size24 : Style
size24 =
cs "md-24"
{-| Icon size styling to indicate their pixel size. This style gives a size of 36px.
size36 : Style
size36 =
cs "md-36"
{-| Icon size styling to indicate their pixel size. This style gives a size of 48px.
size48 : Style
size48 =
cs "md-48"
{-| View function for icons. Supply the
[Material Icons Library]( name as
the first argument (replace spaces with underscores); and the size of the icon
as the second. Do not use this function to produce clickable icons; use
as the second (as a list of styles). Do not use this function to produce clickable icons; use
icon buttons in Material.Button for that.
If you doesn't specify any style size, it gives you the default size, 24px.
I.e., to produce a 48px
["trending flat"]( icon with
no attributes:
@ -43,24 +62,19 @@ no attributes:
import Material.Icon as Icon
icon : Html
icon = Icon.view "trending_flat" Icon.S48 []
icon = Icon.view "trending_flat" [Icon.size48] []
This function will override any `class` set in `List Attribute`.
view : String -> Size -> List Attribute -> Html
view name size attrs =
sz =
case size of
S18 -> " md-18"
S24 -> " md-24"
S36 -> " md-36"
S48 -> " md-48"
S -> ""
Html.i (class ("material-icons" ++ sz) :: attrs) [text name]
view : String -> List Style -> List Attribute-> Html
view name styling attrs=
styled Html.i
( cs "material-icons"
:: styling
[text name]
{-| Render a default-sized icon with no behaviour. The
`String` argument must be the name of a [Material Icon](
(replace spaces with underscores).
@ -73,4 +87,4 @@ I.e., to produce a default size (24xp) "trending flat" icon:
icon = Icon.i "trending_flat"
i : String -> Html
i name = view name S []
i name = view name [] []

View file

@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ tabsView addr model tabs =
, ("mdl-layout__tab-bar-" ++ direction ++ "-button", True)
[ Icon.view ("chevron_" ++ direction) Icon.S
[ Icon.view ("chevron_" ++ direction) [Icon.size24]
[onClick addr (ScrollTab offset)]
-- TODO: Scroll event