Initial commit.

This commit is contained in:
Søren Debois 2016-03-08 17:30:09 +01:00
commit c8b82a9a41
15 changed files with 1723 additions and 0 deletions

.gitignore vendored Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Buttons.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
module Buttons where
import Dict
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Effects
import Material.Button as Button exposing (Appearance(..), Coloring(..))
import Material.Grid as Grid
import Material.Icon as Icon
type alias Index = (Int, Int)
tabulate' : Int -> List a -> List (Int, a)
tabulate' i ys =
case ys of
[] -> []
y :: ys -> (i, y) :: tabulate' (i+1) ys
tabulate : List a -> List (Int, a)
tabulate = tabulate' 0
row : Appearance -> Bool -> List (Int, (Bool, Button.Config))
row appearance ripple =
[ Plain, Colored, Primary, Accent ]
|> (\c -> (ripple, { coloring = c, appearance = appearance }))
|> tabulate
buttons : List (List (Index, (Bool, Button.Config)))
buttons =
[Flat, Raised, FAB, MiniFAB, Icon]
|> List.concatMap (\a -> [row a False, row a True])
|> tabulate
|> (\(i, row) -> (\(j, x) -> ((i,j), x)) row)
model : Model
model =
{ clicked = ""
, buttons =
|> List.concatMap ( <| \(idx, (ripple, _)) -> (idx, Button.model ripple))
|> Dict.fromList
type Action = Action Index Button.Action
type alias Model =
{ clicked : String
, buttons : Dict.Dict Index Button.Model
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update (Action idx action) model =
Dict.get idx model.buttons
|> (\m0 ->
(m1, e) = Button.update action m0
({ model | buttons = Dict.insert idx m1 model.buttons }, (Action idx) e)
|> Maybe.withDefault (model, Effects.none)
describe : Bool -> Button.Config -> String
describe ripple config =
appearance =
case config.appearance of
Flat -> "flat"
Raised -> "raised"
FAB -> "FAB"
MiniFAB -> "mini-FAB"
Icon -> "icon"
coloring =
case config.coloring of
Plain -> "plain"
Colored -> "colored"
Primary -> "primary"
Accent -> "accent"
appearance ++ ", " ++ coloring ++ if ripple then " w/ripple" else ""
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
buttons |> List.concatMap (\row ->
row |> (\(idx, (ripple, config)) ->
let model' =
Dict.get idx model.buttons |> Maybe.withDefault (Button.model False)
[ Grid.col Grid.All 3]
[ div
[ style
[ ("text-align", "center")
, ("margin-top", "1em")
, ("margin-bottom", "1em")
[ Button.view
(Signal.forwardTo addr (Action idx))
[ case config.appearance of
Flat -> text <| "Flat Button"
Raised -> text <| "Raised Button"
FAB -> Icon.i "add"
MiniFAB -> Icon.i "zoom_in"
Icon -> Icon.i "flight_land"
, div
[ style
[ ("font-size", "9pt")
, ("margin-top", "1em")
[ text <| describe ripple config ]
|> Grid.grid

Demo.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
import StartApp
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (href, class, style)
import Signal exposing (Signal)
import Effects exposing (..)
import Task
import Signal
import Task exposing (Task)
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Material.Textfield as Textfield
import Material.Grid as Grid exposing (Device(..))
import Material.Layout as Layout
import Buttons
type alias Model =
{ layout : Layout.Model
, buttons : Buttons.Model
, t0 : Textfield.Model
, t1 : Textfield.Model
, t2 : Textfield.Model
, t3 : Textfield.Model
, t4 : Textfield.Model
layoutModel : Layout.Model
layoutModel =
{ selectedTab = "Buttons"
, isDrawerOpen = False
, state = Layout.initState ["Buttons", "Grid", "Textfields"]
model : Model
model =
let t0 = Textfield.model in
{ layout = layoutModel
, buttons = Buttons.model
, t0 = t0
, t1 = { t0 | label = Just { text = "Labelled", float = False } }
, t2 = { t0 | label = Just { text = "Floating label", float = True }}
, t3 = { t0
| label = Just { text = "Disabled", float = False }
, isDisabled = True
, t4 = { t0
| label = Just { text = "With error and value", float = False }
, error = Just "The input is wrong!"
, value = "Incorrect input"
type Action
= LayoutAction Layout.Action
| ButtonsAction Buttons.Action
| T0 Textfield.Action
| T1 Textfield.Action
| T2 Textfield.Action
| T3 Textfield.Action
| T4 Textfield.Action
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
LayoutAction a ->
(l, e) = Layout.update a model.layout
({ model | layout = l }, LayoutAction e)
ButtonsAction a ->
let (b, e) = Buttons.update a model.buttons
({ model | buttons = b }, ButtonsAction e)
T0 a ->
({ model | t0 = Textfield.update a model.t0 }, Effects.none)
T1 a ->
({ model | t1 = Textfield.update a model.t1 }, Effects.none)
T2 a ->
({ model | t2 = Textfield.update a model.t2 }, Effects.none)
T3 a ->
({ model | t3 = Textfield.update a model.t3 }, Effects.none)
T4 a ->
({ model | t4 = Textfield.update a model.t4 }, Effects.none)
type alias Addr = Signal.Address Action
layoutConfig : Layout.Config
layoutConfig = Layout.defaultConfig
drawer : List Html
drawer =
[ Layout.title "elm-mdl"
, Layout.navigation
[ [] [text "Dead Link 1"]
, [] [text "Dead Link 2"]
, [] [text "Dead Link 3"]
header : List Html
header =
[ Layout.title "elm-mdl"
, Layout.spacer
, Layout.navigation
[ href "" ]
[ text "MDL" ]
tabGrid : Addr -> Model -> List Html
tabGrid addr model =
[ Grid.grid
[ Grid.cell [ Grid.col All 4 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 1"] ]
, Grid.cell [ Grid.offset All 2, Grid.col All 4 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 2"], p [] [text "This cell is offset by 2"] ]
, Grid.cell [ Grid.col All 6 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 3"] ]
, Grid.cell [ Grid.col Tablet 6, Grid.col Desktop 12, Grid.col Phone 2 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 4"], p [] [text "Size varies with device"] ]
tabButtons : Addr -> Model -> List Html
tabButtons addr model =
[ Buttons.view (Signal.forwardTo addr ButtonsAction) model.buttons ]
tabTextfields : Addr -> Model -> List Html
tabTextfields addr model =
let fwd = Signal.forwardTo addr in
[ Textfield.view (fwd T0) model.t0
, Textfield.view (fwd T1) model.t1
, Textfield.view (fwd T2) model.t2
, Textfield.view (fwd T3) model.t3
, Textfield.view (fwd T4) model.t4
|> (\elem -> Grid.cell [ Grid.col All 4 ] [elem])
|> (\content -> [Grid.grid content])
tabs : Dict String (Addr -> Model -> List Html)
tabs =
[ ("Buttons", tabButtons)
, ("Textfields", tabTextfields)
, ("Grid", tabGrid)
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
let contents =
Dict.get model.layout.selectedTab tabs
|> Maybe.withDefault tabGrid
top =
[ style
[ ("margin", "auto")
, ("width", "90%")
<| contents addr model
addr' = Signal.forwardTo addr LayoutAction
Layout.view addr'
layoutConfig model.layout
(Just drawer, Just header)
[ top ]
init : (Model, Effects.Effects Action)
init = (model, Effects.none)
inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action)
inputs =
[ Layout.setupSizeChangeSignal LayoutAction
app : StartApp.App Model
app =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, inputs = inputs
main : Signal Html
main =
port tasks : Signal (Task.Task Never ())
port tasks =

Makefile Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
elm-make elm-mdl-demo.elm --output elm.js
rm -rf elm-stuff/build-artifacts elm.js
.PHONY: clean elm.js

Material/Aux.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
module Material.Aux where
import Html
import Html.Attributes
import Html.Events
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=))
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Native.Material
filter : (a -> List b -> c) -> a -> List (Maybe b) -> c
filter elem attr html =
elem attr (List.filterMap (\x -> x) html)
onClick' : Signal.Address a -> a -> Html.Attribute
onClick' address x =
{ stopPropagation = True
, preventDefault = True
(\_ -> Signal.message address x)
effect : Effects b -> a -> (a, Effects b)
effect e x = (x, e)
pure : a -> (a, Effects b)
pure = effect Effects.none
clip : comparable -> comparable -> comparable -> comparable
clip lower upper k = Basics.max lower (Basics.min k upper)
type alias Rectangle =
{ width : Float
, height : Float
, top : Float
, right : Float
, bottom : Float
, left : Float
rectangleDecoder : Json.Decoder Rectangle
rectangleDecoder =
"boundingClientRect" :=
Json.object6 Rectangle
("width" := Json.float)
("height" := Json.float)
("top" := Json.float)
("right" := Json.float)
("bottom" := Json.float)
("left" := Json.float)
{-| Options for an event listener. If `stopPropagation` is true, it means the
event stops traveling through the DOM so it will not trigger any other event
listeners. If `preventDefault` is true, any built-in browser behavior related
to the event is prevented. For example, this is used with touch events when you
want to treat them as gestures of your own, not as scrolls. If `withGeometry`
is true, the event object will be augmented with geometry information for the
events target node; use `geometryDecoder` to decode.
type alias Options =
{ stopPropagation : Bool
, preventDefault : Bool
, withGeometry : Bool
{-| Everything is `False` by default.
defaultOptions =
{ stopPropagation = False
, preventDefault = False
, withGeometry = False
defaultOptions : Options
defaultOptions =
{ stopPropagation = False
, preventDefault = False
, withGeometry = False
on : String -> Options -> Json.Decoder a -> (a -> Signal.Message) -> Html.Attribute
on =
blurOn : String -> Html.Attribute
blurOn evt =
Html.Attributes.attribute ("on" ++ evt) <| "this.blur()"

Material/Button.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
module Material.Button
( model, update
, Kind(..), Coloring(..), Config
, view
) where
{-| From the [Material Design Lite documentation](
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) button component is an enhanced version of the
> standard HTML `<button>` element. A button consists of text and/or an image that
> clearly communicates what action will occur when the user clicks or touches it.
> The MDL button component provides various types of buttons, and allows you to
> add both display and click effects.
> Buttons are a ubiquitous feature of most user interfaces, regardless of a
> site's content or function. Their design and use is therefore an important
> factor in the overall user experience. See the button component's Material
> Design specifications page for details.
> The available button display types are flat (default), raised, fab, mini-fab,
> and icon; any of these types may be plain (light gray) or colored, and may be
> initially or programmatically disabled. The fab, mini-fab, and icon button
> types typically use a small image as their caption rather than text.
See also the
[Material Design Specification]([
# Component
@docs model, update
# View
@docs Kind, Coloring, Config, view
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Material.Aux as Aux
import Material.Ripple as Ripple
{-| MDL button.
{-| Model of the button. Determines if the button will ripple when clicked;
use `initState` to initalise it.
type Model = S (Maybe Ripple.Model)
{-| Model initialiser. Call with `True` if the button should ripple when
clicked, `False` otherwise.
model : Bool -> Model
model shouldRipple =
if shouldRipple then
S (Just Ripple.model)
S Nothing
{-| Component action. This exists exclusively to support ripple-animations.
To repsond to clicks, disable the button etc., supply event-handler attributes
to `view` as you would a regular button.
type alias Action = Ripple.Action
{-| Component update.
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case model of
S (Just ripple) ->
let (ripple', e) = Ripple.update action ripple
(S (Just ripple'), e)
S Nothing ->
(model, Effects.none)
{-| Type of button. Refer to the
[Material Design Specification](
for what these look like and what they
are supposed to be used for.
type Kind
= Flat
| Raised
| MiniFAB
| Icon
{-| Coloring of a button. `Plain` respectively `Colored` is the button's
uncolored respectively colored defaults.
`Primary` respectively `Accent` chooses a colored button with the indicated
type Coloring
= Plain
| Colored
| Primary
| Accent
{-| Button configuration: Its `Kind` and `Coloring`.
type alias Config =
{ kind : Kind
, coloring : Coloring
{-| Construct a button view. Kind and coloring is given by
`Config`. To interact with the button, supply the usual
event-handler attributes, e.g., `onClick`. To disable the button, add the
standard HTML `disabled` attribute.
NB! This implementation will override the properties `class`, `onmouseup`,
and `onmouseleave` even if you specify them as part of `List Attributes`.
view : Signal.Address Action -> Config -> Model -> List Attribute -> List Html -> Html
view addr config model attrs html =
[ ("mdl-button", True)
, ("mdl-js-button", True)
, ("mdl-js-ripple-effect", model /= S Nothing)
-- Color effect.
, ("mdl-button--colored", config.coloring == Colored)
, ("mdl-button--primary", config.coloring == Primary)
, ("mdl-button--accent", config.coloring == Accent)
-- Kind.
, ("mdl-button--raised", config.kind == Raised)
, ("mdl-button--fab", config.kind == FAB || config.kind == MiniFAB)
, ("mdl-button--mini-fab", config.kind == MiniFAB)
, ("mdl-button--icon", config.kind == Icon)
:: Aux.blurOn "mouseup"
:: Aux.blurOn "mouseleave"
:: attrs)
(case model of
S (Just ripple) ->
[ class "mdl-button__ripple-container"
, Aux.blurOn "mouseup" ]
:: html
_ -> html)

Material/Card.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
module Card
)-} where
type Shadow
= None
| Foo
card shadow attr elem =
(class "")

Material/Grid.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
module Material.Grid
( grid
, size
, offset
, align
, cell
, Device(..)
, Align(..)
) where
{-| From the [Material Design Lite documentation](
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) grid component is a simplified method for laying
> out content for multiple screen sizes. It reduces the usual coding burden
> required to correctly display blocks of content in a variety of display
> conditions.
> The MDL grid is defined and enclosed by a container element. A grid has 12
> columns in the desktop screen size, 8 in the tablet size, and 4 in the phone
> size, each size having predefined margins and gutters. Cells are laid out
> sequentially in a row, in the order they are defined, with some exceptions:
> - If a cell doesn't fit in the row in one of the screen sizes, it flows
> into the following line.
> - If a cell has a specified column size equal to or larger than the number
> of columns for the current screen size, it takes up the entirety of its
> row."
Example use:
import Material.Grid exposing (grid, cell, size, Device(..))
[ cell [ size All 4 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 1"]
, cell [ offset All 2, size All 4 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 2"]
, p [] [text "This cell is offset by 2"]
, cell [ size All 6 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 3"]
, cell [ size Tablet 6, size Desktop 12, size Phone 2 ]
[ h4 [] [text "Cell 4"]
, p [] [text "Size varies with device"]
# Views
@docs grid, cell
# Cell configuration
@docs Device, size, offset, Align, align
{- TODO.
1. From MDL docs:
"You can set a maximum grid width, after which the grid stays centered with
padding on either side, by setting its max-width CSS property."
2. mdl-grid--no-spacing
3. mdl-cell--stretch
4. mdl-cell--hide-*
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import String
import Material.Aux exposing (clip)
{-| Construct a grid. Use `cell` some number of times to construct the argument list.
grid : List Html -> Html
grid elms =
div [class "mdl-grid"] elms
{-| Device specifiers, used with `size` and `offset`.
type Device = All | Desktop | Tablet | Phone
{- Cell configuration. Construct with `size`, `offset`, and `align`.
type CellConfig = C String
suffix : Device -> String
suffix device =
case device of
All -> ""
Desktop -> "-desktop"
Tablet -> "-tablet"
Phone -> "-phone"
{-| Specify cell size. On devices of type `Device`, the
cell being specified spans `Int` columns.
size : Device -> Int -> CellConfig
size device k =
let c =
case device of
All -> clip 1 12 k
Desktop -> clip 1 12 k
Tablet -> clip 1 8 k
Phone -> clip 1 4 k
"mdl-cell--" ++ toString c ++ "-col" ++ suffix device |> C
{-| Specify cell offset, i.e., empty number of empty cells before the present
one. On devices of type `Device`, leave `Int` columns blank before the present
one begins.
offset : Device -> Int -> CellConfig
offset device k =
let c =
case device of
All -> clip 1 11 k
Desktop -> clip 1 11 k
Tablet -> clip 1 7 k
Phone -> clip 1 3 k
"mdl-cell--" ++ toString c ++ "-offset" ++ suffix device |> C
{-| Vertical alignment of cells; use with `align`.
type Align = Top | Middle | Bottom
{-| Specify vertical cell alignment. See `Align`.
align : Align -> CellConfig
align a =
C <| case a of
Top -> "mdl-cell--top"
Middle -> "mdl-cell--middle"
Bottom -> "mdl-cell--bottom"
{-| Construct a cell for use in the argument list for `grid`.
Construct the cell configuration (first argument) using `size`, `offset`, and
`align`. Supply contents for the cell as the second argument.
cell : List CellConfig -> List Html -> Html
cell extents elms =
div [class <| String.join " " ("mdl-cell" :: ( (\(C s) -> s) extents))] elms

Material/Icon.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
module Material.Icon
( Size(..)
, view
, i
) where
{-| Convenience functions for producing Material Design Icons. Refer to
[the Material Design Icons page](,
or skip straight to the [Material Icons Library](
This implementation assumes that you have
<link href=""
or an equivalent means of loading the icons in your HTML header.
@docs i, Size, view
import Html exposing (i, text, Html, Attribute)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class)
{-| Size of an icon. Constructors indicate their pixel size, i.e.,
`S18` is 18px. The constructor `S` gives you the default size, 24px.
type Size
= S18 | S24 | S36 | S48 | S
{-| View function for icons. Supply the
(Material Icons Library)[] name as
the first argument (replace spaces with underscores); and the size of the icon
as the second.
view : String -> Size -> List Attribute -> Html
view name size attrs =
sz =
case size of
S18 -> " md-18"
S24 -> " md-24"
S36 -> " md-36"
S48 -> " md-48"
S -> ""
Html.i (class ("material-icons" ++ sz) :: attrs) [text name]
{-| Render a default-sized icon with no behaviour. The
`String` argument must be the name of a [Material Icon](
(replace spaces with underscores).
i : String -> Html
i name = view name S []

Material/Infix.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
module Material.Infix where
import Maybe
(|?>): Maybe a -> (a -> b) -> Maybe b
(|?>) x f = f x
(|??>) : Maybe a -> (a -> Maybe b) -> Maybe b
(|??>) = Maybe.andThen
(|?) : Maybe a -> a -> a
(|?) x y = Maybe.withDefault y x

Material/Layout.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
module Material.Layout
( setupSizeChangeSignal
, Model, initState
, Action(SwitchTab, ToggleDrawer), update
, spacer, title, navigation, link
, Mode, Config, config, view
) where
{-| From the
[Material Design Lite documentation](
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) layout component is a comprehensive approach to
> page layout that uses MDL development tenets, allows for efficient use of MDL
> components, and automatically adapts to different browsers, screen sizes, and
> devices.
> Appropriate and accessible layout is a critical feature of all user interfaces,
> regardless of a site's content or function. Page design and presentation is
> therefore an important factor in the overall user experience. See the layout
> component's
> [Material Design specifications page](
> for details.
> Use of MDL layout principles simplifies the creation of scalable pages by
> providing reusable components and encourages consistency across environments by
> establishing recognizable visual elements, adhering to logical structural
> grids, and maintaining appropriate spacing across multiple platforms and screen
> sizes. MDL layout is extremely powerful and dynamic, allowing for great
> consistency in outward appearance and behavior while maintaining development
> flexibility and ease of use.
# Model & Actions
@docs Model, initState, Action, update
# Sub-components
@docs spacer, title, navigation, link
# View
@docs Mode, Config, config, view
# Setup
@docs setupSizeChangeSignal
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Maybe exposing (andThen, map)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Effects exposing (Effects)
import Window
import Material.Aux exposing (..)
import Material.Ripple as Ripple
import Material.Icon as Icon
{-| Setup signal for registering changes in display size. Use with StartApp
like so, supposing you have a `LayoutAction` encapsulating actions of the
inputs : List (Signal.Signal Action)
inputs =
[ Layout.setupSizeChangeSignal LayoutAction
setupSizeChangeSignal : (Action -> a) -> Signal a
setupSizeChangeSignal f =
|> ((>) 1024)
|> Signal.dropRepeats
|> (SmallScreen >> f)
type alias TabState =
{ titles : List String
, ripples : Dict String Ripple.Model
type alias State' =
{ tabs : TabState
, isSmallScreen : Bool
{-| Component private state. Construct with `initState`.
type State = S State'
s : Model -> State'
s model = case model.state of (S state) -> state
{-| Layout model. If your layout view has tabs, any tab with the same name as
`selectedTab` will be highlighted as selected; otherwise, `selectedTab` has no
significance. `isDrawerOpen` indicates whether the drawer, if the layout has
such, is open; otherwise, it has no significance. The `state` is the opaque
layout component state; use the function `initState` to construct it. (The names
of your tabs lives in this state; so you must use `initState` to set those
type alias Model =
{ selectedTab : String
, isDrawerOpen : Bool
, state : State
{-| Initialiser for Layout component state. Supply a list of tab titles
or the empty list if your layout should have no tabs. E.g.,
initState ["About", "Main", "Contact"]
initState : List String -> State
initState titles =
let ripples =
|> (\title -> (title, Ripple.model))
|> Dict.fromList
S { tabs =
{ titles = titles
, ripples = ripples
, isSmallScreen = False -- TODO
hasTabs : Model -> Bool
hasTabs model =
case (s model).tabs.titles of
[] -> False
[x] -> False -- MDL spec says tabs should come in at least pairs.
_ -> True
{-| Component actions.
Use `SwitchTab` to request a switch of tabs. Use `ToggleDrawer` to toggle the
opened/closed state of the drawer.
type Action
= SwitchTab String
| ToggleDrawer
-- Private
| SmallScreen Bool -- True means small screen
| ScrollTab Int
| Ripple String Ripple.Action
{-| Component update.
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
let (S state) = model.state in
case action of
SmallScreen isSmall ->
{ model
| state = S ({ state | isSmallScreen = isSmall })
, isDrawerOpen = not isSmall && model.isDrawerOpen
|> pure
SwitchTab tab ->
{ model | selectedTab = tab } |> pure
ToggleDrawer ->
{ model | isDrawerOpen = not model.isDrawerOpen } |> pure
Ripple tab action' ->
tabs = state.tabs
(state', effect) =
Dict.get tab tabs.ripples
|> (Ripple.update action')
|> (\(ripple', effect) ->
({ state
| tabs =
{ tabs
| ripples = Dict.insert tab ripple' tabs.ripples
}, (Ripple tab) effect))
|> Maybe.withDefault (pure state)
({ model | state = S state' }, effect)
ScrollTab tab ->
(model, Effects.none) -- TODO
{-| Push subsequent elements in header row or drawer column to the right/bottom.
spacer : Html
spacer = div [class "mdl-layout-spacer"] []
{-| Title in header row or drawer.
title : String -> Html
title t = span [class "mdl-layout__title"] [text t]
{-| Container for links.
navigation : List Html -> Html
navigation contents =
nav [class "mdl-navigation"] contents
{-| Link.
link : List Attribute -> List Html -> Html
link attrs contents =
a (class "mdl-navigation__link" :: attrs) contents
{-| Mode for the header.
- A `Standard` header casts shadow, is permanently affixed to the top of the screen.
- A `Seamed` header does not cast shadow, is permanently affixed to the top of the
- A `Scroll`'ing header scrolls with contents.
type Mode
= Standard
| Seamed
| Scroll
-- | Waterfall
{-| Layout view configuration. The header disappears on small devices unless
`fixedHeader` is true. The drawer opens and closes with user interactions
unless `fixedDrawer` is true, in which case it is permanently open on large
screens. Tabs scroll horisontally unless `fixedTabs` is true. Tabs have a
ripple-animation when clicked if `rippleTabs` is true. Finally, the header
respects `mode`
type alias Config =
{ fixedHeader : Bool
, fixedDrawer : Bool
, fixedTabs : Bool
, rippleTabs : Bool
, mode : Mode
{-| Default configuration of the layout: Fixed header, non-fixed drawer,
non-fixed tabs, tabs ripple, standard header behaviour.
config : Config
config =
{ fixedHeader = True
, fixedDrawer = False
, fixedTabs = False
, rippleTabs = True
, mode = Standard
type alias Addr = Signal.Address Action
tabsView : Addr -> Config -> Model -> Html
tabsView addr config model =
let chevron direction offset =
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout__tab-bar-button", True)
, ("mdl-layout__tab-bar-" ++ direction ++ "-button", True)
[ Icon.view ("chevron_" ++ direction) Icon.S
[onClick addr (ScrollTab offset)]
-- TODO: Scroll event
[ class "mdl-layout__tab-bar-container"]
[ chevron "left" -100
, div
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout__tab-bar", True)
, ("mdl-js-ripple-effect", config.rippleTabs)
, ("mds-js-ripple-effect--ignore-events", config.rippleTabs)
(let (S state) = model.state in
state.tabs.titles |> (\tab ->
filter a
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout__tab", True)
, ("is-active", tab == model.selectedTab)
, onClick addr (SwitchTab tab)
[ text tab |> Just
, if config.rippleTabs then
Dict.get tab state.tabs.ripples |> (
(Signal.forwardTo addr (Ripple tab))
[ class "mdl-layout__tab-ripple-container" ]
, chevron "right" 100
headerView : Config -> Model -> (Maybe Html, Maybe (List Html), Maybe Html) -> Html
headerView config model (drawerButton, row, tabs) =
filter Html.header
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout__header", True)
, ("is-casting-shadow", config.mode == Standard)
[ drawerButton
, row |> (div [ class "mdl-layout__header-row" ])
, tabs
visibilityClasses : Visibility -> List (String, Bool)
visibilityClasses v =
[ ("mdl-layout--large-screen-only", v == LargeScreenOnly)
, ("mdl-layout--small-screen-only", v == SmallScreenOnly)
drawerButton : Addr -> Html
drawerButton addr =
[ class "mdl-layout__drawer-button"
, onClick addr ToggleDrawer
[ Icon.i "menu" ]
obfuscator : Addr -> Model -> Html
obfuscator addr model =
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout__obfuscator", True)
, ("is-visible", model.isDrawerOpen)
, onClick addr ToggleDrawer
drawerView : Addr -> Model -> List Html -> Html
drawerView addr model elems =
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout__drawer", True)
, ("is-visible", model.isDrawerOpen)
type alias Content = (Maybe (List Html), Maybe (List Html))
{-| Main layout view. The `Content` argument contains the body
of the drawer and header (or `Nothing`). The final argument is
the contents of the main pane.
view : Addr -> Config -> Model -> Content -> List Html -> Html
view addr config model (drawer, header) main =
let (contentDrawerButton, headerDrawerButton) =
case (drawer, header, config.fixedHeader) of
(Just _, Just _, True) ->
-- Drawer with fixedHeader: Add the button to the header
(Nothing, Just <| drawerButton addr)
(Just _, _, _) ->
-- Drawer, no or non-fixed header: Add the button before contents.
(Just <| drawerButton addr, Nothing)
_ ->
-- No drawer: no button.
(Nothing, Nothing)
mode =
case config.mode of
Standard -> ""
Scroll -> "mdl-layout__header-scroll"
-- Waterfall -> "mdl-layout__header-waterfall"
Seamed -> "mdl-layout__header-seamed"
tabs =
if hasTabs model then
tabsView addr config model |> Just
[ class "mdl-layout__container" ]
[ filter div
[ classList
[ ("mdl-layout", True)
, ("is-upgraded", True)
, ("is-small-screen", let (S state) = model.state in state.isSmallScreen)
, ("has-drawer", drawer /= Nothing)
, ("has-tabs", hasTabs model)
, ("mdl-js-layout", True)
, ("mdl-layout--fixed-drawer", config.fixedDrawer && drawer /= Nothing)
, ("mdl-layout--fixed-header", config.fixedHeader && header /= Nothing)
, ("mdl-layout--fixed-tabs", config.fixedTabs && hasTabs model)
[ header |> (\_ -> headerView config model (headerDrawerButton, header, tabs))
, drawer |> (\_ -> obfuscator addr model)
, drawer |> (drawerView addr model)
, contentDrawerButton
, Just <| main' [ class "mdl-layout__content" ] main

Material/Ripple.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
module Material.Ripple where
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events
import Json.Decode as Json exposing ((:=), at)
import Effects exposing (Effects, tick, none)
import Material.Aux exposing (Rectangle, rectangleDecoder, effect)
type alias Metrics =
{ rect : Rectangle
, x : Float
, y : Float
type Animation
= Frame Int -- There is only 0 and 1.
| Inert
type alias Model =
{ animation : Animation
, metrics : Maybe Metrics
model : Model
model =
{ animation = Inert
, metrics = Nothing
type alias Geometry =
{ rect : Rectangle
, clientX : Maybe Float
, clientY : Maybe Float
, touchX : Maybe Float
, touchY : Maybe Float
geometryDecoder : Json.Decoder Geometry
geometryDecoder =
Json.object5 Geometry
(Json.maybe ("clientX" := Json.float))
(Json.maybe ("clientY" := Json.float))
(Json.maybe (at ["touches", "0", "clientX"] Json.float))
(Json.maybe (at ["touches", "0", "clientY"] Json.float))
computeMetrics : Geometry -> Metrics
computeMetrics g =
rect = g.rect
set x y = (x - rect.left, y -
(x,y) = case (g.clientX, g.clientY, g.touchX, g.touchY) of
(Just 0.0, Just 0.0, _, _) ->
(rect.width / 2.0, rect.height / 2.0)
(Just x, Just y, _, _) ->
set x y
(_, _, Just x, Just y) ->
set x y
_ ->
Debug.crash "Impossible value from geometryDecoder"
{ rect = rect
, x = x
, y = y
type Action
= Down Geometry
| Up
| Tick
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
Down geometry ->
{ model
| animation = Frame 0
, metrics = computeMetrics geometry |> Just
|> effect (tick <| \_ -> Tick)
Up ->
{ model
| animation = Inert
|> effect none
Tick ->
{ model
| animation = Frame 1
|> effect none
downOn : String -> Signal.Address Action -> Attribute
downOn name addr =
{ preventDefault = False
, stopPropagation = False
, withGeometry = True
(Down >> Signal.message addr)
upOn : String -> Signal.Address Action -> Attribute
upOn name addr =
(Json.succeed ())
((\_ -> Up) >> Signal.message addr)
styles : Metrics -> Int -> List (String, String)
styles m frame =
scale = if frame == 0 then "scale(0.0001, 0.0001)" else ""
toPx k = (toString (round k)) ++ "px"
offset = "translate(" ++ toPx m.x ++ ", " ++ toPx m.y ++ ")"
transformString = "translate(-50%, -50%) " ++ offset ++ scale
r = m.rect
rippleSize = sqrt (r.width * r.width + r.height * r.height) * 2 + 2 |> toPx
[ ("width", rippleSize)
, ("height", rippleSize)
, ("-webkit-transform", transformString)
, ("-ms-transform", transformString)
, ("transform", transformString)
view : Signal.Address Action -> List Attribute -> Model -> Html
view addr attrs model =
styling =
case (model.metrics, model.animation) of
(Just metrics, Frame frame) -> styles metrics frame
(Just metrics, Inert) -> styles metrics 1 -- Hack.
_ -> []
( downOn "mousedown" addr
:: downOn "touchstart" addr
:: upOn "mouseup" addr
:: upOn "mouseleave" addr
:: upOn "touchend" addr
:: upOn "blur" addr
:: attrs
[ span
[ classList
[ ("mdl-ripple", True)
, ("is-animating", model.animation /= Frame 0)
, ("is-visible", model.animation /= Inert)
, style styling

Material/Textfield.elm Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
module Material.Textfield where
{-| From the [Material Design Lite documentation](
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) text field component is an enhanced version of
> the standard HTML `<input type="text">` and `<input type="textarea">` elements.
> A text field consists of a horizontal line indicating where keyboard input
> can occur and, typically, text that clearly communicates the intended
> contents of the text field. The MDL text field component provides various
> types of text fields, and allows you to add both display and click effects.
> Text fields are a common feature of most user interfaces, regardless of a
> site's content or function. Their design and use is therefore an important
> factor in the overall user experience. See the text field component's
> [Material Design specifications page](
> for details.
> The enhanced text field component has a more vivid visual look than a standard
> text field, and may be initially or programmatically disabled. There are three
> main types of text fields in the text field component, each with its own basic
> coding requirements. The types are single-line, multi-line, and expandable.
This implementation provides only single-line.
# Configuration
@docs Kind, Label
# Component
@docs Action, Model, model, update, view
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (..)
import Material.Aux exposing (..)
{-| Label configuration. The `text` is the text of the label;
the label floats if `float` is True.
type alias Label =
{ text : String
, float : Bool
{-| Kind of textfield. Currently supports only single-line inputs.
type Kind
= SingleLine
| MultiLine (Maybe Int) -- Max no. of rows or no limit
-- TODO. Should prevent key event for ENTER
-- when number of rows exceeds maxrows argument to constructor:
MaterialTextfield.prototype.onKeyDown_ = function(event) {
var currentRowCount ='\n').length;
if (event.keyCode === 13) {
if (currentRowCount >= this.maxRows) {
{-| Model. The textfield is in its error-state if `error` is not `Nothing`.
The contents of the field is `value`.
type alias Model =
{ label : Maybe Label
, error : Maybe String
, kind : Kind
, isDisabled : Bool
, isFocused : Bool
, value : String
{-| Default model. No label, error, or value.
model : Model
model =
{ label = Nothing
, error = Nothing
, kind = SingleLine
, isDisabled = False
, isFocused = False
, value = ""
{-| Component actions. `Input` carries the new value of the field.
type Action
= Input String
| Blur
| Focus
{-| Component update.
update : Action -> Model -> Model
update action model =
case action of
Input str ->
{ model | value = str }
Blur ->
{ model | isFocused = False }
Focus ->
{ model | isFocused = True }
{-| Component view.
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
let hasFloat = model.label |> .float |> Maybe.withDefault False
hasError = model.error |> (always True) |> Maybe.withDefault False
filter div
[ classList
[ ("mdl-textfield", True)
, ("mdl-js-textfield", True)
, ("is-upgraded", True)
, ("mdl-textfield--floating-label", hasFloat)
, ("is-invalid", hasError)
, ("is-dirty", model.value /= "")
, ("is-focused", model.isFocused && not model.isDisabled)
, ("is-disabled", model.isDisabled)
[ Just <| input
[ class "mdl-textfield__input"
, style [ ("outline", "none") ]
, type' "text"
, disabled model.isDisabled
, value model.value
, Html.Events.on "input" targetValue (\s -> Signal.message addr (Input s))
, onBlur addr Blur
, onFocus addr Focus
, model.label |> (\l ->
label [class "mdl-textfield__label"] [text l.text])
, model.error |> (\e ->
span [class "mdl-textfield__error"] [text e])

elm-mdl-demo.html Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0">
<!-- MDL -->
<link href=',300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="" />
<!-- elm -->
<script src="built/elm.js"></script>
var isSmallScreenQuery = window.matchMedia('(max-width: 1024px)');
app = Elm.fullscreen(Elm.Main,
{ isSmallScreenSignal : isSmallScreenQuery.matches
/* Connect Material/isSmallScreenSignal. */
isSmallScreenQuery.addListener(function () {

elm-package.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
"version": "1.0.0",
"summary": "Material Design Lite port to Elm",
"repository": "",
"license": "BSD3",
"source-directories": [
"exposed-modules": [
"native-modules": true,
"dependencies": {
"elm-lang/core": "3.0.0 <= v < 4.0.0",
"evancz/elm-effects": "2.0.1 <= v < 3.0.0",
"evancz/elm-html": "4.0.2 <= v < 5.0.0",
"evancz/start-app": "2.0.2 <= v < 3.0.0"
"elm-version": "0.16.0 <= v < 0.17.0"