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synced 2025-03-12 17:00:06 -09:00
Draft observers
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1 changed files with 148 additions and 83 deletions
@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ import Material.Style exposing (Style)
import Material.Textfield as Textfield
map1 : (a -> a') -> (a, b, c) -> (a', b, c)
map1 f (x,y,z) = (f x, y, z)
map2 : (b -> b') -> (a, b, c) -> (a, b', c)
map2 f (x,y,z) = (x, f y, z)
map1st : (a -> c) -> (a,b) -> (c,b)
map1st f (x,y) = (f x, y)
@ -18,42 +25,21 @@ map2nd : (b -> c) -> (a,b) -> (a,c)
map2nd f (x,y) = (x, f y)
type alias Updater model action =
action -> model -> (model, Effects action)
type alias Update' model action action' =
action -> model -> (model, Effects action')
type Action model =
A (model -> (model, Effects (Action model)))
update : Updater State (Action State)
update (A f) model =
f model
type alias Update model action =
Update' model action action
pack : Updater model action -> action -> Action model
pack update action =
A ( \m -> map2nd (Effects.map (pack update)) (update action m) )
type alias View model action a =
Signal.Address action -> model -> a
type alias Component model action a =
{ view : View model action a
, update : Updater model action
type alias States a =
Dict Int a
type alias Step model action action' =
action -> model -> (model, Effects action, action')
type alias State =
{ button : States Button.Model
, textfield : States Textfield.Model
{ button : Indexed Button.Model
, textfield : Indexed Textfield.Model
@ -64,6 +50,54 @@ state0 =
type Action model obs =
A (model -> (model, Effects (Action model obs), obs))
type alias Model model state =
{ model | componentState : state }
update :
(Action state (Maybe action) -> action) ->
Update (Model model state) action ->
Update' (Model model state) (Action state (Maybe action)) action
update fwd update' (A f) model =
(model', fx, obs) =
f model.componentState
|> map1 (\state' -> { model | componentState = state' })
|> map2 (Effects.map fwd)
case obs of
Nothing ->
(model', fx)
Just x ->
update' x model'
|> map2nd (\fx' -> Effects.batch [ fx, fx' ])
pack : (Step model action obs) -> action -> Action model obs
pack update action =
A (update action >> map2 (Effects.map (pack update)))
-- CAUTION. Potential crash from update/update name clash.
type alias View model action a =
Signal.Address action -> model -> a
type alias Component model action a =
{ view : View model action a
, update : Update model action
type alias Indexed a =
Dict Int a
buttonComponent : Component Button.Model Button.Action (List Style -> List Html -> Html)
buttonComponent =
{ view = Button.raised
@ -77,89 +111,120 @@ textfieldComponent =
embed :
type alias Widget submodel model action obs a =
{ view : View model action a
, update : Update model action
, observe : action -> Maybe obs
, getModel : model -> submodel
, setModel : submodel -> model -> model
widget :
Component submodel action a -> -- Given a "Component submodel ..."
(model -> States submodel) -> -- a getter
(States submodel -> model -> model) -> -- a setter
(model -> Indexed submodel) -> -- a getter
(Indexed submodel -> model -> model) -> -- a setter
submodel -> -- an initial model for this instance
Int -> -- an id for this instance
Component model action a -- ... produce a "Component model ..."
Widget submodel model action obs a -- ... produce a "Widget ..."
embed component get set model0 id =
widget component get set model0 id =
get' model =
Dict.get id (get model) |> Maybe.withDefault model0
set' submodel model =
set (Dict.insert id submodel (get model)) model
view addr model =
component.view addr (get' model)
update action model =
component.update action (get' model)
|> map1st (flip set' model)
{ view = view
, update = update
{ view =
\addr model -> component.view addr (get' model)
, update =
\action model ->
component.update action (get' model)
|> map1st (flip set' model)
, getModel = get'
, setModel = set'
, observe = \_ -> Nothing
type alias Updater' model action action' =
action -> model -> (model, Effects action, action')
observe : (action -> action') -> Updater model action -> Updater' model action action'
observe f update action model =
(model', effects) = update action model
(model', effects, f action)
observe : (action -> obs) -> Update model action -> Step model action obs
observe f update action =
update action >> (\(model', effects) -> (model', effects, f action))
instance : ((Action State) -> action) -> Component State a b -> View State action b
instance f component addr state =
(Signal.forwardTo addr (pack component.update >> f))
type alias Instance submodel model action a =
{ view : View model action a
, getModel : model -> submodel
, setModel : submodel -> model -> model
f id =
embed buttonComponent .button (\x y -> { y | button = x}) id (Button.model True)
instance :
(Action model (Maybe action) -> action) ->
Widget submodel model subaction action a ->
Instance submodel model action a
instance lift widget =
{ view =
\addr ->
widget.view (Signal.forwardTo addr (pack (observe widget.observe widget.update) >> lift))
, getModel =
, setModel =
type alias Ctor model model' action a =
model -> Int -> Component model' action a
instance' :
(Action model (Maybe action) -> action) ->
Widget submodel model subaction action a ->
View model action a
instance' lift widget = (instance lift widget).view
type alias ButtonStates a =
{ a | button : States Button.Model }
{ a | button : Indexed Button.Model }
--buttonWidget : Button.Model -> Int -> Widget Button.Model (ButtonStates m) Button.Action (Maybe obs) (List Style -> List Html -> Html)
buttonWidget model =
widget buttonComponent .button (\x y -> {y | button = x}) model
type Test = State' (Action State (Maybe Test))
mkButton : Ctor (Button.Model) (ButtonStates model') Button.Action (List Style -> List Html -> Html)
: Button.Model
-> Int
-> Component
{ b | button : States Button.Model }
(List Style -> List Html -> Html)
addObserver widget f =
{ widget
| observe =
\action ->
case f action of
Nothing -> widget.observe action
x -> x
mkButton model0 =
embed buttonComponent .button (\x y -> {y | button = x}) model0
onClick f widget =
(\action ->
case action of
Button.Click ->
Just f
_ ->
|> addObserver widget
buttonInstance : ((Action State) -> action) -> Int -> View State action (List Style -> List Html -> Html)
buttonInstance f id =
instance f (mkButton (Button.model True) id)
mkTextfield model0 =
embed textfieldComponent .textfield (\x y -> { y | textfield = x}) model0
textfieldInstance f id =
instance f (mkTextfield Textfield.model id)
type alias TextfieldStates a =
{ a | textfield : Indexed Textfield.Model }
--textfieldWidget : Textfield.Model -> Int -> Widget Textfield.Model (TextfieldStates model) Textfield.Action (Maybe obs) Html
textfieldWidget model =
widget textfieldComponent .textfield (\x y -> { y | textfield = x}) model
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