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synced 2024-12-18 03:00:11 +00:00
Added sans documentation
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4 changed files with 565 additions and 1 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
module Demo.Snackbar where
import Effects exposing (Effects, none)
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (class, style, key)
import Array exposing (Array)
import String
import Markdown
import Material.Snackbar as Snackbar
import Material.Button as Button exposing (Action(..))
import Material.Grid exposing (..)
import Material exposing (lift, lift')
type alias Model =
{ count : Int
, clicked : List Int
, snackbar : Snackbar.Model Action
, toastButton : Button.Model
, snackbarButton : Button.Model
model : Model
model =
{ count = 0
, clicked = []
, snackbar = Snackbar.model
, toastButton = Button.model True
, snackbarButton = Button.model True
type Action
= Undo Int
-- Components
| SnackbarAction (Snackbar.Action Action)
| ToastButtonAction Button.Action
| SnackbarButtonAction Button.Action
snackbar : Int -> Snackbar.Contents Action
snackbar k =
("Snackbar message #" ++ toString k)
(Undo k)
toast : Int -> Snackbar.Contents Action
toast k =
<| "Toast message #" ++ toString k
add : (Int -> Snackbar.Contents Action) -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
add f model =
(snackbar', effects) =
Snackbar.update (Snackbar.Add (f model.count)) model.snackbar
({ model
| snackbar = snackbar'
, count = model.count + 1
, clicked = model.count :: model.clicked
, Effects.map SnackbarAction effects)
update : Action -> Model -> (Model, Effects Action)
update action model =
case action of
SnackbarButtonAction Click ->
add snackbar model
ToastButtonAction Click ->
add toast model
Undo k ->
({ model
| clicked = List.filter ((/=) k) model.clicked
, none)
SnackbarAction (Snackbar.Action action')
-> update action' model
SnackbarAction action' -> lift .snackbar (\m x -> {m|snackbar =x}) SnackbarAction Snackbar.update action' model
ToastButtonAction action' -> lift .toastButton (\m x -> {m|toastButton =x}) ToastButtonAction Button.update action' model
SnackbarButtonAction action' -> lift .snackbarButton (\m x -> {m|snackbarButton=x}) SnackbarButtonAction Button.update action' model
-- This should be supported by the library somehow.
colors : Array String
colors =
[ "indigo"
, "blue"
, "light-blue"
, "cyan"
, "teal"
, "green"
, "light-green"
, "lime"
, "yellow"
, "amber"
, "orange"
, "brown"
, "blue-grey"
, "grey"
, "deep-orange"
, "red"
, "pink"
, "purple"
, "deep-purple"
] |> Array.fromList
clickView : Int -> Html
clickView k =
color =
Array.get ((k + 4) % Array.length colors) colors
|> Maybe.withDefault "blue"
[ [ "mdl-color--" ++ color
, "mdl-color-text--primary-contrast"
, "mdl-shadow--8dp"
] |> String.join " " |> class
, style
[ ("margin-right", "3ex")
, ("margin-bottom", "3ex")
, ("padding", "1.5ex")
, ("width", "4ex")
, ("border-radius", "2px")
, ("display", "inline-block")
, ("text-align", "center")
, key (toString k)
[ text <| toString k ]
view : Signal.Address Action -> Model -> Html
view addr model =
div []
[ intro
, grid
-- TODO. Buttons should be centered. Desperately need to be able
-- to add css/classes to top-level element of components (div
-- in grid, button in button, div in textfield etc.)
[ cell [ size All 2, size Phone 2, align Top ]
[ Button.raised
(Signal.forwardTo addr ToastButtonAction)
model.toastButton Button.Plain
[ text "Toast" ]
, cell [ size All 2, size Phone 2, align Top ]
[ Button.raised
(Signal.forwardTo addr SnackbarButtonAction)
[ text "Snackbar" ]
, cell
[ size Desktop 7, size Tablet 3, size Phone 12, align Top ]
(model.clicked |> List.reverse |> List.map clickView)
, Snackbar.view (Signal.forwardTo addr SnackbarAction) model.snackbar
introStyle : String
introStyle = """
blockquote:before { content: none; }
blockquote:after { content: none; }
blockquote {
border-left-style: solid;
border-width: 3px;
padding-left: 1.3ex;
border-color: rgb(255,82,82);
/* TODO: Really need a way to specify "secondary color" in
inline css.
introBody : Html
introBody = """
# Snackbars & toasts
From the
[Material Design Lite documentation](https://www.getmdl.io/components/index.html#snackbar-section).
> The Material Design Lite (MDL) __snackbar__ component is a container used to
> notify a user of an operation's status. It displays at the bottom of the
> screen. A snackbar may contain an action button to execute a command for the
> user. Actions should undo the committed action or retry it if it failed for
> example. Actions should not be to close the snackbar. By not providing an
> action, the snackbar becomes a __toast__ component.
#### See also
- [Demo source code](https://github.com/debois/elm-mdl/blob/master/examples/Demo/Snackbar.elm)
- [elm-mdl package documentation](http://package.elm-lang.org/packages/debois/elm-mdl/1.0.1/Material-Snackbar)
- [Material Design Specification](https://www.google.com/design/spec/components/snackbars-toasts.html)
- [Material Design Lite documentation](https://www.getmdl.io/components/index.html#snackbar-section).
#### Demo
""" |> Markdown.toHtml
intro : Html
intro =
div []
[ node "style" [] [ text introStyle ]
, introBody
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
<!-- MDL -->
<!-- MDL -->
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link href='https://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Roboto:400,300,500|Roboto+Mono|Roboto+Condensed:400,700&subset=latin,latin-ext' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://fonts.googleapis.com/icon?family=Material+Icons">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.1/material.teal-red.min.css" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://code.getmdl.io/1.1.2/material.teal-red.min.css" />
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
module Material.Color
( Color(..)
, cssName
) where
{-| Fixed Material Design Lite color palette.
@docs Color(..)
# Internals
These are used internally in the Material package and is likely not useful
to you.
@docs cssName : Color -> String
{-| Color palette.
type Color
= Indigo
| Blue
| LightBlue
| Cyan
| Teal
| Green
| LightGreen
| Lime
| Yellow
| Amber
| Orange
| Brown
| BlueGrey
| Grey
| DeepOrange
| Red
| Pink
| Purple
| DeepPurple
-- Not actual colors
| Primary
| Accent
{-| MDL CSS name of given color.
cssName : Color -> String
cssName color =
case color of
Indigo -> "indigo"
Blue -> "blue"
LightBlue -> "light-blue"
Cyan -> "cyan"
Teal -> "teal"
Green -> "green"
LightGreen -> "light-green"
Lime -> "lime"
Yellow -> "yellow"
Amber -> "amber"
Orange -> "orange"
Brown -> "brown"
BlueGrey -> "blue-grey"
Grey -> "grey"
DeepOrange -> "deep-orange"
Red -> "red"
Pink -> "pink"
Purple -> "purple"
DeepPurple -> "deep-purple"
Primary -> "primary"
Accent -> "accent"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,261 @@
module Material.Snackbar
( Contents, Model, model, toast, snackbar
, Action(Add, Action), update
, view
) where
{-| TODO
# Model
@ docs Contents, Model, model, toast, snackbar
# Action, Update
@docs Action, update
# View
@docs view
import Html exposing (..)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onClick)
import Effects exposing (Effects, none)
import Task
import Time exposing (Time)
import Maybe exposing (andThen)
import Material.Helpers exposing (mapFx, addFx)
{-| TODO
type alias Contents a =
{ message : String
, action : Maybe (String, a)
, timeout : Time
, fade : Time
{-| TODO
type alias Model a =
{ queue : List (Contents a)
, state : State a
, seq : Int
{-| TODO
model : Model a
model =
{ queue = []
, state = Inert
, seq = 0
{-| Generate default toast with given message.
Timeout is 2750ms, fade 250ms.
toast : String -> Contents a
toast message =
{ message = message
, action = Nothing
, timeout = 2750
, fade = 250
{-| Generate default snackbar with given message,
action-label, and action. Timeout is 2750ms, fade 250ms.
snackbar : String -> String -> a -> Contents a
snackbar message actionMessage action =
{ message = message
, action = Just (actionMessage, action)
, timeout = 2750
, fade = 250
type State a
= Inert
| Active (Contents a)
| Fading (Contents a)
type Transition
= Timeout
| Click
delay : Time -> a -> Effects a
delay t x =
Task.sleep t
|> (flip Task.andThen) (\_ -> Task.succeed x)
|> Effects.task
move : Transition -> Model a -> (Model a, Effects Transition)
move transition model =
case (model.state, transition) of
(Inert, Timeout) ->
tryDequeue model
(Active contents, _) ->
( { model | state = Fading contents }
, delay contents.fade Timeout
(Fading contents, Timeout) ->
( { model | state = Inert}
, Effects.tick (\_ -> Timeout)
_ ->
(model, none)
enqueue : Contents a -> Model a -> Model a
enqueue contents model =
{ model
| queue = List.append model.queue [contents]
tryDequeue : Model a -> (Model a, Effects Transition)
tryDequeue model =
case (model.state, model.queue) of
(Inert, c :: cs) ->
( { model
| state = Active c
, queue = cs
, seq = model.seq + 1
, delay c.timeout Timeout
_ ->
(model, none)
{-| TODO
type Action a
= Add (Contents a)
| Action a
| Move Int Transition
forwardClick : Transition -> Model a -> (Model a, Effects (Action a)) -> (Model a, Effects (Action a))
forwardClick transition model =
case (transition, model.state) of
(Click, Active contents) ->
|> Maybe.map (snd >> Action >> Task.succeed >> Effects.task >> addFx)
|> Maybe.withDefault (\x -> x)
_ ->
\x -> x
liftTransition : (Model a, Effects Transition) -> (Model a, Effects (Action a))
liftTransition (model, effect) =
(model, Effects.map (Move model.seq) effect)
{-| TODO
update : Action a -> Model a -> (Model a, Effects (Action a))
update action model =
case action of
Action _ ->
(model, none)
Add contents ->
enqueue contents model
|> tryDequeue
|> liftTransition
Move seq transition ->
if seq == model.seq then
move transition model
|> liftTransition
|> forwardClick transition model
(model, none)
contentsOf : Model a -> Maybe (Contents a)
contentsOf model =
case model.state of
Inert -> Nothing
Active contents -> Just contents
Fading contents -> Just contents
view : Signal.Address (Action a) -> Model a -> Html
view addr model =
active =
model.queue /= []
textBody =
contentsOf model
|> Maybe.map (\c -> [ text c.message ])
|> Maybe.withDefault []
(buttonBody, buttonHandler) =
contentsOf model
|> (flip Maybe.andThen .action)
|> Maybe.map (\(msg, action') ->
([ text msg ],
[ onClick addr (Move model.seq Click) ])
|> Maybe.withDefault ([], [])
isActive =
case model.state of
Inert -> False
Active _ -> True
Fading _ -> False
[ classList
[ ("mdl-js-snackbar", True)
, ("mdl-snackbar", True)
, ("mdl-snackbar--active", isActive)
-- , ariaHidden "true"
[ div
[ class "mdl-snackbar__text"
, button
( class "mdl-snackbar__action"
:: type' "button"
-- :: ariaHidden "true"
:: buttonHandler
Reference in a new issue