mirror of
synced 2025-01-11 19:12:57 +00:00
Experimental component model
This commit is contained in:
8 changed files with 819 additions and 314 deletions
@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
elm-make examples/Component.elm --warn --output elm.js
elm-make examples/Demo.elm --warn --output elm.js
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,145 @@
import StartApp
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style)
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never)
import Task exposing (Task)
import Material.Button as Button
import Material.Scheme
type alias Model =
{ count : Int
, increaseButtonModel : Button.Model
, resetButtonModel : Button.Model
model : Model
model =
{ count = 0
, increaseButtonModel = Button.model True -- With ripple animation
, resetButtonModel = Button.model False -- Without ripple animation
type Action
= IncreaseButtonAction Button.Action
| ResetButtonAction Button.Action
increase : Model -> Model
increase model =
{ model | count = model.count + 1 }
reset : Model -> Model
reset model =
{ model | count = 0 }
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case Debug.log "" action of
IncreaseButtonAction action' ->
(submodel, fx) =
Button.update action' model.increaseButtonModel
model' =
case action' of
Button.Click ->
increase model
_ ->
( { model' | increaseButtonModel = submodel }
, Effects.map IncreaseButtonAction fx
ResetButtonAction action' ->
(submodel, fx) =
Button.update action' model.resetButtonModel
model' =
case action' of
Button.Click ->
reset model
_ ->
( { model' | resetButtonModel = submodel }
, Effects.map ResetButtonAction fx
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
[ style
[ ("margin", "auto")
, ("padding-left", "5%")
, ("padding-right", "5%")
[ text ("Current count: " ++ toString model.count )
, Button.flat
(Signal.forwardTo addr IncreaseButtonAction)
[ text "Increase" ]
, Button.flat
(Signal.forwardTo addr ResetButtonAction)
[ text "Reset" ]
|> Material.Scheme.top
{- The remainder of this file is Elm/StartApp boilerplate.
init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
init = (model, Effects.none)
inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action)
inputs =
app : StartApp.App Model
app =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, inputs = inputs
main : Signal Html
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task Never ())
port tasks =
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,159 @@
import StartApp
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style)
import Effects exposing (Effects, Never)
import Task exposing (Task)
import Material
import Material.Scheme
import Material.Button as Button
type alias Model =
{ count : Int
, mdl : Material.Model
-- Boilerplate: Model store for any and all MDL components you need.
model : Model
model =
{ count = 0
, mdl = Material.model
-- Always use this initial MDL component model store.
type Action
= Increase
| Reset
| MDL (Material.Action Action)
-- Boilerplate: Action for MDL actions (ripple animations etc.).
-- It should always look like this.
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case Debug.log "" action of
Increase ->
( { model | count = model.count + 1 }
, Effects.none
Reset ->
( { model | count = 0 }
, Effects.none
{- Boilerplate: MDL action handler. It should always look like this, except
you can of course choose to put its saved model someplace other than
MDL action' ->
let (mdl', fx) =
Material.update MDL action' model.mdl
( { model | mdl = mdl' } , fx )
{- We construct the instances of the Button component that we need, one
for the increase button, one for the reset button. First, the increase
button. The arguments are:
- An instance id (the `0`). Every component that uses the same model collection
(model.mdl in this file) must have a distinct instance id.
- An Action creator (`MDL`), lifting MDL actions to your Action type.
- A button view (`flat`).
- An initial model (`(Button.model True)`---a button with a ripple animation.
- A list of observations you want to make of the button (final argument).
In this case, we hook up Click events of the button to the `Increase` action
defined above.
increase : Button.Instance Material.Model Action
increase =
Button.instance 0 MDL
Button.flat (Button.model True)
[ Button.fwdClick Increase ]
{- Next, the reset button. This one has id 1, does not ripple, and forwards its
click event to our Reset action.
reset : Button.Instance Material.Model Action
reset =
Button.instance 1 MDL
Button.flat (Button.model False)
[ Button.fwdClick Reset ]
{- Notice that we did not have to add increase and reset separately to model.mdl,
and we did not have to add to our update actions to handle their internal events.
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
[ style
[ ("margin", "auto")
, ("padding-left", "5%")
, ("padding-right", "5%")
[ text ("Current count: " ++ toString model.count )
, increase.view addr model.mdl [] [ text "Increase" ]
, reset.view addr model.mdl [] [ text "Reset" ]
-- Note that we use the .view function of our component instances to
-- actually render the component.
|> Material.Scheme.top
{- The remainder of this file is Elm/StartApp boilerplate.
init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
init = (model, Effects.none)
inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action)
inputs =
app : StartApp.App Model
app =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, inputs = inputs
main : Signal Html
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task Never ())
port tasks =
@ -1,127 +1,178 @@
module Material
( topWithScheme, top
, Updater', Updater, lift, lift'
) where
module Material
( Model, model
, Action, update
{-| Material Design component library for Elm based on Google's
Material Design component library for Elm based on Google's
[Material Design Lite](https://www.getmdl.io/).
This module contains only initial CSS setup and convenience function for alleviating
the pain of the missing component architecture in Elm.
for a live demo.
# Loading CSS
@docs topWithScheme, top
# Component model
# Component convienience
@docs Updater', Updater, lift', lift
The component model of the library is simply the Elm Architecture, e.g.,
each component has Model, Action, view, and update. A minimal example using
this library in plain Elm Architecture can be found
Nesting large amounts of components in the Elm Architecture is somewhat
unwieldy because of the large amount of boilerplate one has to write. This
library includes "component support", for getting rid of most of that
boilerplate. A minimal example using component support is
It is important to note that component support lives __within__ the Elm
architecture; it is not an alternative architecture.
# Getting started
The easiest way to get started is to start with one of the minimal examples above.
We recommend going with the library's component support rather than working
directly in plain Elm Architecture.
# This module
This module contains only convenience functions for working with nested
components in the Elm architecture. A minimal example using this library
with component support can be found
We encourage you to use the library in this fashion.
All examples in this subsection is from the
[above minimal example](http://github.com/debois/elm-mdl/blob/master/examples/Component.elm)
Here is how you use component support in general. First, boilerplate.
1. Include `Material`:
`import Material`
2. Add a model container Material components to your model:
type alias Model =
{ ...
, mdl : Material.Model
model : Model =
{ ...
, mdl = Material.model
3. Add an action for Material components.
type Action =
| MDL (Material.Action Action)
4. Handle that action in your update function as follows:
update action model =
case action of
MDL action' ->
let (mdl', fx) =
Material.update MDL action' model.mdl
( { model | mdl = mdl' } , fx )
Next, make the component instances you need. Do this in the View section of your
source file. Let's say you need a textfield for name entry, and you'd like to
be notifed whenever the field changes value through your own NameChanged action:
import Material.Textfield as Textfield
type Action =
| NameChanged String
update action model =
case action of
NameChanged name ->
-- Do whatever you need to do.
nameInput : Textfield.Instance Material.Model Action
nameInput =
Textfield.instance 2 MDL Textfield.model
[ Textfield.fwdInput NameChanged ]
view addr model =
nameInput.view addr model.mdl
The win relative to using plain Elm Architecture is that adding a component
neither requires you to update your model, your Actions, nor your update function.
(As in the above example, you will frequently have to update the latter two anyway,
but now it's not boilerplate, its "business logic".)
## Optimising for size
Using this module will force all elm-mdl components to be built and included in
your application. If this is unacceptable, you can custom-build a version of this
module that uses only the components you need. To do so, you need to re-implement
the present module, modifying the values `model` and `Model`. The module source
can be found
You do not need to re-build the entire elm-mdl library; simply copy the
source of this module, give it a new name, modify as itMatendicated above, then use
your modified module rather than this one.
@docs Model, model, Action, update
import Dict
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import String
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Effects exposing (..)
import Material.Color exposing (Palette(..), Color)
import Material.Button as Button
import Material.Textfield as Textfield
import Material.Component as Component exposing (Indexed)
scheme : Palette -> Palette -> String
scheme primary accent =
[ "https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.2/" ++ Material.Color.scheme primary accent
, "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons"
, "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext"
|> List.map (\url -> "@import url(" ++ url ++ ");")
|> String.join "\n"
{-| Top-level container for Material components. This will force loading of
Material Design Lite CSS files Any component you use must be contained
in this container, OR you must manually add something like the following to
your .html file:
<!-- MDL -->
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.2/material.min.css" />
Supply primary and accent colors as parameters. Refer to the
Material Design Lite [Custom CSS theme builder](https://www.getmdl.io/customize/index.html)
to preview combinations.
Please be aware that Grey, Blue Grey, and Brown cannot be secondary colors. If
you choose them as such anyway, you will get the default theme.
Using this top-level container is not recommended, as most browsers will load
css concurrently with rendering the initial page, which will produce a flicker
on page load. The container is included only to provide an option to get started
quickly and for use with elm-reactor.
{-| Model encompassing all Material components.
topWithScheme: Palette -> Palette -> Html -> Html
topWithScheme primary accent content =
div [] <|
{- Trick from Peter Damoc to load CSS outside of <head>.
[ node "style"
[ type' "text/css"]
[ Html.text <| scheme primary accent]
, content
type alias Model =
{ button : Indexed Button.Model
, textfield : Indexed Textfield.Model
{-| Top-level container with default color scheme.
{-| Initial model.
top : Html -> Html
top content =
-- Force default color-scheme by picking an invalid combination.
topWithScheme Grey Grey content
model : Model
model =
{ button = Dict.empty
, textfield = Dict.empty
{-| TODO.
{-| Action encompassing actions of all Material components.
type alias Updater' action model =
action -> model -> model
type alias Action action =
Component.Action Model action
{-| TODO.
{-| Update function for the above Action.
type alias Updater action model =
action -> model -> (model, Effects action)
type alias ComponentModel model components =
{ model | components : components }
{-| TODO.
lift' :
(model -> submodel) -> -- get
(model -> submodel -> model) -> -- set
Updater' subaction submodel -> -- update
subaction -> -- action
model -> -- model
(model, Effects action)
lift' get set update action model =
(set model (update action (get model)), Effects.none)
{-| TODO.
lift :
(model -> submodel) -> -- get
(model -> submodel -> model) -> -- set
(subaction -> action) -> -- fwd
Updater subaction submodel -> -- update
subaction -> -- action
model -> -- model
(model, Effects action)
lift get set fwd update action model =
(submodel', e) = update action (get model)
(set model submodel', Effects.map fwd e)
update :
(Action action -> action)
-> (Action action)
-> Model
-> (Model, Effects action)
update =
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ module Material.Button
( Model, model, Action(Click), update
, flat, raised, fab, minifab, icon
, colored, primary, accent
, View, component, Component, onClick
, View, State, Instance, instance, fwdClick
) where
{-| From the [Material Design Lite documentation](http://www.getmdl.io/components/#buttons-section):
@ -40,7 +40,7 @@ for details about what type of buttons are appropriate for which situations.
@docs flat, raised, fab, minifab, icon
# Component
@docs Component, component, onClick
@docs State, Instance, instance, fwdClick
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@ import Signal exposing (Address, forwardTo)
import Material.Helpers as Helpers
import Material.Style exposing (Style, cs, cs', styled)
import Material.Ripple as Ripple
import Material.Component as Component exposing (Component, Indexed)
import Material.Component as Component exposing (Indexed)
{-| MDL button.
@ -259,37 +259,46 @@ icon = view "mdl-button--icon"
{-| Button component type.
type alias Component state obs =
type alias State s =
{ s | button : Indexed Model }
type alias Observer obs =
Component.Observer Action obs
type alias Instance state obs =
{ state | button : Indexed Model }
(List Style -> List Html -> Html)
{-| Component constructor. Provide the view function your button should
have as the first argument, e.g.,
{-| Ydrk. -}
instance :
-> (Component.Action (State state) obs -> obs)
-> (Address Action -> Model -> List Style -> List Html -> Html)
-> Model
-> List (Observer obs)
-> Instance (State state) obs
button = Button.component Button.minifab (Button.model True) 0
component : View -> Model -> Int -> Component state action
component view =
Component.setup view update .button (\x y -> {y | button = x})
instance id lift view model0 observers =
Component.setup view update .button (\x y -> {y | button = x}) model0 id
|> Component.instance lift observers
{-| Lift the button Click action to your own action. E.g.,
onClick : obs -> Component state obs -> Component state obs
onClick o component =
(\action ->
case action of
Click -> Just o
_ -> Nothing)
|> Component.addObserver component
fwdClick : obs -> (Observer obs)
fwdClick obs action =
case action of
Click -> Just obs
_ -> Nothing
@ -1,48 +1,53 @@
module Material.Component
( Component, setup, addObserver
, Instance, instance, instance'
, update
( Embedding, Observer
, Indexed
, View, Update, Action
, Instance, instance
, update
, Action
) where
# Types
The Elm Architecture is conceptually very nice, but it forces us
to write large amounts of boilerplate whenever we need to use a "component".
We must:
## Elm architecture types
@docs View, Update, Action
1. Retain the state of the component in our Model
2. Add the components actions to our Action
3. Dispatch those actions in our update
## Component types
@docs Component, Instance
None of these things have anything to do with what we want from the component,
namely rendering it in our View function, and potentially reacting to some
(but not all) of its actions---e.g., we want to react to a Click of a button,
but we don't care when it updates its animation state.
## Helpers
@docs Indexed
This module provides an extensible mechanism for collecting arbitrary
(differently-typed) Elm Architecture components into a single component with
a single Action type and update function. The module is used internally to
produce `instance` functions; if you are using elm-mdl (and are not interested in
optimising for compiled program size), you should ignore this module and look
instead at `Material`.
# For component consumers
@docs instance, instance'
# Component types
@docs Indexed, Embedding, Observer, Instance
# Instance construction
@docs instance
# Instance consumption
@docs update
# For component authors
@docs component, addObserver
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Material.Helpers exposing (map1, map2, map1st, map2nd)
{-| Indexed families of things.
type alias Indexed a =
Dict Int a
{- Variant of EA update function type, where effects may be
lifted to a different type.
@ -62,81 +67,64 @@ type alias View model action a =
Signal.Address action -> model -> a
{-| Generic component action.
{-| Indexed families of things.
type Action model obs =
A (model -> (model, Effects (Action model obs), obs))
type alias Indexed a =
Dict Int a
{-| Generic model.
{-| An __embedding__ of an Elm Architecture component is a variant in which
view and update functions know how to extract and update their model
from a larger container model.
type alias Model model state =
{ model | componentState : state }
update :
(Action state (Maybe action) -> action) ->
Update (Model model state) action ->
Update' (Model model state) (Action state (Maybe action)) action
update fwd update' (A f) model =
(model', fx, obs) =
f model.componentState
|> map1 (\state' -> { model | componentState = state' })
|> map2 (Effects.map fwd)
case obs of
Nothing ->
(model', fx)
Just x ->
update' x model'
|> map2nd (\fx' -> Effects.batch [ fx, fx' ])
{-| Component type.
type alias Component submodel model action obs a =
{ view : View model action a
, update : Update model action
, observe : action -> Maybe obs
, getModel : model -> submodel
, setModel : submodel -> model -> model
type alias Embedding model container action a =
{ view : View container action a
, update : Update container action
, getModel : container -> model
, setModel : model -> container -> container
{-| Component constructor. You must supply
1. A view function
2. An update function
3. A getter
4. A setter
This will produce a function which needs only
5. An initial model, and
6. an id
to fit with the `instance` function.
{-| Embed a component. Third and fourth arguments are a getter (extract the
local model from the container) and a setter (update local model in the
setup :
View submodel action a -> -- Given a view function,
Update submodel action -> -- an update function
(model -> Indexed submodel) -> -- a getter
(Indexed submodel -> model -> model) -> -- a setter
submodel -> -- an initial model for this instance
Int -> -- an instance id (*)
Component submodel model action obs a -- ... produce a Component.
embed :
View model action a -> -- Given a view function,
Update model action -> -- an update function
(container -> model) -> -- a getter
(model -> container -> container) -> -- a setter
Embedding model container action a -- produce an Embedding.
setup view update get set model0 id =
embed view update get set =
{ view =
\addr model -> view addr (get model)
, update =
\action model ->
update action (get model)
|> map1st (flip set model)
, getModel = get
, setModel = set
{-| We are interested in particular embeddings where components of the same type
all have their state living inside a shared `Dict`; the individual component
has an id used for looking up its own state. Its the responsibility of the user
to make
sure that ids are unique.
embedIndexed :
View model action a -> -- Given a view function,
Update model action -> -- an update function
(container -> Indexed model) -> -- a getter
(Indexed model -> container -> container) -> -- a setter
model -> -- an initial model for this instance
Int -> -- an instance id (*)
Embedding model container action a -- ... produce a Component.
embedIndexed view update get set model0 id =
get' model =
Dict.get id (get model) |> Maybe.withDefault model0
@ -144,34 +132,51 @@ setup view update get set model0 id =
set' submodel model =
set (Dict.insert id submodel (get model)) model
{ view =
\addr model -> view addr (get' model)
, update =
\action model ->
update action (get' model)
|> map1st (flip set' model)
, getModel = get'
, setModel = set'
, observe = \_ -> Nothing
embed view update get' set'
{-| We need a generic Action which encompasses x
type Action model obs =
A (model -> (model, Effects (Action model obs), Maybe obs))
{-| Generic update function for Action.
update :
(Action state action -> action) ->
Update' state (Action state action) action
update fwd (A f) state =
(state', fx, obs) =
f state
|> map2 (Effects.map fwd)
case obs of
Nothing ->
(state', fx)
Just x ->
(state', Effects.batch [ fx, Effects.tick (always x) ])
{- EA update function variant where running the function
produces not just a new model and an effect, but also an
type alias Step model action obs =
action -> model -> (model, Effects action, obs)
{- Convert an update function to a step function by applying a
function that converts the action input to the update function into
an observation.
observe : (action -> obs) -> Update model action -> Step model action obs
observe f update action =
update action >> (\(model', effects) -> (model', effects, f action))
action -> model -> (model, Effects action, Maybe obs)
{-| Type of component instances. A component instance contains a view,
@ -186,7 +191,7 @@ type alias Instance submodel model action a =
{- Partially apply a step (update + observation) function to an action,
{- Partially apply a step function to an action,
producing a generic Action.
pack : (Step model action obs) -> action -> Action model obs
@ -194,74 +199,94 @@ pack update action =
A (update action >> map2 (Effects.map (pack update)))
{-| Instantiate a component. You must supply:
1. A function embedding `Action` into your actions.
2. A component
{-| Type of observers.
instance :
(Action model (Maybe action) -> action) ->
Component submodel model subaction action a ->
Instance submodel (Model master model) action a
instance lift widget =
type alias Observer action obs =
action -> Maybe obs
{- Convert an update function to a step function by applying a
function that converts the action input to the update function into
an observation.
observe : Observer action obs -> Update model action -> Step model action obs
observe f update action =
update action >> (\(model', effects) -> (model', effects, f action))
{- Return the first non-Nothing value in the list, or Nothing if no such
pick : (a -> Maybe b) -> List a -> Maybe b
pick f xs =
case xs of
[] -> Nothing
x :: xs' ->
case f x of
Nothing -> pick f xs'
x -> x
connect : List (Observer subaction action) -> Observer subaction action
connect observers subaction =
pick ((|>) subaction) observers
{-| Given a lifting function, a list of observers and an embedding, construct an
Instance. Notice that the Instance forgets the type parameter `subaction`.
instance' :
(Action model action -> action) ->
List (Observer subaction action) ->
Embedding submodel model subaction a ->
Instance submodel model action a
instance' lift observers embedding =
get model =
widget.getModel model.componentState
set x model =
{ model | componentState = widget.setModel x model.componentState }
fwd =
pack (observe widget.observe widget.update) >> lift
pack (observe (connect observers) embedding.update) >> lift
get =
set =
{ view =
\addr model ->
widget.view (Signal.forwardTo addr fwd) model.componentState
\addr ->
embedding.view (Signal.forwardTo addr fwd)
, get = get
, set = set
, map = \f model -> set (f (get model)) model
{-| Convenience function for instantiating components whose models
you never need to read or write. (E.g,. Snackbar in Toast form.)
{-| It is helpful to see parameter names:
instance view update get set id lift model0 observers =
Convert a regular Elm Architecture component (view, update) to a component
which knows how to access its state in a generic container model (get, set),
and which dispatches generic Action updates, lifted to the consumers action
type (lift). You can react to actions in custom way by providing observers
(observers). You must also provide an initial model (model0) and an identifier
for the instance (id). The identifier must be unique for all instances of the
same type stored in the same model (rule of thumb: if they are in the same
file, they need distinct ids.)
instance' :
(Action model (Maybe action) -> action) ->
Component submodel model subaction action a ->
View (Model m model) action a
: View model action a
-> Update model action
-> (container -> Indexed model)
-> (Indexed model -> container -> container)
-> Int
-> (Action container observation -> observation)
-> model
-> List (Observer action observation)
-> Instance model container observation a
instance' lift widget = (instance lift widget).view
{-| Add an observer to a component.
: { c | observe : a -> Maybe b }
-> (a -> Maybe b)
-> { c | observe : a -> Maybe b }
addObserver component f =
{ component
| observe =
\action ->
case f action of
Nothing -> component.observe action
x -> x
instance view update get set id lift model0 observers =
embedIndexed view update get set model0 id
|> instance' lift observers
type alias TextfieldStates a =
{ a | textfield : Indexed Textfield.Model }
textfieldWidget : Textfield.Model -> Int -> Widget Textfield.Model (TextfieldStates model) Textfield.Action (Maybe obs) Html
textfieldWidget model =
widget textfieldComponent .textfield (\x y -> { y | textfield = x}) model
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
module Material.Scheme
( topWithScheme, top
) where
The elm-mdl library depends on Google's MDL CSS implementation, and your
application must load this CSS in order for elm-mdl to function correctly.
There are two ways to accomplish this:
1. Load CSS from HTML by adding suitable `<link ...>` directives to the
HTML-file containing your app, or
2. Load CSS from Elm (by inserting `style` elements into the DOM).
# Load CSS from HTML
To load CSS manually, add the following to your
<!-- MDL -->
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.2/material.min.css" />
# Loading CSS from Elm
@docs topWithScheme, top
import String
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Material.Color exposing (Palette(..), Color)
scheme : Palette -> Palette -> String
scheme primary accent =
[ "https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.2/" ++ Material.Color.scheme primary accent
, "https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons"
, "https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext"
|> List.map (\url -> "@import url(" ++ url ++ ");")
|> String.join "\n"
{-| Top-level container for Material components. This will force loading of
Material Design Lite CSS files by inserting an appropriate `style` element.
Supply primary and accent colors as parameters. Refer to the Material Design
Lite [Custom CSS theme builder](https://www.getmdl.io/customize/index.html)
to preview combinations. Please be aware that Grey, Blue Grey, and Brown
cannot be secondary colors. If you choose them as such anyway, you will get the
default theme.
**NB!** Using this top-level container is not recommended, as most browsers
will load CSS requested from `style` elements concurrently with rendering the
initial page, which will produce a flicker on page load. The container is
included only to provide an option to get started quickly and for use with
TODO: Usage example
topWithScheme: Palette -> Palette -> Html -> Html
topWithScheme primary accent content =
div [] <|
{- Trick from Peter Damoc to load CSS outside of <head>.
[ node "style"
[ type' "text/css"]
[ Html.text <| scheme primary accent]
, content
{-| Top-level container with default color scheme. See `topWithScheme` above.
top : Html -> Html
top content =
-- Force default color-scheme by picking an invalid combination.
topWithScheme Grey Grey content
@ -30,7 +30,8 @@ This implementation provides only single-line.
@docs Action, Model, model, update, view
# Component
@docs component, Component, onInput
@docs State, Instance
@docs instance, fwdInput, fwdBlur, fwdFocus
@ -172,35 +173,63 @@ view addr model =
{-| Textfield component type.
type alias Component state obs =
type alias State state =
{ state | textfield : Indexed Model }
type alias Instance state obs =
{ state | textfield : Indexed Model }
{-| Component constructor.
component : Model -> Int -> Component state action
component =
instance :
-> (Component.Action (State state) obs -> obs)
-> Model
-> List (Component.Observer Action obs)
-> Instance (State state) obs
instance id lift model0 observers =
update' action model = (update action model, Effects.none)
Component.setup view update' .textfield (\x y -> {y | textfield = x})
Component.setup view update' .textfield (\x y -> {y | textfield = x}) model0 id
|> Component.instance lift observers
{-| Lift the button Click action to your own action. E.g.,
onInput : (String -> obs) -> Component state obs -> Component state obs
onInput f component =
(\action ->
case action of
Input str -> Just (f str)
_ -> Nothing)
|> Component.addObserver component
fwdInput : (String -> obs) -> Action -> Maybe obs
fwdInput f action =
case action of
Input str -> Just (f str)
_ -> Nothing
{-| Lift the Blur action to your own action.
fwdBlur : obs -> Action -> Maybe obs
fwdBlur o action =
case action of
Blur -> Just o
_ -> Nothing
{-| Lift the Focus action to your own action.
fwdFocus : obs -> Action -> Maybe obs
fwdFocus o action =
case action of
Focus -> Just o
_ -> Nothing
Reference in a new issue